The Nexisl Plnniig Commiltee at their ecn meetinig weesatisfied wýith explnatoi Mosport who sog i te passinig of aila to aîlou SundayLl race aI the The salme request bais beni granted for a num ber of years hy tbe, former Tewnisbip) of Clreand it niow, appear-s thilt the new ewasl couni- \vdil folloxv Suit. Ini the mlter oftwnyfu bour ratcing- at the park Mr. lainin stated i nat it Ila d bappenled fin the past but thaý,t racing- was not Hoe prior to 1.3ý0 p.m. atnd that a0Il major ra(sIo nlot start prior fo this time, Mr. Kamin also stated thatý lmnospherieconiin I1adf caLused so)me coml'pints Mmes of the adfvýisory committee also alpproalche-d th sniato question to xxhicbi it wvas anwrdthat Moprtbd w,ýorked clIoseîy hl the are ("eïalth uinit and utbeside's adequateo porta- abký toilets onl the rounds there had bený addition of fhtsbl toilets fin the( inield wi th furîhel"r adtnsto camel' this year. Tew advisory commitue il-1-mpured ail q~s for' a written stàtýýenintfrmpo vical autoriiuesreadn saiitar conitiions to require iafý t trajck autL ihori ties we rk cIoýseyI wit th li e regi onl1 blhe unit. nthe mateof anlothner Strawberryý Fids the- Mos- < t reps sIa!,,d thati tby ad moral oli gat io t i o 1tb( mi.îiipalit and beore anyv thing of this nauewas cý-1rried out it wýould b)e brought beoecounicil. Counicillor yl cmet rAi that! wsoper'at inigbfr pol moved in anid sItarted to belly -ache aboutI the aes 0 - ONO wEEKLY TIMES, MARCH 20th, 1974 ,,_acing to continue at Mosport park opCobourgý 1,1ailltn and I happenings (AVE APPROVAL, FOR SUBDIVISION-The County School Board gave their app)roval to a proposed plan of sub-division by Jan O'Chonski for somne 34 lots in the north of tlie Village Of Orono. NO MORE li-OT'~Te termn 'Drop-out' is to be a thing of the past as far as the sehool board is concerned. It is being replaced with the phrase "Student Withdrawal" STHLL HAVE THIE SAND AND DIRT-The main street of Orono is stili covered xith its late winter coat of dirt and dust. 'arently the street cleaning equipmnent has not found its W~t Orono fromn Bowmnanville. TO MIAKE START ON NEW SCIIOOL - According to W.H. Carman the first sod is to be truend on March 25th for the new Clarke Elementary School. The new school is to accomniodate grades seven and eight in the area is being built next to the Clarke High School on lands now owned by the District Board of Education. ADISSENTING VOTE -Coun. Lyall is not adverse to pledging a dissenting vote and having it recorded. This week lie questioned the lease of a Buick for regional planning planner at $140.00 a month. It was stated however that this was cheaper than paying mileage and there should be some class in the department. IRISHI HOEDOWN - A country and western jamboree sponsored by the Newcastle recreation department Sunday will feature Murray Bradt of Lindsay at 2 p.m. in the Bowmanville Town Hall, EXPECT FINAL BUDGET ON MARCH 21t THE Northumberland and Necatl Bard of Educa- tion e'xpects to bave its budget for, the ,finalized iby\,March 2151. Thle drafto(f the budget \%ill be presented on Mfarch l9th with finalization on the 2l)st of 11wemonth. H ope Town, si ips \voted 1 amalgmate the our munllt icplitiles itila ppli Ca tion Par b Jue st anld \with amlgmation tIo talke e(ffeet as, of January iIst, 1975). H owcvqer, out-o thi 1](e eeinlg o l o e teny oun Cilors 14epu 1ty- reeve" Foster1,P,[ussell votd is ojcIo tolthevote beling takenl at this imle and stated ftat he bad ia present- ation to make in this matter in t he nea r future. Coun illor Emond spoke out the follow- inig day'\ that, beý(ing absent from t1he m-1eeting as was Reeve ( Gordlon Carruthers aloof Hamilton tfownship that it was not intended that tlle vote wvas to be taken at the meeting. The point~ of amalgamation must now corne before the four councils and the action 10 be taken will not be known for al, least two weeks. Represen tatîives from Co- bourg stated at the Tuesday meeting that they were pre- pared at that very time to approve amalgamation of the four centres. Reeve Howard Quantrill abstained from the vote but did say that tbey had to mnove aîong and that even though they did problenis would arise. After 28 y vears serving customners and friends fromi behind the saine couniter, Stan Bruton of Port Perry and formierîy of Orono, bas decid- ed to retire. With himn go thte nest wishes ot the com- munity although there is a certains sadness in the fact that Stan will no longer be the familiar face eveyone bas been so to seeing -in the store. Mr. and Mrs. Bruton came to Port Perry Mar. lst, 1946 Two orono residentsI committed for tria I Mak-e appoint- Dump report talIks ments to exDected library board The NORTHUMBERLAND and Necte Board of Eduication miade three ap- pointments to a new Library Boad fr the Town of Newcastle. 'lhle three former borsin Clarke, Newcastle and BIowmvanville are being amalgaimated wAih a new badto operate al] three (Continuect pageI¶) Re-,g ion begîns to fight the budget Tbe Regýfioiial Finaonce Conmmittee starteýd 10 cone to endeavo10set ý-hellher such applictions ere of aregon ainaur of bav iing oiy loa literest. The e'omlmitt(ee was tbm iiîgthough some thirty aipplications ragn rom a tewundrd dolars t o thoui- sad fdollars. W!en(t.ecomimittre broke for lunchtherehad bren aprva rom theco ite The ize of somne of the( gra 1t1sirangeIl,( frlom the I Durha'm JuiorAgicltr EtninProg-ram in Bo-w- mâvlleat$290, fo ialong debated$10000fo the obr McLughidGallerY :in1Osha- wa.1wheGaer had asked f or Duigthe comititee's exainaionoft he requesîs, soeofwich wr co paied wfibcommiientis fromi the oilsevcscommlittee a set ol poicies for rgoa grnswere used ais a guide. Tobe approed !ybych comiteagrant must be of a einal natre throuigh the breisorvicesof the ing rogamsor services of a v' ('reinot el igýible for regional Toegrouips sbould seeký- imancial asssiance fromr the A\lbough tihey ereiniclud- edl on Tbursda's granlt bugtagendfa, thre ere significant sumls whcb b statue, muILSt bo paid [hy the reigon uder proincial legis a1pplied against the region ini the, form iof lev ies fromour111 More thian haîf of thîs amontws levied hby th-e (Cotined page 4 ) this week The Waste MUanagemnent. Branch of the Ministry of the Enyvironm-ýent is expected to report this week on the suitability of the landfill proposai as made byý CP Rail for an area in th)e Township of Hlope Township. This report will govern, the Miinitry's decision as to whether or not to issue a certification of operation to CP Rail for the proposal. The llearing Board gaveý thei r approv al of the proposai but did iay down a number. of conditions. If CP receives the necess- ary certf ication they wil then hfave to approach Hope Tb-wýnsip for a rezoning of the area from- agriculture to extracetive industrial designa- tidn. If the TPowýs.hip should The tNo\, thu1mber1wiland L]and I )u rham C i( ounlIlty.\ Roarld o f F4du caIon 11has sucicui lbed ito the, xishcls of1the Minlisitry .ýof 1dcai on iand cbanged t1he subdued by board members no doubt due, to the fact that lte province will pay the cost ol 1hw change over of lnamie plats. tatonay ad other itmon which the old name is cntaied.Il appe-ars tblat ar1liothername tbalifntatsug- getdby the minlister %ould nlot caryte 100 percent of 11wcageovr refuse the request CP Rail, if it intends to follow-up on the proposai, WOUld make appli- cation for the rezoning to the Ontario Municipal Boardwh would then pass dlown a judgem-ent. Former Orono man seils drug store and have operated Bruton's Drug- Store from the same location since it was purchas- ed from Mrs. G. Morrision 28 years ago. Building the business mb oa regular pharmacy was one of Mr. Brutons first tasks when he arrived in. Port Perry. Prior to bis purchase of the store, Mrs. Morrison had operated the store afber husbands death, but not as a licençed drug store. During the years Mr. Bru- ton hias owned and operated the store hielhas made many changes to the interior and exterior of the store, and has created a very successful business. The business nlow owned by Mr. Jimi Lawrence, formerly wvith Jury & Loveil of Bow- manville, wi1l continue to operate under the familiar naine of Bruton's IDA Drug Store and Mr. Bruton will temporarily work one day a ,week until Mr. Lawrence is more familiar with the store. Four seek to amalgamate areas Money .A Denver, Colorado ilian ke Hampton, 41, and an Or)O nmn.DonalId Cleveland :tt aebeen remlanded in aneIn Oshawva Provincial cSt.rt. facing charges of pssso ofcoc'aie for Ithe purpose ol traffic-kinig. They ýare to appeari *saapr'ov incial court Maýrch 19 ýand eacb week followýing until a date ftor thleir- truiluias been Set(. MarleneDcko, 4of, Orono, Brian illr 0of Torotito )and Peter VMadson, 3"2 ol Vancouver, also charged xvith the March 2' offence, hIave beenremnde toap- pear i niOshuaa(court April 23 to fix a date for their trial. miemiber-Softhe w Toronto detacbmlet of tble Royal CaniadianMone Police and d(ul nfior-cement adm-Iinist- rati1on officers from the Unit- ed States >seized morUthn 17 ounCcs Of coçainle from a house on Cbur Ch StI., in Or-ono, tolwiga twoj-day invest- Ieat ion.