6 ORO\OIýNoFFh TIMES, MARCH 2th, 1974 Hiow t help chîildren develop Parents of children entering St. Mar's kindergarten this year were last night given a list of suggestions designied ta hielp the child's progress at schlool. Mirs. Hlelen Bronson, kmn- dergarten consultant frorn Peterborough, handed out a list of "ten cornrnandrnients" which included providing well balanced mieals and regular ours of sleep for the children. Parents were urged to give the children responsibilities at horne, rnaking them put, their toys away, hang up their clothes and do simple err- ands. Reading stories and poetry to children every day,_ espec- ially at bed'time, was import- ant and teaching nursery rhymes and helping thern to memorize thern would help their ability to learn. Children should be encour- aged to ask questions and parents should answer the questions thoughtfully. Mrs. Bronson said children should be taken on trips to farrns, c-ities, zoos, stores, airports, harbors and for rides on the subway. Experiences are necessatry for developrnent, she said. "There are sorne children in city areas who corne to school without knowing where ani egg cornes frorn or that rnilk 'l'le Countyý Board of Educ- cýation witheld thciîr approval for a subdivision in the Hrnptonareaj due to the fact that additional school ac- cornmodàtion is not now availabIë. PRIIG IS CLEAN UPSPIGSFIU The waishable mitt of th is poJpu]l O'Cedar dust mop may be remioved fromi the handie for ujse in hand dusting. I o rîelp win cîeanîng and painting this salfe, strong, ightwveight alUmlinuIM step Iadder is available in, a 5 foot I e ngth. Deluxe broad- loomi mat for heavy traffic areas 1 8"x 27" in assorted colo urs. For uIse 0on any [moP Or dust cloth, O'Cedar endusi picks Up duILst like a mlagnet and prevents dust from re-settling. 6 oz, pr-essurtized conitainier 9c First, for a perfect Iawvn, feed lit early, fertilize nowv. Buy a 50 lb. bag of So-Green 21-7.-7 premium fertilizer wvith a high nitrogen slow release formula. 1050u To give newv life to >*ýyour aluminum doorsý ai sient action ad- JUStable door dloser. An easy to inlstali push býutton Iatch that fits mrost alumýi-nm storm doors.24 SPRING IS GARDENING AGAIN 'Dueý to prevailing wvorld shortages of many . awmerascertain items contained haremn77 may flot be aivaiilable ta Dominion'Hardwvare from, the mianufacturers at the lime of this aidvtiseýment. To avoid any inconvenience, kindly check wvith your loc-jl Dominion Hardwarie dealJer istedbeo. Prices in this aidvertisemnt are ný effeet until March 28, 1 974 KEYS U L - - for th,-pice ofi Rolph Oropo, Ont. Hardiware T-qelephoue 983-5207 ýý -1 - - ý- : - - oEme