no change in executive com mittee What could be described as a mini-revoit in the Durham Region executive comimittee was toppled Wednesday, but members of that committee seemned almost assured they wili be granted more power when council considers its procedural byiaw. Two members of the execu- tive, Coun. Desmond Nwa (Whitby) and Coun. Jim Potticary (Oshawa)ý introduc- ed a motion that an October motion setting up an execu- tive commitee be rescinded. On the samne order paper, but not întroduced, was an- other motion by the samie two that an executive comrmittee be formed withi the chairmen of the four standing commit- tees be formied with the chairmen of the four standing commnittees and the two members of the police board. If both motions had succeeded neither man would have reappeared on the new com- mittee. Coun. Potticary toid counïcil it is timie the executive was aliowed more teeth. We would be a lot further ahead if the executive were given a littie more power. *se e e e (IFTS GIFTS GREETING CAItDS GIFT WR'AP MON --NT,,S- ,HU B FEI7:3 a. . -1) .j e VVEl 73- 6 p. mJ SA :W- :Opm e e e e e e e e e e e e * ORON, ONTARIO *. PHONE 983-5242 COUNSELLUNG SERVICE If you wanit te do somnething about your edbcation . .. you probably cati. Sec Your Adult Counsellor EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 to9 at the NEW BOWMAN VILLE 1116H SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free- confidential -and no appointment is ftecessary. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e The committee is made up of Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard, Brock Mayor Alan MePhiail, Scugog Mayor Law- rence Malcolm, Oshawa Aid. John Howden, and the two movers of the motion Mr. Newman is mayor of Whitby andi Mr. Potticary is mayor of O'shawa. " TUe fauit has been, if there is any fauit, that we have guarded ourselves so careful- iy and we have been afraid to trust our executive commnittee said Coun. Keith Ross (Osha- aw). The duties of an executive committee can be expanded as the year goes on, said Coun. Rickard (Newcastle). Council is just now proces- sing a procedurai byiaw which, as it deais with the executive comm-ittee, wouid aiiow that committee to deal with any matter that it feels shoulcl be brought before coun cil. The executive committee shouid not be composed of people who are loaded with other committees, said MIr. Rickard. This motion is pre- mature but before the year's end we should have a healthy discussion on ail committees and should assess what bas happened. 1 find it dîfficuit to under- stand why candidates for that tommittee stood for office two months ago and now want the entrie committee 'changed.., said- Coun. Ivan Hobbs, of Newcastle' This could be a step towards dissolving al commîttees. 4-H action day in Orono Foliowing a successful year in 1973, we are now looking, ahead to 1974. There have be en many suggestions from club meinlers, club leaders and other interested people, and from these ideas, we-hope to expand in 1974's program. A wider range of clubs and activities wiil be offered this year, s50 members imay part- icipate in new and challenging projects and activities. Those clubs whîch will remain unchanged for 1974 are as follows :Beef, Landscape Gar- dening, Rabbit, Sheep, Hope Caîf, Horse and Pony, Poul- try, Swine and Grain Clubs. The Dairy Club will be spiit into a Senior and Junior Club with separate executives, but meeting on the same night and same place. The Potato Club, Tractor Club and Maple Syrup Club may be offered, if there is sufficient interest. Four new clubs which wiii probabiy be Senior Clubs are the Farm Management Club. 'Conservation Club, Veterin- ary Club and Agro-Meteorol- ogy Club. Some of the activities that wili be carried on again this year are tZ 4-H Judging W,'orkshop, 4-H Judging Day, Achievement Day, Annual Awards Banquet, 4-H1 Picnic and 4-H and Junior Farmers Track Meet. Activities which have be-en suggested, and some of which inay be carried on this year, based again on mnember's interest, are as follows: Intercounty 4-11 Ex- change, 4-H Demnonstratiôn Competition, 4-H Family Ni- ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, MARCH 20th. 1974 - Hallrnoavations in jeopardy Etf orts b sav Victoriai Hall The group hais struggled for, 197,5 and19. n~~~~1 Ioor rei epad o \yars raising $1.5 million Wncdsvrlageah iecause1maliy people havethuh appeais to rebuild the donations to pay' vthe contract- suporfd te rstoatin %ith hal, )- oiring the restora tion, said ~ut))ored he rstoatin wih hll.John Taylor, head of the ,APPLE PRODUCERS EXPRESSION 0F OPINION The Honourable William A. Stewart, Minister of Agricul- ture and Food, announced today that he has accepted the recomimerndation of the Farm Products Marketing Board to obtain an expression of pro- ducer opinion on a proposai of the Ontario Apple Marketing Commission for a change in the method of coilecting producer license fees., 1 The Commission ,presently coliects fees, on a weight basis, of $0.14, $0.04 and $0.02 per hundreclweight for fresh, processing and juice appies respectively. The Comnùss- ion's proposai is for a license fee of $10 per acre of apple trees with provision for ex- emiption of new plantîngs under the age of seven years. Ail growers wiii aiso have a basic exempion from the first $25. of license fees. Baiioting wiii be conducted in April in Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food offices at polis Lo be announced. Ail growers who were subJect to license fees of $25 or more for any of the crop years, 1971, 1972, 1973 wili be entitied to ballot. Producers with existing planlings which wouid gener-. ate license fees of at ieast $25. when in full production, aftter making a deciaration to this effect, wili he entitled to ballot. ght and if possible, County 4-H Bus Trip. »As youcan see, many new ideas have been suggested, and it is up to you as potential members to let us know of your interest and sign Up for at least one project in 1974. The 4-H Orgai*zational D- ay. which this year we are caiiing, "An Action Day"*, is- to be heid at the Orono Public School, starting at 10:00 a.m. and concluding around 3:00 p.m. on March the 21st, 1974. society. People respondied with ple'dgcs amounittinilg to $100,000 hut thiese will ot bie due until We ha ve 60)(layvs left to raise themoey If we don't the work w-ill be stopped. Thought about the cost of prescript ions Iately. You could do something about it. Different b ronds of the same quality drug vary widely in price. Next timre, when you need a prescription, aisk this question, "Arn I getting t-he iowest cost drug according4 to PARCOST?" .PARCOST is a program that assures you of "Prescriptions At Reasonable COST" - use it! Your doctor and pharmacist know about it through the PARCOST Index of quality drugs. Think PARCOST -choose a participating pharmacy. PARTICIPATING PHARMIACY Ontario Hon. Frank S. Miller, Minister. - - - - - - - - - ý - - ---- - - The income tax help system and how to make àt work for you. As you knowv by nowv, we changed a lot of things last Second. If you're stil! conifused orsoi year. WVe gave you ane return, a new Guide, severat new doesnt seem to work, phone. The ni cIdeductions and a few new rutes. And quite honestly, we wvere own District Taxation Office is below more than a ittte concernied about your reaction to tl att. end of that number there are people whose orl (And very, very inferested in yôr opinions.) ftaxpayers with probtem-s, by tetephone. And on I Wett, now that we've had fime to reatty look back at tl Tuesdays phone mies are open 'tii 6 p.m. So do and assess it honestty, tl appears that mnost taxpayers did If you live outside the office area, cati the C not seem te find tl too difficult. The error rate did not ac- ask for Zenith 0-4000. She wili automaticalty ce I ceterate greatly or change drastically f rom former years. your own District Taxation Olffice. Remember,i Generalty, most taxpayers seemed to handte their new f ree, att questions are answered, -and if you hav returns fairly wvetl. want you to cal 1. However, Income Tax witt neyer be the easiest or most I enjoyabte fhing tin anyone's lite. And if wviII aiways present DO Third. Some people prefer te talk thin probtems in some areas, for some peopte. Thats expected I person. If you're one offthem and hav and understandable. drop by for f ree hetp. Anytime. The ac * So. What we want to do now is reaity work on those District Taxation Office is betow. problemn areas. And the besf way to do that is fo work with you, individuatly, on whatever part of income Tax that causes ~ Fourth. Write. To the address beiow.E I You difficulty. probiem as clearty as possible and rn And thaf s what April Aid s ail about. If s a hetp sysfem n formation. (And your return address, and ifs primary objective is fo ensure thiaf whenever or refurn, we'il answer al tetters as quickty and cl whafever youj need hetp with, you can gef if. And know how possible. Remember- if you need help, it's thei * o fget f.ý And al] you have to do is ask. And his s ho itAprit Aid. And hiçis hwxi The Inc1ome Tax hetp sysfem. GUIDE works: Lef's make if work for you. First. Your Guide is atways the I besf answer when you have a probtem. I Read if. Follow il. tlotc only gives explana- Te he . fions, but in m-any cases, examples of jusf vTo e how to figuire somnefhng out. w ec n e t Redo n e Canada ReenuC I al Ipô i ~ ~~~~~Rbell Stnnbu, îrser RbetStn New Federal Bldg., il Stafion Sftreet, Belleville, Lnt.K8N 2S3-962-8611i U -Î - - - - - Wwawam M M- Um- - -mMM -RMB -mmR- - - ometh ing jusf wmber of you r N and affthe ity job is fa help Dn Mondays and on't hesifafe. Ope rator and ý,onnect you to ait calîts are ive queries, we~ ýngs over in ie problems, ddress of your ,Exptain your iclude ait in- 3please.) In learly as ire. (And free). Canada p>stdatcUU piedges listcaof i contrîbuting cash. By the end of dune, the Sicyfor the Reý(storation of Victloria H1all will be broke. 1