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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Mar 1974, p. 2

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If each ward continues to plan separately, that will probably be their main themne "1competiion". This might be- eliminated if thinRs were dealt wîth wbooly, altbougb it isn't what the people want. The mayor also said he would like to know theý people's opinion on bow they Regional government is going to take a long time to get organized, but until it is, bits and pfieces of last years committees are just 'being asked to "bang in there." And as Coun. Lyaîl put if "If *we can just get over tbe hurnp of this y ear. " Maybe next year will be better? Letters to editor 2-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, MARCH '27th, 1974 PROPOSED DARLINGTON commended by the planning SUBDIVISION 'advisory committee to ap- A subdivision catering to prove the licensing. the average worlùng man 'This was however, against may be sprouting in the Twp. Coun. Lyall's wishes. He says of Darlington, if the planning "Gravel Pits don't make good board and counicil will ap- neighbors." But it was point- prove it. The location would ed out to him that you can't be west of the Scugog Road, make subdivisions without and prices would range from gravel. $28,000 to $40,000. It will be CLAR.XE HIGH SCHOOL made, up of 264 town bouses, NEWS both singles and standard About three weeks ago the and each will contain ît's owr music students organized an garage. A community swim- assembly to ma ke money for ming pool will also be built. band. uniforms. Mr. Earl This proposed subdivision if Bacher from Toronto per- built, would be sitting with formed for the- interestee approximately one-third of it students on his flute and was within the flood plain of that accompanied by Mr. Schoef- area. This may create a field on the piano. A fee of 25 problem. The matter was cents was charged at the door. tabled at the Planning Advis- The mnusic department made ory Committee meeting, be- approximately thirtydollars.l casue as Planning director The Girl's Senior Volleyball George Howden pointed out, team was defeated at the they are not allowed to C.O.S.S.A. tournament. How- approve it because of the new ever, they deserve great sewage treatment plant being credit for their efforts and' built. L.O.S.S.A. victory. The application will be held The hockey league consist- until the Ontario Water Re- ing of teams fromn the high sources Division, and the schools in the area is over for Ministry of Environment this year. The final game waE checks out the situation. played in Millbrook betweer Millbrook and Courtice. The LICENSING 0F PITS AND Courtice team were victorious QUARRIES with a score of 5-3. They were Within the Corporation of presented with the Clarke the Town of Newcastle, 17 Invitational trophy which was gravel pits or quarries have donated to the league by the been found to be operating members of the Orono Ma- without a license. This is sonic Lodge. The, league gave simply because they were not an opportunity to- boys that required by the previous wished to play hockey other townships. Now, 17 applicat- than in another organized ions have been received fromn league. It also promoted these gravel pits for a licensE scbool spirit and sportsman- to operate within the muni- sbip, and self control as any cipality. player that was caught fight- However, accordîng to Stu- ing was automatically ki cked art Thatcher, Pits and Quar- )ut of the league. ries Act Inspector, they still A group of twelve students don't need a license. Tbey and three chaperons arrived have been, and may continue 'back in Canada Sunday night to corne under legal non-con- from a trip to Paris, France. forming use. The trip was eight days in This applies only to existing Iength. The first part of their pits and if an application for a stay was dampened with main new pit was requested, Coun- but the last few days were cil may approve or disap- sunny and warm. Wbile they prove it. All 17 pits which were there tbey visited such requested licenses have met places as the Louve and Latin Pits and Quarries *Act re- Quarter in Paris, the Eiffel quiremnents, and co uncil Tower, the Chartres Cathedr- WKould be making tbem illegal aI, and, the Palance of if they did not approve the Versailles., They also bad a applications, tour of the Love Valley ýand Tt is written in the act that a some enjoyed a boat cruise on license may not be obtained the Seine' River. The spring unless the pit has been in flowers were in ,bloom wbich operation for at least two contrasts great 1 ji with1 our years, and it does stinulate a snowy weatber. Those who I tonage limit. spoke to enjoyed the trip A motion was made and thoroughly and wish to return carried that council be re- again. Carol Barnett Local organizations SHEL LEY LOUCKS The latest problem con- wouîd like it operated. cerning, our new form of He says he would like to see government, seemns tc be a recreation committee of deciding whether activities about 6-10 persons rule over should be deait witbi separate- the muünicipality, and to work ly within each ward, or if they conicurrantly with council. should be maintained at a Councillor Ken Lyaîl hopes regional level. that under the jurisdiction of In order to keep 'local council, each coni- loyalites within a comrmunity, will remain as a "sub-group"l, decisions sbould be made al This seems to be the most that. level. But can they be reasonable suggestion yet. made more efficiently at a Lyall referred to counillors higher form of government. it the regional level as trying If they were, it would at least o- build an empire. keep things under one roof,- If they succeed, they will be which is the whole purpose of iigotteidvda regional government. prngoutthe ifdividual Mavor Rickard. referring to munity. o ahcm spors acîvies wthinthe Therefore, if local commit- muncipality stated, "Wards teswrstupitoudb shoui fot b copetig, ut ne step towards keeping our complementing each other." ,ntu The Editor, Orono Weekly Times, Orono, Ontario, Dear Sir: It is interesting to consider from an editorial in yourl paper how the Durham Reg- ion's finance commnittee views the degree of regionalismn of various facilities. I was part- îcularly interested in the assessment of the McL,àugh- lin Art Gallery in Oshawa. I agree with you that it must be realized that this is the only gallerv of its kind in flurham. 1 personally b)enetit from its servic~es as do ail the students and teachers at Orono Public School. We are taking advant- ag e of their monthly exhibits available at any school that ,wishes to participate. At the beginning of each month., Mr. Moffatt calîs at the Gallery for a display of art work which we bang in the school. This lias been a. valuable experience and we have enjoyed a wide range of ar't: DRAWINGS, POSTERS WATER COLOURS, charcoal drawings and grap- hics, some'by the Old Masters others by contemiporarv ar- According to an interview with Councillor Kenneth "KEL", Lyaîl of Ward tbree in-the New Town of Newcastle over the week-end, tenders for the well pumping station nortb of the former village of Newcastle and related supply mains were opened in Toronto Tbursday. Now tbe interesting quest- ion arises, Mr. LyaîI said," and that is, under Regional Government, how is this work going to be pai for -- and who is going to do the paying?'" Mr. Lyall said that five tenders were opene.d at the Ministry of Environment of- fices .and the tender prices ranged from a high of $121,086 submitted by William Hoî l- ingsowrth and Sons Ltd., of Gormnley to a, Iow bid of $102,76 put in by Korsan Ltd., of Cobourg. ther tender s were $114,797 from Davidoff C onstruction of Peterborough; $106,977 from Tripp Construction Ltd., of Oshawa and $103,939 from Hadovic Construction Ltd., of Port Credit. The low bidder, Korsan Ltd, set a 40-week t ime schedule for the completion of the job. Next step will be for the consulting engineers, Kilbron Engineering Limited to, eval- uate the tenders and then recommiend one of them to the Ministry of the Environment. According to John Thiel of Kiborn Engineering Ltd., the ï Government takes about two months to make a final- decision and works should- start in about thrée months. Actual construction of the well pumpingstation sbouîd take about 6 weeks and about 2 weeks for the water- mains. Speaking -of financing the project Mr. Lyall said "The real ineresting factor con- cerning this water works enterprise wîll be the answers to the questions, how and who is going to pay for this project."' 1Contînuing Mr. Lyall stated that it was a fact that the planning and design for this well project was started durîng the term of office of the former Village of Newcastle Council. He then pointed out Section 56 of Bill 162, the Region of Durhamr Municipal- ity Act. This section of the Act states that witb respect to any agreements entered with by any municipality or local board thereof in the Regional area for the supply and distribution of water, the Regional Corporation -shal, on the first day of January ",The People Speak"# tists such as Harold Town. Anyone in the community is welcome, to drop in to enjoy the exhibits. An organization that supplies sucb a service must be considered a regional facility. Yours sincerely, Dorothy Robinson Dear Mr. Forrester: I thought there, might be a news item for you in the Fedc raI Government's recent an- nouncement of a grant under the New Horizons Programn to the Cartwright Senior Citizens of Blackstock. As you probably know, the New Horizons Program is to assist retired persons with projects to benefit themselves and their communities. 1The Cartwright Senior. Cit- izens applied for, and are to receive, a grant of $5,585.00. There are some 150 members in'the organization, and they will use the grant to expand and improve their quarters, inèluding the installation of a kitchen and recreation facilit- les. Yours very truly, Allan Lawrence, M.P. Northumberlan d-Durham BY SHELLEY LOUCKIS The topic of abortion bas )een someýat of a concern to nlost p arents, with eitber legal or moral implications. The question stili stands - should it or sbould it not be legalized? Now, people are in even more of an uproar, because of the Ontario Government's stand on letting sixteen year olds obtain a abortion withouf Varentai consein. i. 111wîîat. botbers them even more is the "go ahead" opinion of Wil- liam Davis, our so called "1peri»issive premier."~ When Mrs. Carl Sharp was asked 'for her opinion, she replied, "I think the govern- ment is out of their minds!". She says they would be pushing the kids to grow up too fast. But, she added there are two cases wbere abortion would be permissable. The first one is if the girl is raped. Then it is a necessity because you neyer know what the cbild will turn out to be like. The second exception if that wbere it is the choice of either the motber's or the child's life. However, it should be lef t up to the individual parent. .It would depend on wbetber or nôt the mother is wili ing to give up ber life for ber baby. If the geyernment is going' to make a law about sixteen year old's abortion, they stand in the place and stead of sucb municipality or local board for aIl purposes of any sucb agreement. Therefore, Mr. Lyall stated "Though the work was con- tracted by the former Village of Newcastle Council, it wouîd appear through Section 56 of Bill 162 that these waterworks will be a responsibility of the Regonal Governmnent of Dur- ham. In conclusion Mr. Lyall stated 'tbat he would be discussing these questions at the Regional Council level Wednesday. It becomes f ree as'soon as you or your spouse turn 65. For both of you and any eligibte dependents.' Provided you have iived in Ontario for the last year. Phone, write or visit your OHIP District Office for an.application form. You've earned it. Ministry 0f Heaith Ontario Hon. Frank S. Miller, minister. Important: Always quoteyour OHIP number when contacting OHIP. The OHIP District Office in your area will answer any questions and help you with your application. Hami lion Toronto 25, Main St. W. 2195 Yonge Si. 528-3481 <Egintôn) 482-1111 London Mississauga 227 Queens Ave, 55 City Centre Dr. 433-4561 275-2730 Sudbury Kingston 295 Bond St. 1055 Princess St. 675-9111 546-3811 Ottawa , 75 Abert St. 237-9100 Thunder Say 200 South Syndicatse-Ave. 623-5131 Windsor 1427 Ouellette Ave. 258-7560 LyaII questions "who wiIIpay good things 3en at 65!. Fre HelthInsrane.But you must apply for ît. should make it so that the decision is up to the girl's parents. Mrs. Ken Smith is also against this ridieulous act of the gôvernment. It isn't that, she is against abortion alto- gether it is just that a sixteen year old isn't emotionally equipped to make a decision as such. The arguable point is not, at this time, about abortion itself, but wbetber or not the government bas the right to interfere witb a decision that sbould be1 left up to the parents. Is the government sanct- ioning inurder? Up acmd dowt the bookstacks THURSDAY, MARCH 28th aduit Fischer-Spassky by Richard Roberts (the chess match of the century) Banco by jenri Charriere (further adventures of Papil- lon) Treasury of Atrocious Puns by Bennett Cerf Stroke, a Diary of Recovery by DOuglas Rtcie Like the Lion's, Tooth by Marjorie Kellogg (novel about problem childrén) The Plot Against Roger Rider by Julian Symons (suspense) JUNIOR Ostricb by Wallace Litwi-,, (photograph & text about the world's largest bird) The North American Wolf hy Mary Adrain (preservation of this maligned animal) k. A Museum of Ealy American Tools by Eric Sloane The Mystery of the Crimson Gbost by Phyllis A. Whitney. EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS The Circus by Brian Wild- smitb The Seal Who wanted to Ski by Donna Lugg Pape, Madeleine Hadey.

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