JUNIOR GARDENERS MIEETING (Continued fromn page 1) anything of interest that they i;ght see. For the younger ones, it was suggested that t hey could make drawings or cut picutres out of magazines or old seed catalogues. The covers of the folders are to be decorated and these wilI be judged later in the year. Signs of Spring as noticed by the children were Tu lip bulbs, showing, buds swelling, squirrels, many varieties of birds -- robins, cardinals, eveing grosbeaks, and one boy said he had seen a croN chasing an owl. Mr. Zeger: mentionied having seen red- wing blackbirds, crackles and other birds retuirn-ing from the south and also that they bat snowdrops out showing off their tiny white flowers. To show the children how to get more plants from just one Mrs. Zegers had cut one leaf from a Sansevieria or Snake plant, She put it in water, it formred roots and eventuaîl) another littîe plant grew. Everyone examined this clos- ely, then, the new plant was cut off and we are going to see if another plant v. tîl grow from this same leaf. Bill Tate THIS IS OZZIE,ED! 1E TAKING OVER YOUR OLD JOB WERE! iirs Garage TEXACÔ S£bâVIWE Mil St. North, Oromo phone 983-5130 RESTAURANT Hlghway 115 and 85 Smile south of Oroixo PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Specializing in Pizza - Meuss AloWeek-End Speclals took the leaf homne and is to report back on it's progress. Another plant, of the succu- lent family, had sonie of it's r evsplaced on damp soil and these grew tiny roots to )r f .orm more plants. Ellen ýs Winidatt was able to tell how to îe get more plants from an ýe African violet, by cutting off a e leaf and putting it in water or vermiculite until new roots ýd formed. In about a year you p had a new plant. Ellen was given this white African violet )f to-take home because she had 3,given such a good answer. ýe Slips of house plants wiIl be ,v given out at the next meeting S for the boys and girls to look 1-after so they can enter them d in a.class later on. Frank ZegYers showed the d chldren a black swallow-tail ýf butterfly which had emerged from a cocoon, in their home. SHe said it feeds on wild carrot e but as there is none at this ,f tîme of year they fed it clover e honey. They kept it for about it ten days and then it died. Pictures of some poisonous *plants were 'shown such as, -marsh marigold, diffenbach- sia, nightshade and the child- e ren were warned flot to eat vany kind of berrnes unless Bthey knew for sure what they were. Daffodil and byacinth bulbs are very poisonous and could be mistaken for onions. In April the Junior Garden- ers wiIl entertain the Senior Society by presenting a Flow- er Skit. Parts were assigned and given out to those who had 1 ines to learn. AlI the cbildren will be dressed as flowers and will sing. Each one was asked to namne a number unider 3ü. Tina Peeters gave 25 which was the one Mrs. Zegers had chosen, so Tina was given the newý Sansevieria plant. The niext meeting will be on April 9 $1 -MILLION FOR LAXNDBANKING IN N%EWCASTLE (Continued fro m page 1) thle whole municipality over a f'ive year period in Véry jgeneral. terms, said Cou. Ivan Hobbs, and is meant basically to give the Newcast- le. counicil spme idea wý,here it stands with respect, to future planning and costs. The two years 1974 and 1975 are the ones which have largest total budget allocat. ions for the municipality. ThE first is the year which includes money programmed for the new Hampton arena, another even million dollars, and the second is the land-- bank money. Mloney aîlocated for use duri ng the five years amounts to $1,560,000 during 1974, $1,490,000 duning 1975 $650,0OC during 1976, the same during 1977 and $955,000 during'1978. Most notable on the budget forecast are the numerous blank spotsunder those cate- gories-where enough informa, ation is flot available to make any accurate predictions, about the future growth in the new town. For example under the columnn given to bridge and culvert construction the years 1977 and 1978 are lef t without any explicit sums. This just means that thee are no works anticipated at thiis ime, for those categories said -Joseph F. Descent, are very general and mneant ti be flexible enough to accomn- modate plannfing efforts. Other blank spots in the budget frecast include build. ings for 1975) and 1976, and equipment for al years but 1976, and 1976 1977 and 1978 foi land purchases.' .Overaîl counil's biggesi note of pride in the budget h~ definitely the money set aside for landbanking, something which could seriously affect the future growth of Newcast le considering the skyrocket- ing price of homes in this areý of the province. TERMINATION OF LOCAL PARK BOARD the money comes from charg- ing admission and parking rates. If however, in the future it lappens that other works wili be getting finarncial support Orono should also. The board has been com- pletely made up of voluntary members, and of course, they have been taking ail the ',lame, and receiving ail the complaints if anything goeç wrong. To help get plans underwayi this year, the board will choose a head lîfeguard and advertise for pensons to work in the booth. FIRE TRUCK HERE BY SUMMNER The Newcastle.fire depart- ment hopes to have the new It's actually quite simple. Ail you do is accumulate fifteen demerit points and lose your licence for thirty days. Do it again and lose your licence for six months. In this province, it definitely pays a driver to score a big fat zero. Ontario's demerit point system is designed to convince the poor driver to drive properly. Drivers who do not improve are then taken from the road because they're a menace to pedestrians and to other drivers. But the systemn is not at ail unjust. It's aimed at telling the, driver where he's gone wrong and giving him plenty of time to. cor- rect bis falults. For instance. When you've accumnulated six points, you'll be notified and urged to improve your driving., When you've got nine, you'll prob- ably be asked to attend a private interview and re-do your driving test. At fifteen points, you'll lose your licence for thirty days and drop back to seven points. Cet fifteen again and you won't drive for six months. However, your record won't be waler taplker truck it so badly ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, MARCH 27th, 1974 -3 nees o nceae ýfctveby the summer time. Chief James llaymnnTlhurs- nervic to tnease effeiv We have the chassis for the day. The decpartmnent bas servce o te otlyiag rea, tuck al set to go, said Fire Wpaced an order for the tank @@REOMR ORTHE BESTMEATS 1IMTOWN FRESHI CUT- FAMILY PAK BACKS ON C'-hicken Leg Portions lb. 89e FRESH CUT FAMILY PAK BACKS ON Chieken Breast Portions lb. 89c TENDER JUICY - YOUNG Chicken Quarters '~FOR SUP OR JUST PLAIN PICKIN Chieken Wings "SCHNEIDERS" 6 OZ. LUNCH MEATS "SCHNEIDERS' Pork Loaf W Dressing Wieners L un cheo n Pick le & Pimento - "SCHNEIDERS Bologna Polish Loog Mac & Cheese - *Headcheese "SCHNEIDERS Chicken Loaf - Dutch Steakettes' 2-6 oz. pkg. for 89c -Pride of Canada" Boneless Smoked (Tender Tasty> Dinner Shoulders lb, $1.38 CORNISH'S- ORONO 983-~520i lb. 68c lb. 69e S- Red Hots 16 oz. 1b. 88C ýTASTY'" PS S ' 16 oz. l.$1.08 b.$1.19 indelibly marked. -If you drive for two years without a traffic con- viction youi~points are erased and y9pur siate is dlean. How Demerit Points Accumulate: m 1 - 3 oit Failing to remamn at scene of an accident (Highway 'flaffic Act). Careless dniving. Exceeding speed lîmît Racing. by 30 m. p. h. or more. Driver of bus failing to stop at unprotecied railway crossings. Exceeding the speed limit by 20 to 29 mp'.h. Faihýng 10 stop for school bus. l lowînig too closely. Exceeding speed limit Faiting to, obey direc- by Il t1019 m. p. h. tions o! police officer. Dniving through, around Failing 10 report an or under railway crossing accident 10 a police ban-ler. offîcer. Failing t0 yield night of Improper passîng. way, Crowdîng drivers Seat. Faitîng 10 obey a stop Wrong way on one-way sigo, signal tîght or street or hîghway. raîîway crossing signai. 2 ons Faîling Io lower headlamp beam. 1 improper opening o! ve',hi-l1e door. Prohîbîled turos. Towing of persons on toboggans, bicycles, skis, etc. prohibited. Faîlîng 10 obey sîgns other than those mentîoned aboya. Pedeýstrian cross-over. Faîlîng 10 share road. Improperrnght tom. Improper lefItom. Faîlînig t10signal, Unnecesr-ary slow dnivîng. 1 The whole point is to score nothing, keep your record dlean and drive happily ever after. ® Ministry of Transportation, &Communicaions Hon. John R. Rhodes ATO. McNab Ontarl C) MMnister Deputy Minister poÙi byn pou p erqron h oolose 1.- Flu John DeWITH Real Estate Limnited Rtealtor Bowmanville 623-3950 and 623-3111 For prompt, efficient service when buying or selling Contact: Gary Hancock Joe Barnoski Ross.Davidson