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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Mar 1974, p. 5

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Kehda1 news 'fie -,,'action week will go down ini the records as olle of flie coldest. many records Y rebroken. In fact this Monday morning it wa,,s 7 degrees below zero in Peter- bor'ough an;lld this is March 25t1hIv MJr, Gordon 'Morton hadl the misfortune tIo get caughlt in a coinve-vor beit when he %vas 1<ading harIcW, last week. Lt 7ton, bis clothes off above the - %aist and banged him) up a 1 THE Furniture Barn HWY. 115, NEWCASTLE BUDGET WISE --QUALITY WISE WE'RE TOUGH TO BEAT Good selection of Beverly Living Room Suites at sensible prices. Large selections of Rockers, Recliners in assorted colours. Also pale lamps and table lumps for thut extra toucb ta your home. OPEN 7 DAYS WEEKLY Phone 987-51e1 Cr 987-5161 W. HeIp Y.. Stuy Hoalthy Anhd Happy Whatever you need to keep in good shape .. medication, grooming aids, vitainn supplements, ... consuit us! STleUTleT'S P HARMACeY PHONE ORONO 983-5009 bit. He is home fromn hospital witb torr shoulder muscles. Mr-. D.11. Skerratt is in Oshaa Hospitat. Kevýin Th'lerteli, oldest son of Mir. and, Mlrs. Gary Therteil is also i Oshawa Hospital. We wish thesie people a sýpeedy recovery. Last Wednesday March 20Oth was rather a busy day for somne of the Kendai folks. The Kendal Institute ladies were entertained by the Newton- výille W.. to an afternoon of progressive Euchre followed by a social bour. The W. 0 f Welcome were also guests. In the evening a -number frorn Kenidai went to Kirby to see thie beautiful pictures on Ethiopia shown by Doctor and Mrs. T. Ham and, aiso the clever- handicraft of these people. They told of the great need of those people foi mnedical and spiritual help. They'N plan to return to Addis Ababa this summer. This was a ghrnpse into a wonderful land withi marvellous scenery. and very different customs even t he cattie are very unlike Ours. Mr. MIaurice Bradley took thie service on Sunday. He chose als his scripture reading Isa i ah 5l verses 1-7. "Hearken unto me ye that know righte- ousness," and St. John 1. v.-29-36. His subject was Religion or Jesus Christ. lie spoke- of the chapel. in the, Ufnited nations witb its "S;U- ence curtained' walls, and fl9wers". lie asked, "Is that eniought". Why is Jesus Christ necéssary? Jesus said, "No man comieth to thie father but by me." Fie spoke of the early Christians .who were "People of thewa" and thfe records and examiple tbey hiad left us. Thie chioir sang "Corne let us sîng, of a wonderfu]lqlove." Wýýe are glad to have so mnany children in attendance and now that the fine weather is ahèead we hope more aduits will corne. Mr. M. Colvin of Orono wili take theservices next Sunday. Amongthose who siipped on the, ice and brok e bones this winter we have Mrs. George iWinn of Orillia witb a broken wrist. Mrs. 'Julia Jackson bas jcomie from Oshawa Hospital to the, homie of bier daughter Philis, Mrs. Terry Price. TOWNSHIIP SPLIT ON AMALGAMATION The Townships of Hope and Hamilton have spiit their decision in the matter of amalgamnation with Hlarilton Hope, Port Hlope and Cobourg Hamiilton Township has supporteçi the move to arnalg- gamateý' whiie Hope Township has wý ithbeld its decision until miore information is avail- able. Both the Towns of Port Hope and Cobouirg hiave voted WHY PAY SVEU Un Prernum Quahity FUEL OIL We ulso do chimney Repuirs Building a Hlouse? or remodefing your present one? Then Contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 983-5049 Orono JACK RICARD REA LTOR 99 ]King St., E. BOWMIAN VILLE When Ruyinlg or Selling Cui] WILF HAWKE Vour Oronio Aiea Represenitutive 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board (IRONt) WEEK LY TIMES, -MARCH 27th, 1974.-5- Foster Russell absent from the meeting. The reeve, Carruthers voted neither for, or against the move. Hlope Towniship rejected the present amalgamnation by a voeof :i to 2 and no petition will be sentl from HIope to the Province seeking thie amnal- gamation. in f'avour of amalgamnation. 1Hamilton Tonsiow- ever voted in favour with one mnember opposing the move and wit h the deputv-reeve Oxféord BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCHM AHL Phone 983-56066 Specializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES Girls 8-14 years, plain and check knil- slums $5.98. Girls blue Jeans 7-14 years $5.50 Girls T. shirts White, yellow, pink and blue $4.25 Shipment Gaytown slacks in new spring colours. More Ladies and Girls blouses and tops to choose from. Papering a Room. There are many I sample books to choose from. We give prompt delÎvery. '74 'i I NOTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING 0F THE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION wiII be held in the Council Chambers of the Town of Bowmanville on Church Street on T UE S.,rAP RI'L'9t'h at 8:00 pan for the purpose of, 1. Hea ring Reports 2. Election of Dire-ors 3. Appointment of Auditors 4. Amendment's to isy-iaw With respect to proposed amendments to the By-laws, it should be noted that.copies of such amendments may be examined at the hospital between, the hours of 9: 00 a. m. and noon and 1: 30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on any day Monday thru Friday, beginninig March 25th, 1974. Amendments will* be in accordance with the requirements of the Public Hlospitals Act of Ontario, the M1anagement Regulat- ions there under and recommendations made to the- by the Minstry of Ileaith, ORONO UNITED CHURCHý PANCAKE DINNER SUNDAY, APRIL 7th 12: 30 -2: 00P. M. 4:00-6:00p.m. Main Hall Oronào United Church Pancakes, Fresh Maple Syrup, Sausages, Coffee Price - Adtits $2.00 Children 12 years antd under $ 1.00 A RMST RONG'S

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