6-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, MARCH 27th, 1974 ~9PO0RT Il WEST WINS OPENING RACE Aý1T KAWAR THA-Junior West won the openin g race at tbe Kawartha on Sunday driving an Orono borse owned by C. Peake. The win went to Hilltop Anders in a timeof 2.19. Hilltop Anders was followed by Tamnany Hall and Area Code. It was not until the fourth race that a local driver was able to enter the money. Gord Irwin placed tbird with Rutb's Daisy witb the race being won by Paintmix. Direct Topic placed second in the event. In the seventh Keith West finished in fourth place with Ja De Glasford. Irwin was seventb withJosedale Tina in the 8tb and Junior West dead last with Geisha Richelieu in the sixtb race. Jack Williams made bis first appearance of the year at the track and finished sixth with Farmstead Speedy- in the third race. Attendance numbered 1,183 with a total bet of $52,329.00. NEWCASTLE TOWN LEAGUE HOCKEY REPORT PARTNERS CHAMPIONS ON LATE GOAL BY ANDERSON Partner Plumbing stretched their unbeaten string to three games Sunday night by edging Elmbut-st Hotel 3-2 in the final Town League game played at the Newcastle Aiena. Hughie Little gave the pipebenders a 1-0 advantage at 4.30 of the second period, but Mike Doyle tied tih. score at 18.46 when he flipped the puck higb over the sboulder of goalle Wayne McRoberts. A superb effort by Rôti Slack put the hoteirnen back in front eariy in the third period, but a comeback from Bill McCuiiough tied t'xýe score at 7.25 on a centring pass from Kim Rogers. Brian Anderson must b. the happiest player in the league, he scored the winning goal on the short side of the net with only 38 seconds rernaining to play and giving Partners a 3-2 win, and also making them the '73-'74 'Town League Champions. Although Elmhurst Hotel won only the first of four games it was a tight series and 1 arn sure Partners agreé Elmhurst put in a -superb effort as two games were won by, a one goal margin and one by a two goal margin. STARS PICKED The. three stars pîcked were BillMctullough, Brian Anderson from Partners and Ron Siack of Elmhurst. COMMENTS With the close of the '73-'74 season the Newcastle Town League Hockey Association would like to thank the Sponsors and their Fans, ahl of who put in a great effort in making this season the best ever. We wouid like to congratulate Partniers Plumbing, Champions of the Newcastle Town League. NEWCASTLE MIDGETS WIN BOB BEST MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT-The Newcastle Midget team were the champions of the Bob5 BestMemorial Midget Tournament beld at the Orono 'Arena last Wednesday. Thé Newcastle Irlub first downed Orono by a 2-0 score and won the tournamnent by defeating Port Hope in the final round by a score of 8-2. Port Hope had advanced to the final round by defeating Grafton in the second game of thie tournament by a score of 6-2. Orono won the consolation by defeating Grafton 3-0 in the third gaine of the evening. Three Orono players ahl netted 2 goals each, Mike Maitland, John Nanninga and Myles BraiGLt. treg Gorham and Doug Black rounded out the scoring for Orono. EXHIBITION GAMES-The* first year Tykes played an exhibition game with Newcastle on Friday eveing and were defeated 4-0. Saturday night the Roast Beef Atoms were edged by a team fromn Bowmanviile. 2-1 with Kirk Carr scoring the single Orono taliy with assists toKen and Scott Prescott. PETER K(RUKKERT SPARK PLUG FOR PEEWEE HORNETS-Peter Krukkert scored three goals for the Orono PeeWee Hornets in a game of the final series with the Orono PeeWee Flyers when the Hornets carne up with a 5-4 win. John West and Jeff Nicholis completed the scoring for the Hornets. Joey Seneco scored two for the Fiyers with the other two goals shared by Ron Bambrîck and Ron Taisma. It is reported that the Orono Hornets won a PeeWee tournamnent in Graf ton on Sunday. DECIDING GAME FOR BANTAM CHAMPIONSHIP'TO BE. PLAYED ON FRIDAY AT ORONO-The final and deciding gamne to decide the league championship in the Bantam series will be piayed in Orono at 9.15 on Friday eveniiùg. At 'the present timne both the Orono Bantam Eagies and the Bewdiey Bantams hold two wins each. The game Friday will decide the champions,. In the iast twogames the Bewdley crew won one 3-2 with Rick Wiliams and Scott West scoring the two Orono goals, The Bagies turned the tables on Sunday and defeated Bewdiey by a score of 4-1. ORONO ARENA TO CLOSE MARCH 3g'sST-The Orono Arena xiii close its doors for the year on March 3lst putting another season of hockey and skating into the past. What lies in store for the arena under the new form of government bas yet to bedecided ut-one waor-ano-e- it wi1ii-i NewHaven entry who are currently in third place in their division of the league. VISITED MitILBROOK-The lst year Tykes visited Mill- brook on March 23 for a return mnatch with the gamne ending in a tie, ',-]. Orono's goal scored by Steven Merrick. Lake Scugog winter'fishing Unknown to many anglerr the waters of Lake Scugog have been open to winter anglîng of pickerel and percb for a number of years. t was not until this winter that fisherman in the area began UNITI] 01 " Rf Organiste Director DonS S UNDAY MAI Churcit Schooi Senior Dept. Morniag Worsli Monday - Bibli Discussion 8.00 P. in the Friendf Everyone v Reserve Sund. for the Annua Dinner, imme4 Chur, KIRBY UNITE Morning Worsli Churcb School Dial-A-Thoug MIOTIIERS INTO THIEAC- On. Saturiday March 30 at Il a-m. Final game of the season -, Challenge match betwveen 3ron3o lst year Tykes and. thei r imothers . to take advantage of this recreation. In early January only 2 ice huts were observed on the lake. As the fishing success increased more huts were observed spotting the ice surface until by the end of February 23 buts were count- ed. A creel census was con- ED ducted on Sunday February 24 ~DCHUIRCH by two Conservation Officers )ron Pasoralfrom the Lindsay office. The Iroo Pstoalofficers interviews - 100 ang- Charge -lers who angled 132 hours to achieve a catch of 22 yellow pickerel and 6 perch. They Minsf.er also had caught and released Bev. B. E. Long 1 largemouth bass and 1 B.TII, maskinonge as the season for these fish do flot open until & Choir June 29 and June 1 respect- glias Deweil ively. The size of the pickerel caught average ý2½ to 3 lbs. RCH 31, 1974 with the largest 91/2 lbs. Sorne fishermen reported a 12 lb. - 10.00 a.m, pickerel caught recently. The 9.50 a.m. pickerel season closes March ip - Il.15 a.m 31 on this lake and' on the same date ail huts must be le Study and removed from the ice. Group ut Recent wa rm weather bas ý.m. deteriorated the ice condit- lship Room ions and a six foot wide crack welcome bas developed down the of the lake. Extreme caution ay Aril7th should now be taken before al Pack travelling on the ice. Èiately after 'ch FDCHURCH ip -9. 45a.m. , - 11.00 a. m. ght 983-9151 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 amn. Hoîly Communion- First and Third Sundays Morning Frayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Btismb appointtment with Itector 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. Bob Yeomo.s>- Plumbing anI Heating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alteratioiis - Repairs Specializing ln Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work ItR 1', Orono 983-5624 Durha'm County Sales Aren.a ORONO, ONT, LIVESTOCK SALE Every Thursday Evening 7:30 p. m, SHEEP-CAITTLE HOGS- HORSES BUSINESS 983-9363 HOME: 623-4685 BILL NMOSLEY 14 GRANTS OK'D BY REGION 1Grant totaliing more than $28,000 have been -made to'14 organizations in the region by Durham Region council. Finance committee chair- man Coun. George Ashe (Pickering) expiained that it was bis committee's intention that these grants would ac- count for the total from this region, in other words, the municipalities witbin the re-i gion are considered to have made their grant through the region. Or, as one member of council put it, "we (the municipalities) gave at the office. Largest grant $10,000 went to Robert McLaughlin Gallery $6,000 went to Oshawa Ontario County Branch of Mentai' Health Association, $39,200 to the Salvation Army, $3,000 to, Oshawa Hostel Services, and $2,100 to -the CNIB. Provincial agricultural of- fices at Uxbridge and Bow- manvilie each received $500, ADULT COUNSELLING SERVICE If you want to do somnething about your edbcation.-..you, probably can. Stee Your Aduit Counselior EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7to9atthe NEW BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free - confidential.- and no appointrnent is necessary. the junior extension program at Bowmanvilie recèîved $290 and the samre programn at Uxbridge received $600. The Ontario Couty 4-H show received $27950. They granted, $600 to the Canadian Cancer Society, $500 to the Crippied Children's Centre, and $300 each to Durham 'Mutual Aid Fire Service and the Ontario Conference on Local Goverr ment. IR ORONO PARK BOARD .Requires Applications for 1.Head Lifeguard 2. Concessionaire for Booth Applications to be in the hands of Miss Aima Cuttel, Orono, Ont by April 8th, 1974 SOCCER The Newcastle Recreation Depa rtment wUll hold registrations for boys Soccer, starting on Monday April ist to April 22nd, Monday through Friday, from 8.30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. inite Reereation Office, 'Town Hall, Bowmanville. The age category is, 7 and under 14 years of uge, as of January ist of the current year. We hope to have enough registrations, so that ive may be abie to organize two or'three age level Ieagues. For further information, pieuse cuilthe it ecreation Office 623-3379., kAWARTHA' HOCKEY SCHOOL BOYS 7M6I KINSMVEN CIVIC ARENA PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO Chief Instructor, Roger Neilson, Coach, Peterborought Petes Assited by N.H.L., A.H.L. and Junior "A", Hockey Stars WEEKLY Sessions: July 8 - August 30, 1974 Further information and, application forms are available at your Local Arena or at the Recreation Office, City Hall, 500 George Street, Peterborough, Ontario or phone 742-7771-15. TOWN 0F NEWCASTLEI NO%*JTIC E Trake note that' as per Resolution passed by the Town Co uncil, DOG LICENCES maynow be purchaseat THE MUNICIPAL OFFICE, of the former Township of Clarke ini ORONO. Pleasebe sure to take the certificate verifying that any female dog has been spayed, with you. J.F. DESCENT TREASURER TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Orono Amateur Athletic Association Bo oster Banquet' and Danrce Sat, March 30 Elimination Draw for $100.00 Dinner at Orono United 'Church - 6.30 p.nm Draw, Dance and Cards at Oddfeli ow's Hall Tickets available from Association members or the Orono Arena. PROCEEDS'FOR MINOR SPORTS