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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Apr 1974, p. 4

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4-ORZONO WVEEKLY TIMES, APRIL 3rd, 1974 Durham Co-op in business 25 years Tne tnougnt was expres- Chatterton Electric ORONO. ONTARIO Phone 983-55463 *or 983-5940 Orono Building Contractor Brick - Bioek - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors -Tule 983-5441 Orono1 sed by the laIe J. Mellur aI Anlioch Hume and School Club Ibal a Co-op should be formed lhrough the Durham Federation of Agriculture-. Su the Durham Farmers' County Cu-o.p is a brain child of the Durham Feder- aiiun of Agriculture which, bas lived beyond every hope visîoned for ini the planning year of 1947. It was on June 24th 1947 tbat the fîrst organized meeting was held at whî ch a, motion was passed 10 form a Board of Direciors. This meeting was held in Sbaw's School House. On August Ist, 1947 a: permanent Board of Direc- tors were eiected and these were Chas. Osborne, C.J. Aluin, Ralph Glaspé1l, Les Coombes, Russell Osborne, Ciare Allun, Juhn ,Stone, Wmi. Bickle, and 'Robert Moffat. Fmom Ibhis siate the Board elecied their own officers wýitb the resuil that Clame Alliai was elected Presideni, Chas. Osborne 151 Vice and Ralphi Glaspeli 2nd vice. The laie J.,J. iMellor was appoinied Se- cretary for the board and be was also secreta ryv o f Ibe Durhamn. Fedemalion of Agriculture. Much planning and manyv meetings weme hield pmior 10o AugustI sI before the final arrangmenis \were coin- pleied and farmers sold on the idea of running and -the DurIo Now you Canejoythe>-, xur. of soft wateor with this beautifuli modiem watem softener from Duro of Canada. No pipes or tanks on view. No leaks, no drips. You an dyourý famnily wll be deliglited at the dif ferenoe sof t water makes. It can cut your laun- dry bisi haif. You can use pure soap instead of harsh , polituting detergenits. Soft water rinses compleiely clean, leaving no grubby rings on balhs and basins. Clothes, pantihose, towels, diapers stay softer, last longer with soft, water washing. Soft water is kind to hands, gentie on tender skin, wonderful for hair washing. Cali your Duro plum ber today for a -free labo- ra tory analysis of a sample ofyour water. Harviey"Pa rtne rL Fhoe 83-2O ownig their own feeci mil. On December 241h, 1047 aI a meeting of the direct- ors an agreemnent -,f pUr- chase was submitted for their approval. This led to the purchase of the miii in Oruno ihen owned by Cecil Lockwood. However, be- fore ' hîs purchase was made, other milis were considered and these in- ciuded Bowmanville, Mill- ing Co., and 'the miii in Leskard. Favour wenttlu the Orono miii and il was purcbased and the co-op took over the -4irst of January 1948. The first few years were lean and strenuous for the Co-op. In 1950 they were faced wîth a $7000 mort- gage -and a $17,000 bank boan. However, the next three years put the Co-op on their feet and tbey paid off the bank boan and the mortgage. In February of 1953,ai the annual meeting of the Co-op they burnt the -mortgage and advanced lu, greater prospemity. 11 Sin AMarch of 1954, they took another step and paid their isi patronage divid- ends and have continued 10 paY dividends since that lime. Af 1er the year 1956 the manager pointled out to the annual mneeting thlat the Co op had paid oui $10,000 ini Patroniage dividends and had a bankl balance of $34,000. Sales had increased from $150,000 in 1950 to $250,000 iii 1956. During the year 1956, the direciors of flhe Co-op began to see the need of furîher facilities and stor- age space for grain and feeds. It was thought un- Sound 10 add to the old miii and thus the direction of thought was pointed 10 a new miii on a new location. The directors asked for the support and backing of ils members aI the annual meeting field early in 1957. This was tended 10 the directors and haste was dispatched in making the final plans 10 ereci a new miii and warehouse. The esuit is now evident at the north of the Village of Oronio near. the intersection of Counnes development road and Hlighway 115. Mem bers of the Co-op and other inteested persons hiave subscribed memaber boans for ils erection. to an amouni of -$15.00o. The Board wihin 1956 saw the need for expansion was headed by John Stone as Peiet Alvin Biewett ist Vice, RA. Moffai sec- etary and directors Ever- eht Brown, Percy :Werry, Bruce Tink, Camlos Tamb- lyn, John Holmes, Braie Bryson and Glenn Pickell. The board for- yeam 1957 was again headed by John Stone, Carlos Tamblyn 151 vice, Alvin Blewtt secret- ary and directors Percy Werry, Bruce Tink, John Holmes, Emnie Bryson Glen Pickell, Orme- Falls and John Knox., Members of Staff includ- ed Mr. Ernie Spry who was with the Co-op since ils beginning. Mr. Spry was appointed manager of the Co-op in July 1950. Also included on Staff were Don May now return to high school For a long lime one of the major weaknesses of our Educationai System in Ont- ario has been ithe fact thai a studeni who "dropped oui" of scbool for any eason, founid it almosi impossible lu drop back in again. The Ministry of Educalioi Directive 1973 - 74:18 bas changed ail thai. This Direct- ive will benefit mature stu- dents wbo have wiihdrawn. from school for a period of aI, least one year. It states thaiý on the basis of age and lenglh of time out of school, - maturity allowance may bE given 10 a maximum of il, credits. This provision may be given lu a maximum of 12 credits. This provision re- cognizes thai experience in the aduit world can produce competence and understand- îng equivalent for some pur- poses, and to varying degrees 10 what migbt have been gained through formai edu- cation. What exaclly could Ibis mean 10 the average person who lefI schooi early? Lei's take two examiples: 1. Suppose a person had lefi school afler successful comn- pletion of' grade 9. Hie ould be given seven credits for wvork comipleted and if fie quaflified for the 12 possible credits alowable, he could take eighit credits during une year at Clarke FHigh School and qualif'y for a High School Graduation Dipfloma. 2. Suppose the person had left schiool afier successful At the I9th annual mneet- ing in March 151hi, 1967 the mortgage hav ing been paid off on the new miii was burnt with a smnall cere- mony. In the year 1969 Erm Spry indicated that hie wvould like( to retire and so Angus Loucks wvas appoint- ed manager by the board of direciors starting Jan. Ii, 1970. As the store part of the Co-op M'as too) smali an addition wvas added in 1970 at a cost of $10,000. In 1973 an aiddition was added to the warehjouse at a cosi of around $20,000. So thec business of Co-op luas grown to show sales of $643,703.00 nin1973 wi savings of $5540 beforeý *patronage relurns. 0 MýEITO (INN! GFTSRi 0 Nieslcino &% A * GiFTS * ONO, ONTARIO HONAE a9i3CANDY -ompletion of grade 10. lie woulId be given 14 credits for work comnpleted, and if' he qualified for nine additional credils, he could take four credils on a half-day basis during -one year ati Clàrke Hligh School and qualify for a High School Graduation Dip- loma. Thus il can be seen Ihal il is virtually possible for anyune 10 cumplele iheir High Schoi Diploma Requirements if lhey sincerely desire tu do su. The only restriction is that in nu case will a mature student be' awarded a Secondary School 'Graduation Diploma withoul cumpleting aI leasl four addiiional credits in courses cusiumarily taken by 1>.II )IU*C(ISION 'Pe S(hool Board ait heir 111eqtfi ng jý ai wevk (d4erred ilny actioh, on pa.ssing a mo'tion that thy efer for- anj indefinite lime 1h e proposed Cobourg-Hamilton Senior Ele- meniary School. ln May of 1973 the Board set aside any decision unt 'il May of 1974. The Board is now 10 review enrolment figures in the area. studenis in Ibeir third uf fourlh yeams of the secundary scbool, in wbich he seeks enrolment. If you are interested in researching ibis opporlunily, further, please telephone Clarke High Scbool, 987-4842, and arrange an interview. E. Wilberspoon Principal, I STUTT'S PHARMACY PHONE ORONO 98S3-5009 DX SERVICE STATIONI Hlighiway '.5 and 15 just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Productqs At the Most Reasoniable Prices - ~Stove 011 U Diesel 011 Available in any quantt l ~Phone 987-4215 -7 M.,

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