4-ORONO WVEEKLY TIMES, APRIL 1th, 1974 Canadians Are A Nomadie Society The trend towards decent- the point where Canadians ralization of industry and are the most nomadic society commer-ce bas accelerated to onl earth, according to local CANADA DE PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Heaith of Animais Division FR EE, Notice to a Il Doçi and Caf Owners of Free Anti-Rabies Vaccination Clinics Anti-rahies vaccination clinies for ail dogs and cats will be heid at the times and places listed below. This service is offered free of charge by the above division, Canada Department of Agriculture in co-operation with municipal councils, the Medical Officer of Health and ail owners are urged to present their dogs and cats for vaccination. April 22 Hampton Township Garage 10-12 a.m. Blackstock Recreation Centre 2-5 p.m. AprdL24 Orono Hydro Garage 10-14 p.m. April 25 Manvers Twp. Garage 10-14 p.m. Highway 35 and 7A April 29 Canton, Col. Giies Fire Hall 10-12 a.m. Milbrook Old Fire Hall 3-7 p.m. May 1 Port Hope Old Legion Hall 2-8 P. M. Yonge St. May 2 Newtonville Community Hall 10-12 a.m. Newcastle Community Hall' 2-5 p. m. May 6 Bowmanviiie Works Garage 1-8 P. M. NOTE: Any of the above clinics may be attended. Dogs shouid bc on a leash and accompanied byan aduit. Cats shouid be brought in sacks. Ail dogs shouid be 'presented'if not vaccinated within the past 6 months. These clinics are not connected with dog licencing. Pmur Quaty Préd*ct At the Most Reas6nabLxo Prices Stove 0110 Di1esel 011 Available ini any qdaW#*y Phone 9874215 -theDur. ly Now you can enjoy the luxury of soft water with ti-us beautiful modern water sottener from Duro of Canada. No pipes or tanks on vew. No leaks, no drips. You andi your f anily wiIl be delighted at the duf- ferenoe sof t water niakes. Tt can, cut _vour laun- dry bis in haif. You can use pure soap instead of harsh, polluting detergents. Soft water rinses comipletely cdean, leaving no grubby rings on baths and basins. Clothes, pantihose, towels, dJapers stay softer, lastlonger with soft water washing. Soit water is kind to bands, gentle on tender skin, woniderfui for hair washing. Cali your Duro plum ber today for a free labo- ra tory analysis of a sample ofyour water. real estate broker W. Frank Real Estate Limited. The mobility rate, as indi- cated by Family Allowance Statistics, is just over 25 percent. If the general tend- ency continues, a few years hence Canadian familles will be moving once every three years. "Last year approximately 21,777 bouseholds were relo- cated from one city to another -inter-city moves. Althougb close to 750,000 families chan- ged their places of residence, the vast majority moved intra-provincially, or from one part of one city to another section of the same city,"1 sa id a 'spokesman- for W. Frank Real Estate Limited. "An examination of the components of what bas become known in the industry as the corporate transfer business indicates fairiy evid- ently tba-t being moved bas become almost a way of life for certain occupational groups. In fact our own experience would seem to show -that the number of bousebold relocations is even- ly split between goverment departments and, agencies and private business, with the vast majority of ail transfers of senior civil servants and executives being employed in public administration and defence, transportation, corn- munication and other utilîties, and finance, insurance and real estate.'" t is interesting to note the year to year change in the patterns of flow from city to city, in the accompanying tables. A survey of city to city or long distance moves by Coast 1to Coast Real Estate Service reveals that over balf the trips originate in Toronto, Mont- real or- Ottawa, witb .20 percent accounted for bIy Winnipeg, Calgary,, Edmon- ton, Vancouver and 10 percent by Halifax and Quebec. The balance of the long distance transfer business obviously runs between the other major urban areas of Hamilton, Regina, Saskatoon and Vict- oria. Altbougb figures are round- ed for simplicity, the accom-, panying tables provide a reasonably accurate portray- a] of the true picure of intercity employee t1ransfers in 1972 and 1973. Coast to Coast Real Estate Service is an association of over 100 leadinig Realtors in 187 offices across Canada. An important observation which sbould be made by personnel managers and oth- er relocation decision maikers- is that the employee transfer market bas undergone a transition in three distinct stages. -First, the tLask of selling a bouse in the economnic slow- down of 1969 and 1970 was a source of anxiety and distract ion to a transferred employee because of bis fear that bis bouse would bave to be sold at a serious financial loss. Contractor Brick - Block- Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Second, a different worry prevailed in .1971 and 1972 existing in the fact that a relocated employee once hav- ing disposed of his home in a "buyers" market would have to pay considerably more _- nmaybe twice as mucb - for a similar standard of accom- modation in a "sellers" mar- ket in another city. Third, today's biggest pro- blem in administering com- pany paid assistance to trans- ferred employees is to assure a complete transfer plan foi the family encompassing everytbing from moving ex- penses to assistance in real estate matters; a package guaranteeing a sale or sublet, paying off ail or part of the rent due under an unexpired lease; belping a transferred empioyee dispose of his bouse i protection against loss of selling a bouse and belp in buying a bouse. In a word - service. The disparity in bouse prices between major urban areas across Caniada is rapid- iy narrowing. Whereas a W4~ years ago there was a wide variance in bouse prices in Montreal, Toronto and Van- couver, as much as 60 percent between Montreal and Tor- onto and 25 percent between Toronto and Vancouver, in littie time tbis spread will bave declined to something less tban 10 percent from city to city. Toronto and Vancouv- er prices bave increased 20 to 25 percent in the last year. Montreal residential values have jumped 10 percent in the last year and will likely show a 20 percent hike in 1974. Tbe opportunity stili exists in Montreal for the average family to own a home. Altbough Toronto anci Van- couver bouse prices now average $38,000 to $415,000 a $25,000 home on a 6,000 square foot lot is still attainablè in the Montreal area. t is important for those responsible for the welfare of their employees to retain the most competent advice avail- able. t is essential that. real estate relocation specialists be. brought into the mving scheme at the earliest date. A national network of associat- ed real estate brokers or a chain of offices in one company, or botb, is consid- ered imperative if the trans- ferred employee is to receive the most objective advice and service from experts wbo have an intimate knowledge of their local markets. The ideal is to assist a family to transfer to a new job and a new home in a new city witb a minimum loss of time and money for employer and employee. Success in. trans- ferring employees depends upon simplifying, facilitatiig and co-ordinating the moves of very important people. Chatterton E lectric ORONO, ONTWR Phone 93-9i audu4m MAPLE ,SYRUP I, Once again, this' M%ýillbrook Lions Clu operation with Mr. Kennedy of Miilbro<l holding their annual Festival and Mapl Demonstration, at Kennedy's sugar hi proximately 2 miles Millbrook. The dates annual event are: 5 and Sunday, April, 2lst. Any school groui ""Sl' VA th ntr -tdganizations who would like to make a tour year the of the sugar bush and observe ub in co- how miaple syrup and other %Russell maple sap products are made, )k will be should get in toucb wîtb Mr. 1Pancake Kennedy and finid out wben le Syrup they mnight visit bis operation. Russell During the two day Paneake usb, ap- Fesitval, there will f- l .soutb of opportllnity for visitot o ýs for this observe the making of maple Saturday syrup, as weli as partake of 2tb a nd pancakes covered in fresh Ips or any mnapie-syrup from the years CAREERS IN AGRICULTURE If you would enjoy worldng with livestock, crops or mnachinery make Agriculture VOUR CAREER. There is -an opportunity open on an up-to-date Ontario farm for every successful gradimte of a 10 week skil imiproving, orientation course in agricidtwýe, starting Miay 6, 1974, ut the Kemptville College of Agrieultural Technology. Agriculture bas become a highly mechanized industry requiring, intelligent, skillful operators. Its growing importance enables it to pay salaries and provide fringe benefits equal to other industries with additional benefits only available in the country. Previous experience may be an advantage. For further information and application forms contact D.A. KNAPP, RURAL DEVELOPMiENT OFFICER A.R.D.A. BRANCH, ONTARIO MINISTRY 0F AGRICULTURE & FOOD BOX 2004, KEIMPTVILLE, ONTARTO KOG iJO TeleDhone (613) 258-3411 Extension 281. SAVE SAVE VINYL LINER POO 0L KI1T S AT DISCOUNT PRICES IN GROUND AND ABOVE GROUIND 16 Shapes and many more sizes to chose from R.R.2ORONO Phone 983&-5494 <'-'0O POPADICH ~yOUR LOCAL CONVE~RTIBLE POOL DEALE