Kendal news The second week in April each year the "Jack Miner bird sanctuary" is open te the rnotoring public. The wild geese are expected bo arrive there and be fed in the day time. At night a noise is madie ehat sends them back to Lake Yie to spend the night. Then ý-hey reburn te eat cern the next day. We saw one flock bravely flying north lasI week but they must have received a cold reception as itlihas been very cold since and the northern lakes are stili cover- ed with ice. Last Wednesday April 3, Mrs. R.E. ElliobI, Miss C.W. Stewart, and Mrs. G. Cathcart attended the Annual meeting of the Oshawa Presbyterial in Norbhminster United Church Oshawa. There were about three hundred ladies present. The guest speaker was Dr. Geo. Morrison secretary of the General Coundil. On Thursday April 4, the U.C.W. of Kendal United Church met at the home of Mrs. G. Cathcart. The meet- ing was opened by the singing of "There is a green hili far away", and an Easter prayer by the president Mrs. A. Downes. The minutes were read and approved. Moved by Miss C. Stewart, sec. by Mrs. R. Elliott, that our annual salad supper be held June 26. Carried. Moved by Mrs. T. Stevens sec. by Mrs. J. Carscadden that a Pot Luck dinner be held May 5, af er the mnorning service to welcomne our new minister and his wife, carried. t was also unanimous that the four men who have served us so well since January the first be given a specail invitation to this dinner. The worship service was planned by Mrs. A. Low but she \ýas called away to the city that morning te care for her mother. So each lady took a part and it proved to be most interesting. Then Miss C. Stewart told of the meeting at, Kingsview United Church on March 13. Our Sunday School anniver- sary is to be held the first Sunday in June at 11:15 a.m. Lunch was _provided by Mrs. A. Downes. The nextý meeting to be at the homne of Mss C. Stewart May the first. Mrs. Ralph Geach is a patient in Bowmianville Hos- pital. We are glad to report that Mrs. Julia Jackson and Mr. H. Skerrett are now home again from hospital. Mrs. Jackson hopes to spend East- er in California with her daughter Margaret. Next Sunday mo. t.ý gis Easter Sunday. We are to have Mr.. Marvîn Colvin deliver the Easter message. Let us have a full church. Orono Girl Guides Over the past few weeks our Orono Guides have ail been busy in their own different groups at different times. We had a fun evening entertaining a small group of our 151 and 2nd Orono Brownies. This group is working to receive their Golden Hand. The girls were divided fmb groups'se that they could play Kim's Game, a Jelly Bean game, and a gamne we play blind folded, Don't step on the egg. We enjoyed having this group and we hope they will be Guides in the future. Debbie Heard came to our meeting to show a few of our girls, the proper way to use a compass and to read a map. The Thursday af er this, lesson the small group of 12 wenton a hike through the Orono Park Forestry; used their compass and had a camp cook-out in the snow. They observed 2 different' kinds of birds and at one time, used some First Aid. We had the pleasure to invite Mr. Lunn a staff member of our Oronoschool to test some of our girls who have been working on their Native Lore, This is research- about Canadian Indian's and Eskimos, The rest of the evening was game period, closing with a hand grip and a song. (The Magie Squeeze). Gun supplIied ~PtAYTCOOLADDA~uog lilcer On a recommendation from the town's community servic- es community service cern- mittee Newcastle's dog con- trol officer will be equipped with a rifle suitable for the MER ISAAORLsafest and most humane FUN destruction of- dangerous FUN anim'ais in the new toWn. -H YOURThe original proposai met H YO R OW ~ fiwith somie skepticism at POOL council this week but Coun. Don Alun chairman of the We ae, repaed o dsý-qss our ew oolcommunity services commit- We reprpaedte îss you r lWPO tee said the move followed a wipeeintlain o urcaeo ol jrecent incident in Newcastle mplee istalaton r prense f pol nlyin which an abandoned and dangerous dog had te be destroyed, but neither the LOYD TAYLOR Durham Police nor the OPP had the -proper weapon on 'onü,hand to do the job. onoOntaîo fIon983~003He said since the dog control officer doesn't carry a sul table weaponî with him while he is on cail, consider- able danger could develop if he had to scrouge up a rifle to destroy a rabid dog or any other aninmal menacing the ýIford BRICKLÂYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCHMAHL Phone 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds of'STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We aise do chimuey Repairs Building a House? or remodeffing your pregelt one? Then Contact 1phone, 983-5049 0toao JACK 1IC A RD REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMIANVILLE When ]Ruying or Selling Cali WILF HAWKE i(our Oroîuo Aiea Represeittative 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and District Rteal Estatp Board ORON() WEÉKLY TIMES, APRIL,,. 1974 -5 community. With councii's- approval of the community services' re- commendation, the next step to acquire a rifle for the control officer will be tofollow the simple registration pro- cedures for rifles and permits and no problems are expect- ed, said Newcastle Clerk Jospeh /'Ilroy. Local News A sociable and enjoyabl e ti me was spent April 4bh in the Oddfellows Hall when Orono Senior Cîtizens 'entertained Newcastle Senior Citizens Jose on behialf of Newcastle Senior Citizens thanked the Orono group for the delicious lunch and pleasant evening. On May 2nd there, will be another meeting. Hope more in Orono will do as Newcastle and realize they are senior citizens and come to the meeting. SAFETY STIPS: Bicycles Are Vehicles Attention Parents! If your child rides -a bicycle, make sure it's always in safe mechancial condition... .and is ridden according to the rules. Remember, a bicycle is a x,.hirpb- nnt$à tov- F R E DS FR UIT MARKET HIGHWAY 115 SOUTH 0F ORONO WHY'PAY MORE?. SA VE!! On Premiumn wualvty FUEL OIL, STOVE OIL PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE CALI 6613-3381 L.Cali cllect - Du rha m Progressive Conservative Association Annual Meeing and Election of Officers Wedlnesda y, April1 24thi ORONO ODDF ELLOW'S HALL 8: 00 p. m. Local Meinhers and other speakers to be present NOki ù%TIC E Commencing on Monday, April 8, 1974, at 7:30 p.m., ait regular meetings of the Planining Advisory Commnittee of the Corp- 'oration of the Town of Newcastle wiI1I be held on the second Monday- of each month, in the Municipal Office, Hampton. H. R. BEST, SECRETARY I Moi,