6-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, APRIL lth, 1974 KAATARESULTS R9 FIRST RACE-Wave Bye Bye, Tapaz Tobby, Out Ahead. SECOND RACE-Rob Ron Betsy won the second race being driven by Derek Newman of Orono. The horse is owned by Glen Tennant of Orono and it was its fourth race this year. Harold Princess and Hieland Angel finished behind the local winner paying $25.40.0- i;0 and $4.043. winner wnien paid ! 25.10, $6.430 $4.04. THIRD RACE-Kawartha Avalon in 2.15.4 wîth Duke's Lulla second. Jack Williams finished third driving Framstead, Speedy. FOUUTH RACE-Big Time Bill, Quick Bet, Sun Brier Bullet, a Newcastle horse. FIFTH RACE-Wee Winkie, Peggie the Third and an Orono horse owned bv .1-Phair Tnrnnt'ff't ; 1V--k THE E.O.B.A.-According to Russ Major Orono bas entered three tearas in the E .O.B .A. and there is every indication that sufficient players are avaihable for the three categories. The three categories are Tykes, PeeWees and Midgets. There will also be a T-Ball teamn for first year boys. STILL NEED COACHES AND MANAC.ERS-There stîll is a great need for coaches and managers for the local teams. Anyone wishing to assist is asked to contact Russ Major as soon as possible. HAMBURGS. DONUTS, SOFT DRINKS END SEASON-The Orono Tykes on Tuesday evening closed out the season wîth Hamburgs, donuts and pop served at the Orono Arena following their last game of the season. The boys presented George Kemp, Gord Lowery and Russ Major each with a trophy. THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU-The Athletic Association would like to express their appreciation to ahl those who assisted this season with a most successful program at the Orono Arena. This assistance and co-operation is greatly appreciated. Te mporary HoId Newcastle Sub-»Divisiom Planning Consultant, John, ,T ayng has recommended to Uic Planning Advisory Com- mittee in bis report that the two proposed subdivisions for the village of Newcastle, should not be allowed to proceed because of Uic water and electric services situat- ion. The subdividers conceru- cd are the conipanies of Milani and Milani; and Vier- hout subdivisions. In his report, he included the facts for the last two years the village bas been using 50,000 gallons of water per day, and when the sewage works are completed in May 1974, the water consumption will rise to 225,000 gallons per !ogIols uanquet The Orýnoi Eagle Bantamr Club enjoyed a victory ban- quet at the Orono Oddfelhow's Hall on Friday evening when both parents, players coaches and managers took part. The group enjoyed a ban- quet burger dinner with all the trimmings down to cream puffs for dessert. The gala occasion for the young players was sparked with two films, a cartoon and "The Rodeo Rider." During the course of the evening Manager Barry Philp and Coach John Witheridge were presented with a pen and penicil set. The players re- ceived small -mementos from their manager and coach. Everyoneenjoyed the even- ing every bit as much as the boys had enjoyed the fact that they 'had ,von the league ch1ampionship this year in the United Counties league. All agreed it was a fîtting close to aý successful hockey season in Orono. Up And Down 1h. Book Stocks THURS. APRIL il, 1974 Locked Rooms and Open Doors by Anne Morrow Lind- bergh (Diaries and letters: 1933-1935.) The Complete Book of De- coupage by Frances S. Wing. How to Keep Your Car Runninýg, Your Monety in Your Pocker, and Vour Mind Intact by RossR. Ohney Woodworking Projects for the Home1 by Pnpular Science The Innocents by Georgeý Simenon (novel) The Snare of the Hunter by Helen Maclnnes (latest-novel JUNIOR Computers by Jane SriÏvast- ava The Little Witches Book of Games by Linda Glovach Bobby Orr by Marshall & Sue Burchard Cr,.zy to Race by W.E. Butterworth EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOK$ A Country Wedding by Victoi Ambrus Th'le Looking Book by P.K. Madeleine Hadley day. There is one existing welI in tic village, and a second onE with tenders already receiv- ed. But, even when this second well is completed in Oétober, 1974, the expected pr-oduction of the two wells is only 211,680 gallons per day. A meeting was held on March 28 where this subject was discussed by Planning Director George Howden, Kilborn Engineering Ltd., G.A. Crawford, technical ser- vices, supervisor-Durham re- gion, Charles Watt, Engineer- ing director - Newcastle, E.M. Jenkins, manager Newcastle P.U.C., and John Layng Planning consultant. They concluded that additional water services could not be provided to the village until a ?vater works supply system ,ýould be set up taking water from LakeOntario. ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE j APRIL 12th - 10 p. m, Iloly Baptism b, appoiritment ith 1tector. 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayixe, j BAL.Th. Durham County Sales Arena ORONO, ONT. LIVESTOCK SALE Every Thursday Evening 7:30 p.mn. SHEEP-CATTLE HOGS- IHORSES BUSINESS 983-9363 HOME:1623-4685 BILL NMOSLE-Y àADuJLT COUINSELLING SERVICE If you want to do soMething about your edbeation.,. you probablv can. Se Vour Aduit Counsellor EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 to 9at the NEW BOWMAN VILLE HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free - confidential -and no appointment i.s oecessary. It would be possible to get approval for individual septic tanks and wells where the facilities are supplied by the village, but thie standards would be much too high for a subdivision to meet according to Mrs. Monteith of Municipal Planning Consultants. The Planning Advisory committee have concurred with Mr. Lavniz's rnr Bob Yeonious Plumbing and Heating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Répairt Specializing ln Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heatlug Septie Tank Work ËtR 1, Orono 983-5624J Hamiltonm. Insurance Service Y our Friendly Ageney FOR Ail Personal & Commercial I nsurance SADJE HAMILTON SUE SAWYER JIM HABE For dependable Service 983-5115 NOTICE TOTHE PUBLL-C GENERAL INFORMATION ...The Corporation of the Town of Bomwanville, the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle, The Corporation of the Township of Clarke, and the Corporation of the Township of Darlington have been arnalgamnated as a Town Municipality, bejring the namne of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. TELEPHONE INFORMATION To the residents of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, in the event of requiring Emergency Fire Service for life or property. New boundary lines have been established for- first cal assignments, with additional back-uo assiguments if required, fromn Headquarters Hall Number 1 Bowmanville. Residents of the former Township of Darlington and teh Town of Bowmaaville. FIRE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER 623-3300 (Bowmanvilie Hall Numiber 1). Residents of the former Village of Newcastle and aIl areas south of the Third Lne of theformer Towns hip of Clairke. FIRE EMIERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER 987-4211. (Newcastle Hall Number 2). Residents of the former Village of Orono and al areas north of and including the, Third Line of the former Township of Clarke. FIRE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER 983-5302. (Orono Hall Number 3). Area Fire Chief's Office and Administration Cails 623-531.26. )bowmranville). J. HAYMAN AREA FIRE CHIEF TOWN. 0F NEWCASTLE FIRE EMERGENCy SERVICE Cartwright Twp. 623-3300 Bowmianville Hall N uniber 1 F 1 R E EM E RUE Nt NTJMflEIISý 987-4211 Newcastle Hall Num ber 2 983-5302 Orono HalIl Number 3