4-ONONO WVEEKLY TIMIES, A,,PRýIL l7tbi, 1974 plannmer critical of Oshawa aî-an Af ter delaying the matter several imes because of insufficient agenda time, Newcastle's planning advis- ory commnittee finally made the time to consider some of town pianner George How- den's criticai assessmnent of the proposed new official plan for the City of Oshawa planning area. Mr. Howden pointed out at Monday's meeting of the planning advisory committee tha t the town has not attempt- ed to review this plan in detail because-it has neither the time nor the resources to do so, and because many of the matters don't concern New- castle. But hie did outline three different areas of the propos- ed plan which do affect Newcastle. In the cases of staging of services in the Oshawa planning area, shop- '-inQ rentres and the second DX SERVICE, STATION Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Products At the Most Reasonable prices f Stove 011 &g Diesel 0O1 Available lu any quantity Phone 9874215 Kendal news April showers occurred fre- qulently on Easter Sunday. About 12.30 those who remnained to chat after the morning service were forced to make a wild dash for their cars as the big drops began to faîl. The samne thing must have occurred at Shiloh as there was a severe electrie marsni area, Mr. Howden recommended strong regional say in any decision making. to ensure Oshawa 's neighbor gets a- fair shake. Mr. Howden said according to the proposed plan submitt- ed to the town for comments, Oshawa plans to supply ail of its developed land with sanit- ary trunk sewer service, within the next five years. However, the officiai plan for the former Darlington Twp. has since 1960, shown the west Courtice area, lying immediately east of Oshawa, planned for development de- pending on the water and sewer services to be extended from .the city. We feel that such extensions should'be designed to create ,the greatest supply of servic- ed land most quickly,, and at the least cost, said Mr. Howden. This'mayor may not mean that areas lying outside the- city houndaries should have greater priority for servicing than somne lands within Osh- awa îtself, he said, but the region should be the one to set the priorities. Mr. Howden cailed for regional priority making for the location of a proposed shopping centre which the new officiai plan has siated for the intersection of King St. and Townline Rd. ", 4ITICAL Mr. Howden was outrigbtly critical of the city's plans fori the second marshi, which he said bas been designated industriai in the new plan, apparently on the assumption « that federal crown lands in 1 the area will be developed for harbor pùrposes. 1169rT s>VON'T W0fiA îl.4US BEA HITCe 'l MAY SBE TUE ýF4AZrl 0* F TfA T OO I EpiTC Chatterton Electrie ORONO, ONTARIOJ Phone 9815u or 983-5940 Orono Building Brick - Block - Coacerete Stone Work Carpentr-y - Cabinet W'ork Floors - Tue 983-5441 Orono j stormn about four o'clock. Several from Kendal at- tended tche Good Friday service at Newtonville. Some of their met Rev. and Mrs. 'Montgomery for the first time. The special speaker was Mrs. M. Martin a nd the soloist was, Mrs. Caswell both of Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. 1-. Hartoon held a -party at their homne on Saturday night April l3th in honour of their daughter's marriage one week ago. Mr. and Mrs. AI Macbean entertained over the Good Friday week-end bier mother Mrs. Wood and bier brother and his-wife Mr. and Mrs. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wagar entertained her sister Mr. and Mrs. Barry Krogman and their two children fromn Belle- ville for the holiday weekend. Dr. and Mrs. Norman MacKenzie were at their cottage for the Easter week- end. A fine Easter service was held in Kendal church. The choir sang a very, beautiful Easter anthem entitled, He died of a broken heart for me. Mr. M. Colvin read the Easter story and gave a fine. Easter message. The service next Sunday will be addressed by Mr. Morris Bradley. The Kendal _Women's In- stitute are preparing for their Penny Sale on April the 27th. The Dresclen Plate quilt is now on display in the Kendal store windows. Kirby news Kirby U.C.W. held their monthly meeting at the Chur- ch on April 9th. Grace Reid opened the meeting withi a cal] to worship. An Easter Hymn was sung with Ruby Bryson at the piano, followed by prayer. After a lenigthly business meeting Marion McKelvey took charge of the Devotionai opening with a Hymn and prayer. Marin read an Easter story also Lila Chapmian gave a reading followed by a Hymn. The meeting closed with the Mispak Benediction. Mary Forrest served Cup Cakes and tea.' The ladies of Kirby were invited to Pontypool on April 3rd. Those enjoying seeing the New Homes arounid Pontypool were Dora Morris, Lila Chap- man, Katy Lowery, 'Neta Ransberry, Iriez Harris, Dor- een Lowery, Barb Cochirane, Ruby Bryson and Mae Allin, The ladies of Pontypool open- ing their Homes for to see vere Kay Youngman, Yv onn e F'allis, Evelyn Bradley, Frani- cis Van Weringer and Bessie Van Dam. We received lunch at each hom-e and then whýlen we got back to the church we oined in their U.C.W. nmeet- ng followed by coffee a nd cup Cakes. It was a very enjoyable evening. .Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thomas, Willowdale, spent the Easter Holiday' week-end with ber parents. Mr. and Mlrs. Don .ochrane and Craig. A body was found Saturday in the- woods east of Roy Cochranes, The Regional Pol- ie are Investigating. it is believed it hiad been there for some timie. Mr. and Mirs. Ron- Harris nd children were in a serious car accident on Friday even- ig north of Peterborough where a car driven by a Peterborough nian ran 'into ffem._ They ail received cutýs nd bruises, along wvith Julie anga fractured leg,whc snow in a castf. Kim1 the Easter weekend with her parents Mir. and mrs. Ken Bail. Mlr. and Mlrs. Lavern Patt- erson, Oronio, MVr. and Mrs. Ken Bail and Susan, and Les Hubicek were Easter SUnday supper guests of mr. and Mrs. Bruce- Mercer and Kenny, Hampton. Mrs. Zella Graham is, a patient in Bowmanville Me-- mnorial Hospital as of Last Friday. Mrs. Grace Cochrane Orono is also a patient from last Thursday. We hope they wîll soon feel much better. Inez Harris, Neta Ransber- ry, Barb Cochrane, Lila Chapman, Doreen and Katy, Lowery were to a Quilting at Rita Jonah's on Wednesday and were guests for dinner Rita also showed us through, her lovely home., There was agood turn out at Church on Sunday. The chou j sang an Easter anthem aloF Dora Morris sang a loveiy solo. Rev. Long delivered hiE Easter message followed by Latex Fiat Phone 983-5207 ORONO, ONT. I Communion. Don't florget the card party at Kirby Centennial School on~ Sat. evening April' 2th. Mr. and. Mrs. Lawrence Harris attended the commun- ity presentation at Newton- ville on Friday evening for two of her cousins.1 Mr. Delbert Hallowell of Starkville, Crooked Creek ani Toronto, passed :away on Friday in 1Bowmanville Me- morial Hospital. The funeral was held from Morris Funeral Chapel on Mondav. ORONO Nursery SchooI ENRICHMENT PROGRAM FOR 3TO 5 YEAR OLD éHILDREN Five mornings a week Transportation available' where needed PHONE 987-4012 Or 983-9132 Latex Semi-Gloss gai., $6.99 OU Base Semi-Gloss $7.49. CAN BE TINTIÊD TO MANY PASTEL SHADES AT SMWALL ADDITIONAL CHARGE Rolph<(Domnion) Hardware I r ON TA RIO MI1NIýSTE ROF NATU RAL RESOU RCES (DIVISION 0F MINES> Form 5 THIE PITS AND QUARRIES CONTROL ACT, 1971 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION 1, HI1GHLAND CREEK SAND & GRAVEL CO. LIMITlED, Box 130, West Hill, Ontario MIE 4R4 hereby give notice that application bas been made for a licence to open, establisbi or operate a pit on the lands described as follows: parts of Lots 24 and 25 Concession 13 and partof Lot -,j Loncession 12 Township oi Manivers Dtîrh5mi, conisisting of 364 acres, more or less. The estimiated amounit of sand -and gravel to be extracted annual1y is 800,000 tons. Tl'le operation will be a permianent operation with a permanient plant installation. The last day upon which i'ittnobjections mnay be filled with the Mni;stEýr of Natur-al Resour.,ces~ is JUNE MANAJNGIIRECTOR Date thi thid da ofApril, ffl4, Xl Phone 983-5207 ORONO,-ONT. gal. $5.99