4-(>R(NO WEEKI.Y TIMES, APRIL 24th. 1974 Bob Yeomans Plumhing and Heating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations -Repairs Specializing In Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work 1RR 1, Orono. ,983-56241 Oxford BRICKLAYERSl STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCHMAHL Phione 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimney Repairs Seek monies for tyrone ha A request fromn the Tyrone Commumtinty Hall Board for a $10.<)00 needed to build a new hall has been referred to Newcastle's finan ce commit- tee for clarification as to the accessibility of some $17,000 held in trust for the proiet 'hi RICÂRD REALTOR BOWMIAN VILLE Whien Buying or Selling Caîll WILF HAWKE .Your Oirono Area Representative 993-5274 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board the Duro1 Now you can enjoy theIuur of soit water with th beafuifu modern water softener fo Duro of Canada. No pipes or tanks on vew. No leaks, no drips. You and your family wvill ho delighted at the dif- ferenoe soft water mal<es. It can eut your laun- dry bills in half. Yeu oan use pure soap instead of harsh, polluting detergents. Soit water rinses completely clean, leaving no grubby rings on baths and basins. Clothes, pantihose, towels, diapers stay soi ter, last longer with soit water washing. Soft water is kind to hands, gentie on tender skin, wonderful for hair washing. Cali your Duro plum ber todaY for- a free labo- ra tory analysis of a samiple of youir wa ter. à a~ the lormier TwýÀp. of Darling- ton. In a letter to the town's community services commit- tee Monday, Bernhard Hemn- ing, chairman. of the Tyrone community hall board, sa-rd the estimated total cost of the aew hall would be about ;80,000.- We have $32,000 available in ,ash and $17,000 held for us by the former Twp. of Darlington. ,laid- Mr. Heming. In addition,. when the pro- ject is completed the board will be eligible to apply for a ;jrant of about $10,000 unider the provincial Community Centres Act, as well as, inother $i0,OO from the sale of the present community hall. With $49,000 readily avail- able to the board and another $20,000 assured, the Tyrone people are seeking the bal- ance of somne $10,000 fromn Newcastle council, to be paid back from the money brought in, by the sale of the old hall and the Provincia 1 grant. In the past the board bas operated the hall and the Tyrone park, hosting such activities as -soccer, and hockey, as well as dànces and weekly euchre parties, mak- ing it self sufficienit. The matter was referred to the finance comnmittee not tg question its menit, but to deternme how accessible the money held in trust is and to put the ým-achinery necessary for the boan into action. CONSERVATION REPRESENTATIVE URGES PROTECTION 0F MARSH The Federation of Ontario Naturalists (ýFON) Canada's largest conservation organ- ization, is urgîng immediate reaffirmation of goverament- ai intention to 'protect the Second Marsh against indust- rial development. FON representative Mike Singleton said in a press release that a government position to industrial develop- ment options is "exceedingly wise",>in the case of Oshawa's Second Marsh- Building a House7 or remodelfing your nmarvey rarînerLta rsetoe .... .... - - - . ...... .... ..... ........P 11one 983-5-'06 ~~.... ... ....... .. PLAYUT COL-AD A~Floyd Nicholson- PLAYIr OOLADDA-,Phone 983-5049 Orono WHY PAY MORE? SUMM*ER IS MORE FUN SA VE!! WITH YOUR OWJN O rmu uI POOL We are prepared te) discuss your, new pool witil you Complete installation or purchase of pool only, FUEL. OU LLOYD TV% AYLOR ffSTOVE OIL L Lu YLi TAY LOR PROMAPJ COURTEOUS SFRVICF CAIL 0ronio, Onttario Plion e983-50103 6 8 3 8 Cailcollecti 'lne marsh, located just has corne under heavy attack developrjenl of' industrial east of Oshawa and included by >shwapolîticans and landl and iimit the options in the proposed expansion of businessmen wh<>(-faim such aalbefor possible harbor Darlinglon rovincial Park, expansion would preclude the expansion. Ministry of Energy Ontario Wesleyville Generating Station PUBLIC NOTICE, Ontario Hydro has submitted to the Minister of Energy a proposai to buiid a Generating Station at Wesieyville. Ontario Hydro conducted public meetings in August and September, 1973 and-bas reported on these meetings to the Minister. The Minister wishes to be assured that ail citizens have, had an opportunity to comment on the proposed generating station. The Minister is therefore prepared to receive comment relating to the proposed Wesieyville G.S. Up to May 16, 1974. Ail citizens with comments should write to. HON W. DARCY MeKEOUGH MINISTER 0F ENERGY 56 WELLESLEY STREET, WEST. TORONTO, ONTARIO It is the Minister's understanding that the final propo'sai do 1es not vary substantially. from the preliminary proposai which was distributed by Ontario Hydro to local municipal' elected representatives 'and municipal offices, local libraries and to1 inte rested individuals and speciai interest groups at about the samne time that the publie meetings were held. Those persons wishing to view tue untario Hydro report containing deta1 ils of the proposai may do so at MunicipalOffices.of the* COUNTY 0'F NORTHUMBERLAND TOWNNSHiIP 0FHOPE TOWN 0F PORT HOPiE, TOWN 0F COBOURG TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE TOWNSHIP 0F HAMILTON ('COBOUJRG) ( PORT HOPE) (PORTIHOPE) (COBOURG) OOtNt>OFFICE) (COLD SPRINGS) Copies' of the report are also available for- public r eview at'the Public Libraries in Port Hope and Cobourg, at the Ontario lHyýdro Office in Cobourgs, and at the Ontario MUinistry of Energy Offices at 56 Wellesley Street, West in Toronto. W. Darcy' vMcKeough Minister of Energy, Toronto, April, 1974 NOTE: In the event of a postal strike, those persons wvith commnents should address them to the -Minister of Energy and ueposit themn at any of the Municipal Offices listed above. Gay colours and smart styles În short or sleeveless SUMMER DRESSES For lâttie girls, beautifuil sumimer sleeveless dresses, some wvitht panties and head pieces. Sizes 2-3X. Clogs For young girls, white, nÎth silver rivet trim. îi Ladies' VAMIP'MULES IN WHITE Beige Stra Mesh Web MULES for JockeyLadies. JoceyBriefs New Supply of Jockey Briefs in hip Zand regular also T-shirts and regular sleeveless tops for men. Special on Bath Towels THtIS WEEK ONLY - White, rose, navy, turgquoise and $2.50Oeach ARMSTRONG'S ---------- 7