6..ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, APRIL 24t U~ 974Nixon states regional ~RAEScosts skyrocket Orono horsemnen improved their position ai tMe Kawartha on Sunday w.ith a numnber being in the money at the finish line. Jack Williamrs place third in both the first and the third race. In the first Williams drove Farmstead Speedy and Hlarwil Charlie in the third. The first race was won.by Kawartha Avalon and the third by Hard Luck Kid. In the second race won by Ivan's Lucky Girl Keith West placed fourth driving Ja -De Glasford. 'Junior West placed third in the fourth drïving Rosie's Sister. The race was won by Edwin. Junior West was also second in the sixth driving Geisha Richelieu with the race being won by Mina Direct. Cavan 'Mary won the seventh followed by Hoot Van and Wil Lor Folly. The v-rovincial Governm'ent mJst end its programme of imposing regional governm- ent throughout Ontario, which is contributing to inflationary pressures in our economy, Ninth race - Bold Bruiser, Sir Edward Pick and Johnny Bing. Tenth race - Quick Bet, Duncan Herbert, Carolwood Doli. Derek Newman placed fifth with Rob Ron Betsy. says Opposition Leader Ro- bert Nixon. In Waterloo County, ser- vices cost 36 percent more iin the first year of regional governmnent, increasing by 82 percent in the City of Water- loo, and - 120 percent in the township of North Dumfries. Initial costs in the region were $1.8 million, continuing to rise by 98 pertéent over a five year period. In Niagara, the first year increase was to $56 illion from $39 million, or, 45 percent. Robert Nixon has sharply attacked these soaring ex- penditures, which affect al Ontario taxpayers because "the excessive costs associat- ed with regional government a dd unnecessarily to provin- cial government expenditures whý,ich are already at an inflationary level." The Liberal Opposition urges that the programmer to implemient regional govern- ment throughout Southern Ontario within the next de- cade be abandoned and re- placed by increased local autonomy. "WVe .strongly re- commend provincial grant programmes for municipalit- les be made 'unconditional" says Nixon, "to emphasizethe right of locally elected coun- cils to rnake independy>- decisions, enabling them to establish and implement local planning goals without costly delay' s or possible veto by Queen's Park. Direct super-i vision by Government IMinist- ries and the Treasurer, throu- gh budget control, should be removed, and a general development plan for Ontario, incorporating local com-mun- ity goals, estalbished." DOMINION HARDWARE Prices in this advertisemnent are in effeot until May 2, 1974. FOR SALýE Ktes for fun Kites, kites bèziifuI kites for only COMET ROUND POINIT SH-OVEL Wývith long fire- hardened handle and ~heat treated blade QOMET LAWN RAKE m vâ 'E vuA[ g Efficiently sweeps Up even GA RDENEy ià îrSi rEADy the smallest ctippings' Your Iawvn and gardens are beckoning and wve have the tools to speed your work. 100' ALL WEA THER EXTENSION CORD CSA approved 3 prong safety piug 18/3 for outdoor use 18" CGE ROTARY POWER MOWER With reliable impact protected drive which requires no oilîng. A recessed stop/star swvitch and swing r handle are twvo of the features on this model wvhich has 6" wvheels and 5 cutting heights. COMET BOW RAKE W/elded bow construction vwith 4Y/2' hanie Due to prevailing \,orld shortages of many raw mnaterials, certain items contairied herein may not be available to Dominion Hardware fromn the mianufacturers ai the trne of this advertisemefli. To avoid any inconvenience, kindly check wi;th your local Domninion Hardware dealer listed below. Rolph Do.Ionfl)ardware Oroso, Ont. 983-5207