SWITCH LOCALS The 91 employees of Honiey- well Controls here have decided to join Local 222 of the United Auto Workers. Previously the membership belonged to Local 165,8 of the UAWI but, for financial reasons said pr)1esident of the local, Ken Sharp, they decided to switch. Honeywell produces key tapes and bank teller terrmin- als in Boxvmanville. About two-thirds of the workforce is composed of women. The contract for the em- ployees expires Sept. 30, 1974. Speaks on cacti at horticulture Memibers of Orono ilorti- cultural Society were pleased to have Mlr. Cave, ai professor of Geography at the Univer- sity of Toronto as their guests at the April 25th meeting. Mr. Cave has recently, moved fromn Brooklin to Newcastle where he hopies to have a more permanent home for his nursery, where he specializes in the growing of cacti. Mr.' Cave has been interested in cacti growing since he was a young teenager and as many varieties are becoming extinetin the world hie wants to try and get some of these cultivated beforé they are extinet. There are 3000 kinds of cacti and they presently have 613 types mnaking theirs the largest nuirsery of its kind in Canada. Coiitiiiutd page 3 STAIYEY FIRE Oshawa Fire Chief Ernest Stacey has been named Dur- ham'Regional Fire Co-Ordin- ator by, Durham. Region Council. Whitby Fire Chief Ed Crou- ch will bé deputy co-ordina- tor. The appointments were made a t Wednesday's council mleetinlg following a recom- mendation of the Mlutual Aid Fire Services Aýssociation. Neither man rec;eives an added stipend for these dut- uts Indian days ai me Uronio Public school with a full size Te(- Pee taking up the centre of the Library section. It is understood that thie Tee Pee and the art is authentie witP t1he Tee Pee standing up, to a hieight of eighiteen. feet. Th-e legenary art. was dione by students fromn grade 6 and ', while the conistruction of the Assures TJee Pee wasby somfe s.tudenLbîz from grade 7 and by students of grade . The project is undcer- the drection of Mr. Grant Yeo. The structure is to be placed outside the' Kindergarten room this week for those studenits ton play in. The art work is most colourful and appears to be most authentic. opeining of Orono Park Tnep Orono Park Boarcd was issured last Thursdlay even- -.-~~gthat the Council of the Town of Newcastle would not hesitate in their duties to keep the Orono Park in operationl. The Park Board meet wvith Councillor Don Allun and Mayor Rickatd >6f couhieil.~ The local board has neither been officially dissolved or officially appointed to any particular status. It appears that the municivality is taking over gradually and there is every indication that-the park will be operat-ive this year. The board mnembers were informned that the comimittee ~feli it desirable to hire a m ~anager for tne park and that the dlean-up and paint-up wýould be handled byv the departmient of Public Works. Mlajor repairs would also be unfdertaken by the depart- ment, The committee of counicil' said they would have the Town contact the Departmnent Continued page 3 only one tender The Town of Newcastle received one lone tender last week when calling tenders for the purchase of three trucks which they would like to have by the beginning of the winter season 1974. The single tender came from the Oshawa Tr.uel Centre. The Works Comnmittee re- commended thiat they not accept the tenider wihdid not guarantee delivery date nior did the submitted prices include such itemns as plows Continued page 3ý Remand to May 28 to f ix trial date Five people arrested la February and charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking follow- ing a combinedl raid by Canadian and United Stages drug squads have been re- manded to Mlay 28 to fix a date for trial following an appear-, ance in Osbawýa provincial court Tuesday. Remnanded for court appear ance Mlay 28 are Donald Cleveland W~, of Church St., Orono; Marlene Dickson, 24, also of Orono; Brian J. Mllar, 30 of 1577 Lawrence Ave., Toronto; Ike R. Hlampton 45 of Logan St. Denver, Colorado and Peter Madesn 32 of Comiox St. Vancouver. Mr. Madsen was not present at court yesterday due to difficulty in obtaining trans- poration fromi the West Coast to Oshawa. Toronto Royal Canadian Mounted Police and drug enforcement administration officers from Buffalo seized more than 17 ounces of cocaine following a two-day investigation. The wholesale value of the drug is about $17,000. ORONO WEL TIMES, MAY Ist, 1974, Class confirmed at St. Saviours Pictured above is thie con- firmation class which was confirmed at St. Saviour's ChurCh in Orono on Mlarch l7th by Bishop L. Gains- New fields for Durham College Durhami College has re- cently received the go-ahead on a new complex of medical and life science programs of speical interest to womnen.1 The first year is a common course and opens doors to Continued page 3 lis Julie Reed, Peter Chriso- worthy. malis. Back Row: Robert Caldwell Front Row: Mark Breen, Michael Tansley, Christine Dale Nichols, Kathy Nichols, Little, Betty Tansley, Sharon Kimberley Curry,' Tammny Dawson, Beverley Chrisomra- Curry and Rosemrary Spry. Tc submit brief to.,, Soldant The Durhamn Federation of Agriculture - followAing two meetings last, week at which time the Hydro trýansmiission lines which are proposed to pass thr6ugh Hope Township and the Municipality of New- Town stops work at senior, school "The action of the Town of Newcastle building depart- ment placing a "Stop Work"~ order on the construction of the new Senior Elementary School being built south of the present Clarke HIgh School on Highwýay 115-35 was regretta- ble- This was .Jhe statement made by Councillor Kenneth "KEL" Lyaîl of the Durhamn Regional Council following actioni taken by Buildýing Inspector Cha rles Warren, closing down the construction work on the school Thursday on the grounds that the' Northumberland and Newcst- Continued page 3 I happeningsI CAT AND DOG DA,'Y IN ORONO -Last Wednesday was Cat and Dog day in the Village of Orono when the Ministry of Agriculture and Food conducted a rabies clinic in a portion of the Orono Hydro garage. A total of 431 dogs and cats were given their shots. PLACED SECOND IN KIWANIS MIUSIC FESTIVAL -Miss Jane Staples, Orono with Karen'Noyes of Oshawa placed second in the Festival on Sunday in the Girl's Duet section under 18 years of age. The Clarke High Scheoo band placed thîrd in the Junior Band division. On Monday an enisemble from the Clarke Band placed second in competition. EXTEND TEIME LIMIT -The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education has extended the deadline for the Brownsville Recreation Association to decide on whlether or not they wvill purchase the Browns school. The lime was extended from April 30, 1974 to June 30, 1974. 1com. castie were discussed une group is submitting aý report to the Soldant Commission. The Federation mneet brief- ]y with the Soldant Commis- sion on Monday to set a time for their brief when the hearing is held. The Federation is not pro- posing any alternative routes but in pointing out that much of the transmission line in this area does pass through solely agrýicultural land with great inconvience to the industry on, an individual 'basis. In one instaînce the line pas ses through some seventy acres of one farmer. It is felt that the agricultur- al aspect has been overlook- ed. This may be especailly s0 in Clarke the old municipality of Clarke Township where the lines are proposed over large Prime viable and worked farm land in the area of the sixth and seventh concession. The meeting held in the Kendal school was chaired by' William Allin, with Don Welsh secretary-treasurer and Ont- ario director Bruce Taylor present. A good representat- ion was present from thie local area with the great concert) over the fact that the line passed over chiefly agricul- tural land. Mr. Mike Sawyer heads the Clarke grouip, Thle Town of Newcastle has also comlpiled a'1brief 10 tho coliamiission preparieýd by Mr.1- Johin Fzl.\g and th Mvoi C ionef hi ck ard,