OB<)N() P>ARK ('ontiiiiie<l Ironi page 1 of llealth to discuss the malter of washrooms and to ('odeavour to stave off any tliought of closng the pool this vear. Il was pointed out by the comnmittee members that the Newcastle Social Service committee had appointed a en member board to look ter parks etc. in conjunction *çe * EA eO *a Gr e * TLIE S INECICDE elwr& Gre * e.S See Poaos GADE eOL * ae Shv's *oe Trwl et. an PAsTeMSS* * he earw Roo-iler * u 1aw&Gadeh 0 eRNONAI 0 FERoLIeR 98-50 with local groups. This com- milIce which includès Mr., Stirling MNather of Orono has yet to be ratified by counicil. This is expected in the very near future. IIOIITIULTURAI, M1EETINGý Continued from pagel Most cacti are best grown in gre enhouses, but some can he grown ither indoors or' out. Ideal conditions to grow t hem outside are in June, July and August, but not in direct sunl. Cactus plants withstand any sprays (such as Malathion) which may be used on other plants.) Mr. Cave had very kÎndly' brough a selection ofhis cacti for display. One, bearing a large red flower, be said would grow outside and the flower would last 2 weeks. AIl cacti should flower if they a re given a rest period from, .November to February. There are two mnethods of cultivating cacti- by the hard grown, or the sof t grown H1ard grown produce sturdl- ier, healthier plants. Soft grown are subject to di§ease and scab, such as on one tal one he had on dis play. When it was given the hard method it grew with no blemishes. 1They run their greenhouse at :38 degrees, quite a bit cooler than is recommended but he feels they produce better plants. The rest period is created by diminishing the tempera- ture or withholding water. They can be watered every 6 weeks. As soori as the growing period is in evidence start watering but be -sure it is dried out from the last time. The sof t growing method can be accomplished by with- holding water in September. In October, put outside, but bring in beèfore heavy frost. The flower buds will set, then when brought in will remain dormant until February. They use a potting mixutre of 50 percent sand or gravel, 25 percent loam and 25 percent leaf mould. They try To recover costs- Newcastle works commit- tee will recommend to council the town accept the price quotation from SMI Industr- ies of $19,212.92 for an addititnal garbage packer- truck. Altbough the new truck does not faîl under any applicable subsidization t rom tbe pro- vincial government, Coun. Ivan Hobbs said the *packer won't cost one cent, since the cost would be. phased over a three year period and be entirely recoverable from price charged by task for the. service oper4ted. to get at least 6 of each type, as they have to be polinated, and then they grow their own seed.* Some prickly pear types and taîl ones can be cut off, let dry one week then put in rooting medium, but normally they are all produced by seed. Mr. Cave said you need to know the -naine of a cactus 50 you can find out what its particular requirements are. He said anyone wishing to know the kind of a cactus they might have that they would put a name to it. One or two varieties are very rare in that they will take up aIl the water you would give them and would eventually become mushy. 1One 30 year old plant hie showed was wrinkled around the bottom from contracting during the rest period. In some parts of the world the prickly pear types are used to feed goats and cattle, the spines.having been prev- iously partly burned off.,, A friend in England, whose f amily has grown. cacti for thrce generations, was able at one time to provide the government with a cacti, the juice of which was used as a de-icer for aeroplanes.- .Questions were asked about the Christmas cactus as to whether it really is a cactus. It is a hybridized one not a wild, one. Cacti are the only members of the plant family to have "aurioles" or spots where the leaf or spine grows from and Christmas cacti have these. A Christmas cactus should bc treated as a tropical plant a nd be grown in 90 percent lëaf mold, kept constantly, moist and in the shade to simulate it's natural environ- ment. It flowers according to the control of the day and night. temperature. Af ter flow ering it needs a good, quick-acting fertilizer and May be put outside for the summer, in beavy shade. In losing Mr. Cave extend- ed an invitation to anyone wishing to visit their green- houses. Mr. Carl Billings thanked Mr. Cave for his kindness in taking time from a busy schedule to visit our Soc iety. 1The Spring Flower Show was announced for May 23 with the Junior Gardeners show being 'held the saine evening. The International' Lilac Society Show will be held in Hamilton May 25 and 26. There are 501 varieties of lilacs. 1The Horticultural convent- ion will be in Niagara Falls the middle of June. AT I>UIUIAM ('01tfinued from agn medical Iaboratory technol- ogy, nuclear miedical tecbnol- ogy, cytotechnology and food and drug tecbnology. Food and drug technology will be offered inits entirety at Durham. The last two years of the other programs will be given at other designated commun- ity colleges and the Toronto Institute of Medical Technol- ogY.- Further information can be obtained by contacting the Admissions Office, Durham College. le' Board of Eduation had failed to take out a building permit for the ediface. Background of this action according to Counillor Lyall is confusion due to the amalgamnation of Clarke Townshipwith the New Town of Newcastle January 1 of this year. When the preliminary work of planning the new school was being done in 19i73 school board representaives check- ing with the Clarke Townsbhip building department were informed that the Building permit for 'the new school would be $15. Last week when the con- tractor went to Hampton to RECEIVE ONE LONE TENDER Continued from page 1 and under body. The tender price was also not firm for the dump body and hoist. The tender listed $23,827.23 total price for one truck, $23,725.58 for another and $24,260.58 for the third.' It was felt that asking for a guaranteed deIývery date could have been the reason only one tender was received. Mayor Rickard stated that four trucks were now on order with two almost ready for delivery and this could mean they were flot in Jhat much trouble. Il was also 'pointed out that many of the present trucks were in the 68-69 age group and were now depreci- ating at an accelerated rate, Delay in accepting tenders woulId only mean an increase in price. it was stated. get the building permit for the new school hie was iniformed that under the New Town of Newcastle by-law to regulate the erection of buildings the cost of the building permit would be $2.736 for the $910,000 school. $6 for the permit and $3 per $1000 of the total school valuation. The building official, pend- ing instructions from bis company and the scbool board- did not take out the permit'- and Thursday April 24 Char- les Warren Inspector for the Town issued a "Stop Work" order. The new school being con- structed to relieve pupil pressure on the Orono, New- castle, Newtonville and Kirby elementary school is schedul- ed for completion October 1 of this year. Accorind to Councillor Lyl the work stoppage order was still ineffect Monday morning and he anticipated that coun- cil would hold a special meeting to consider the issue. *CO NFEC'i'IONERY, AND* GIFTS e; OO( WEEKLY TlMES', MAY Ist, 1971 - (~. ~*1R *Watches & Bands sDecorative * Candies * China- * Cups & Saucers * Chocolates î& MO(N - TUES- THURS 0 FRI 7:30 a.m. - 9p.m. WED 7:30 -6 p.m. SAT8:30-5:30p.m. * ORONO, ONTARIO * PHONE 983-5242 *og'aeee Oo Pastorali Charg e Minister ev. B. E. Long 1B.Th. SUNI>AY MAY 5,1974 Church School - 10:00) a. m. (Senior Dept. - 9:50 a.mn. Morning Worship - 11.*15 a.m. Bible Study and Discussion Group Monday 8: 00 p.m. Friendship Room Sunday May 12 Mother's Day Sacra ment of Baptism KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship - 9:4.5 a.m. Church School - 11: 00 anm. Dia I-A-Thought 983-9151 SORRY.SIR4y-,MY MISTAII SOMEBODY EISEt STEAK. EI.er's Garaige TEXACO SERVICE Mill Street North, Orono Plione,983 51.10 VENEZIA RESTAURANT mghlway 115 Rad 35 %k mile south of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK SpeclaIizxg in Ais. Week-End Specials J . . h UNITED.,CIIURCII John DeWITH Real Estate Limited Realtor Bowmaflville 623-3950 a nd 623-3111 For pronipt, efficient service ii hen buvin g or selling Contact: Gary Hancock 98 -5 155 Joe.Barnoski 7 8 2 Ross Davidson 277-2321 TENDER PLUMP - YOUNG FRES R UT - EAT -BACST OFF OWJBB Chicken egs ikeslb. 89c FRESH CUT -. TENDER - BACKS -AND WINGS OFF Chicken Breasts FOR SOUP OR JUST PLAIN "PICKIN" Chicken Wings l.96C lb. '63c Wlliam C. Hall, B. comm. Chartered Accountant, Phone INewcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY' and SATIJRDAY BURNS "Peter Piper" by the piece B ologna lb. 49c "LUCAS &ARH"Brn Brawn(By the piece>ib. 79e --BURNS" Beef and Pork (Small Link) -SUPER VALUE" Mild Cured Sausage lb. 69c Bacon Rindless lb. 95e- BURNS Cottage Roils SWEET PICKLED lb.89 LUCAS & ARTHUR" Brand 2 lb. pklg. * 1 Skinless Wieners 2 bs. $1.38 CO RNISHS-ORONO 983-5201 4c