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Orono Weekly Times, 1 May 1974, p. 7

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(j,) j,,~ -W. FRANIK : :REAL ESTATE: LIMITED 0 2U4 King Street East a * BU WMAN VILLE * e 623-3393 * Toronto 923-9174 *&Port Hope off ice 88545430 *Fo prompt, courteous, 0 Oefficient service, wheue 0 0 * buying or . eWlng andO 0 1 e * for the largest selectione @of properties in the area s *contact 0 * Orono Area 0 * Representativm * Charlie Reid 0 983-5914 * Roy Foster 0 * 983-5801 aWilliam Turanskyo * (Kendal1) * 983-5420 * Danie Founid : * 623-3965 0 Roy Strong *Betha ny 52rll11 Moniuments, and Family Memorials Our quality and service leavtes nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought front us, a'neigh- bour, friend 'or relative. The I Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE É Phone collect V. W. BUTTER Office -885-5216 Hiomte 885-5223 BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BIIRNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Iaterest Rate& Phone-:w Tyronie 263-2650 'Gulf (harles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farmi Furniture Sales Consuît me for ternis and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 Clarke Public LI BRAR Y Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frlday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. 2:30 to 5:00 pa.. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. 983-5108 CELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC, HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V.- COLOIJR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHIOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Service Randy Tkompson 0ron% ,Ontario Phone 983-5759 Carpentry WOrk Remodelliflg We buiîd from the_ foundation Up Box 133 Ph. 668-3552 Stafford B rothers Lixited Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials- 318 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Aflouette Snow Mobiles McCulioch Chaai Saws Repairs to ail makes o Lawu Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englue. ALLOUET[E SNOWrMOBILES Person to work outside on small farmT, fencing and general maintenance full or part-time. Reply S. Fenneli 987-5164. 1HELP WANTED General factory workers for various positions, requirec immediately. Apply in persor to Curvply Wood Products, Orono.,Ontario. H ÏELP WANTED The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educat- ion requires- immediateiy Senior Secretary for our Plant Operations and Maintenance Dept. this interestîng and chalienging postitions requir- es an experienced secretary proficient in typing and short hand and with a good know- iledge of office procedures and organization., Some knowledge of Archit- ecturai and Mechanical terras is desirable. Attractive office environment and working 1conditions at the board office in Cobourg. Present, range $4,620.00 to $6,490.00. Aiiowance for ex- perience. Applications wiii be receiv- ed until 5 p.m. Monday'May 6 th, 1974.,0 Appiy in, writing stating qualifications and experience to: MA. MacLeod Business Administration and Treasurer, Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 4L 2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the- Estate of Alice B. Halloweil, of the Townshiip of Clarke in the County of Durham, Spinster, deceased. Ail persons having dlaims against the Estate of Alice B Hlailowell, late of the Town- ship of Clarke in the County of Durhamn, Spinster, who died on or about the l7th day of Decemnber 1973, are hereby notified to send particulars of same t o the undersigned on or before the 31st day of May 1974, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only 10, the dlaims of, which the undersigned shahl then bave notice and the undersigned will not be hiable to any person of whose dlaim he shahl not then have notice DATED at Bowmanville Ontario this 9th day of Apri. 11974. M.B. KELLY 28 King W., Box 159 Bowmanville, Ont. LIC 3K9 Solicitor for the AdministraI- rix. 17-24-1 Callyour lcensed Plumblny & Mfechanical Contractor who seils, instalih and guaranten TENDERS Northumberland and, New- castle Board of Education invite sealed tenders for-the following Out Board Motors: 1970 Mercury Model 75 - 712 -iorsepower 1970 Chrysier Moctel 52BA - 5 horsepower 1970 Johnson Model GR70B - 6 horsepower Ail motors bave a reserved bld. Ail Tenders are to be for- warded in sealed envelopes., pla iniy marked, Outboard Motor Tender. *No later tban 5 p.m. Friday, May 24, 1974. Please send to: Mr. M.A. MacLeod Business Administrator and Treasurer Northumberland and New- castle Board of Education P.O. Box 470 , HELP WANTED Restaurant hely wanted full and part time. Apply to 983-5094 after 4 p.m. only. FOR SALE Best Cash offer for Case Tractor VA model with hydr- aulic two-furrow plow. Phone 983-5714. TENDERS FENCING Tenders will be received by, the undersigned until 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, May 21, 1974 for the supply and installation of Woven Wire Fencing at the Orono Public School. Specificatons and drýa'.i4mgs may be obtained from -,he Office of: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educat- 834 D'Arcy St. Nortb ion, Cnhoure- Ontario K9A 4L2. Box 470 D'Arcy St., N., COBOURG, Ontario. éSecretary-T reasurer* The Ganaraska'Region Conservation Authority requires a responsible person for the positiohi of* S ecr etary-Treasurer. The position includes accounting, preparation* and control of the budget, officiai correspondence, record maintenance, and supervision of office staff. Salary - $11,06G. per annum range * Apply in -writing by May l4Ith, 19,74, with a resume AT qualifications and experience to: .Ganaraska Region Conservation A'uthority à ~P.O. Box 328, Port Hope, Ontatrio m m - ---- - N Qua lity, Quantity Production Personnel Ideai position for a junior, graduate who is wiliing to learit Production PIrocedures. Must be capable to do mnanual work as well as paper work., Apply in person to: - Curvply Wood Prodlucts Qrono Assista-nt Shipper Excellent opp ortunity for a willing person to gain shipping experience. No experience necessary. On job training. For details Apply in Person to: Curvply Wood Products Orono Orono Landscaping SODDING +- PLtNTING C"ARMA N SEEDING COMPLETE LANDSCAPING Phone 983-5598 Plumbing and H.eutinig Phonie 983-5207 O)ronof C; ir ft lý h li h 1 h IMM FOR SAil E Whitc Embden Goslings, phone 263-8888. Mr. Ala'n Venema, Hampton- RIDINÇ LESSONS Riding lessons, beginners and intermediate English, ail ages, small groups. Phone 786-2681. 24-1 ,LIVESTOCK FOR SALE The Riding Shed, English and Western Tack Shop. Open seveýn days a week fromn 10:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday and Friday tili 9:00 p.m. ,31, miles south of Kendal and 112 miles east. Phone 796-2681. 24-1-8-15-22 CARETAKER Applications wiil be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Tuesday May 7, 1974 for the position of part-time caretak- er, maie or female 5 hrs. per week at the Lord Elgin Public School. Knowledge of dlean- ing materials and caretakng 1procedures preferred. Ability to work, from 'verbal and 1written instructions and with other people required. Reply in writing stating qualificat- ions, address and telephone number 10: M.A. Macbeod Business Administrator and Treasurer Northumberland and New- castle Boar-d of Education, Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 NOTICE On Monday April 22, 1974 the executive of the Orono Tennis Club met to discuss plans for the upcoming sea- son. Il was decided -tfat the openiligmeeting would. bE - held at the Tennis Court in Orono Park on Sunday May 12 at 2:00 o'clock. Anyone interested in playing is invited to attend. With the improve- ments on the courts soon to be completed it is expected that the club will this year host its largest number of enthus- iasts. COMING EVENTS Orono U.C.W.- Spring Tea and Bake Sale - Display and Sale of Handicrafts SAT-. MAY 4at 2:30 p.m. MAIN HALL ORONO UNITED CHURCH COMING EVENTS EUCHRE CARD PARTY 'ST. SAVIOURS CHURCH HALL FRIDAY MAY 3rd Admission 75e Lunch Served Prizes 24-31 LOST One, set of keys (approx. '11-12). If found please'return to Orono Weekly Times. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank my family, relatives and friends for cards, visits, flowers, and gifts during my stay in Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. McKenzie and Nurses on Third floor'. GRACE COCHRANE FORTHICOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. A. Hayward Murdoch take pleasure in annoucning the forthcoming mnarriage of their daughiter JENNIFER ANN to ROBERT

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