0j O)RONOUVNITF Chur11chi Schlool 1( (Senior Depi. Morniing Worsh Bible Study an Group NMonda3 Friendshi KIRBY UNIT. MNorniing Wors church Sch( Dial-A-Thoq 4-,e MiiStreet Nt John De Real I Linm Rea Bowma For p êm j-e 'Bai Ross Da RESTAI lghway Ml mle soà PHONE l SpeLaIzi Assist small businessý )iotio Pastoralcl imCa Charge la mC r Durhami Smaiill businesses play anl Minlister important role ini our econl- on'jý. This Y ea r's budget ev. . E.Longcoritainis two Major incenitives B.Tb. (o encouirage niew and eýxisting lionr Director smnall enterprises to develop DewýNell and( expandi their operations. A '26th, 1974 Two miajor problems en- IED ('111RCHI coutered by small business- 0: 00 a.mn. es are availability of venture . 9:50 a.mi.) equkityý capital and its highý hipll 1: 15 a.m. cost. rid Discussion The first -part of this yN at 8:001.m1. programn is a new income tax uîp Rzoomi credit equal to 5 percent up to PED ('IlURCH a maximum of $3,000 of any -sip :415 a. M increase in capital to be (ol111: 00 a.l. deducted from the Ontario might 983-9151 corporate tax. Increases in plant, invent- ory and similar assets are X reflected in, the amnount of, paid-up capital and such increases qualify for this inivestmient credit.- A new incentive called VICS "Venture Investment Cor- poration"- is designed to motivate priva te sources of Scapital to provide funds for small businesses. Under this plan larger corporations xwould bu allowed to invest Up to $100.000 in >VIC and allowed Foe YU fo deduct that amount from NQ FO VOL> tîeir taxable incow'e. Income taxes for the larger company u ould be deferred so long as G ra e the money is kept in teVC Since this mèasure can only E RVI CE W,, applied against the Ontario ort, Oono cororte tax rate of 12 83510 percent, individuals, who cos itute a ajor potential sourice ofinncngvould not be e'ligibeloi- fotetax îincent- ..WITH ive. For- this reasoni,Otai EstateTreasurer John WbWite invited r~iti1thefederal goverlnment to pdtiipt \byadopting !tis iltor pproac-h with respect tLo federali ncome taxes. anville In a previous column. I ntioned the land speculat- 50 i and on tax"of 50 percent. As'youi 3111know thei purpose of this tax is todscourage the buying and t, eficent re%seli ng of properties witbout /ice an rl'ý value being added. It w-orselling bscorne tomy.attention, hoeethat there is some a ncoc k msulnderstanding .with re 'spct ito thisnew tax measu r(-, ish tlo discourage develop- îrnoskÎ tment and construction of inustrial, commerical or residential buildings. Thcee fore, the following exemptionis 1viSo0nP bave been provided for: 21 -teale of property wbvlere, the venidor bias complied witb, asubd(ivision agfreemnent and îonstc utd rsdnlor the sleof proper-ty wbere IRANT thevenor as ucme serviced)andconstructed 115 Rue 355 eieni or commercial th. of ;Orno premises ýî35&51 In additio,bmonr DANS Aà wiîlbe eempt from lthe land speculationtaýX On tweir prini- ~ iicialresidenc, in)cIIling tn * cres (oftland. iyfarmis wulalso b1e eep slong as M the farmis are tr-ansferred *End Spectals ithin fýaMi1Ny and co-ltin- Phone Newcastle 987-4240 LL DAY WEDNESDAY I and SATIJRDAY rruthers ue in agricu1tural use. wneIn disposed] of outside o flthe famnily' thlise farms will bear the tax on tlie appreciation Ir value after A13ril 9th in excess of 10 perçent compounded anuaîy is will help to retain land in agricultural use and also ensure that the tax does not apply 'unfairly to farmers, whose income, cap- ital and pension stream is largely tiçd up in the form of land. Also, I would point out bhat ail other land sales, subject to the speculation tax, will be taxed on]ly on the property's increase In v alue since April 9tb, 1974. May assess ai for regional police Durham Region solicitor S. K. dam bhas ruled that regional council is able to assess ail of the region's area muni cipalities for regional pohicing. Uouncfl, at an earlier meet ing bad ruled police costs would bc assessed tbrougbout the region, asa general levy, in the same manner as road costs are paid. But two weeks ago, on request of Count. Des Newman (Whitby) and Lawrence MaL~l- colm (Scugog) Mr. Jair- was asked for bis opinion on the legalit y of that move. Only Cannington, a village gets regional policintg in Brock:' none of Scu 'gog gets regional pol ice, and onl th town 11of Bowmaiile m New !1 ca.stie getsý regional p)oliceI. Ascott To)ýwsip in thie new TowrI-sbip of Uxbrîdge is still policed Iby" tbe, OP too. Body found near Pictoni 1 A pr'ivate funerai-,l service was"held Friday for Ms.Kay Andringa, 35, of,109 Grand- viýew Ave, S., whose body was recovered Iast wee'j near Picton. Mrs. Andringa, ber busband William and three cbildren we re walking along tbe ice oni Lake Ontario off Darlington Prov'incial Park last dan. 27, wben sbne feil th rougb the ice into [tbe lake. He~'busandieaped in f do so as te fs-oig current swept ber byod is Later, -attempts by OPP scuba divers to find the body were hamper-ed by severe cold and stormiy weatber. Lethbridge arcdeaonJohin Graham) Letbridgubs been appointj- ed district director for tbe fninistry ofî community and soýcial services for fivecon eof rgonlgovernmenits, inclutding îte new Durbham rinold Durbiam C(ounity and tbe counties of Peterbor- * uËb, Victoria and Haibur complete reorganization Of tbe inistryý. Theuchianlge-s, saida mnistry spokesmnan, willevetualy pace al familyý beneflits, general wel- faire, vocational rehiabilitation (Hl<)N() WIKY TIMES, MAY U2nd, 1974-3 NOTIC E The foillwing applications for Amendments fo Zoning By-Laws have been referred f0 the Planining Advisory Committee 0f the Town of Newcastle for their consideration and subsequent recommendation to the Council of the Town of Newcastle. A PPL ICA NT Mrs. R. L. Stevens Miss Elva E. Reid Ioboo nvestments- LO0CAT ION Lot 14 Extension Fasterly of Concession Street fo- mqer Town of Bowman- cL 4,Concession6 for mer JTownship of Clarke Souith-west corner of Waverly Road and Base Line, Lot 14 former Town of Bowmanville TYPE of-AMENDMENT Hazard Land to Estate Residentia I Amendment of Regula- tion in Agriculture "A" Zone f0 permit sale of Antiques, etc. Agriculture and Indus. trial f0 Commiercial BURÇIER BLEND Gcround Beef hor the grill 'SCHINE 1DERS W i.ne rs SKINLESS RED IHOTS SCHîNIDERýS' EL Stea kettes lb. 88c lb. 95c "BURNS lSWEEýT PCLE OV SCH-NEIDERS- JUIMBO Cottage Roils lb- 89e Poiish Loops lb. 99e SLIIEIDRS RNDLSS "CHNIDER" BWLS Bacn b. $1.08 Headeheese 12 oz 79e SCHNEIDFRS- 6oz Lunch Meats ea. 45e IMF~AT & CHICKEN -- PORK LOAF AND DRESSING - PICKLF AND PIMENTO - MAC & CHEESE - BOLOGNAi LUNCI-I'ON - DUTCH - HEAD)CHEESE CORNISH'S - ORONO 983521\< UNITED CHURCII ORONOWATER SAFETY.. SWIMMING CLUB REGISTRATI-ON. (FOR JULY AND AUGUST) to beheld at the Orono Public School MAY 28thý,19741 PRE-BEGINNERS $6.00 BEGINNERS JUNIORS '70 INTERMEDIATrES SENIORS BRONZE $20 There will be no registration affer May 28th and no pre-registration. First corne, f irst served for July Instruction. Registratuon wTh people wmth Orono, W.S.S. C. Cards 6:30 p.mn. - 7:30 p.m. Cards fromi other Clubs 7:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Registration open from 8: 00 p.m. on. Persons desiring to attend any meeting of the Planning Advisory' Committee dealing with any of the aforenoted applications, may cobtain further information by contactinti the undersigned. Hor-ace R. Best, Secretary, PlnigAdvisory Committee, Toncf ewcastle, R. R. Nof. 2, Orono, Ontario ?hn 83-9179 VAL1.F CHECK'DP - BRANDED - FULL CUT (LEAN TENDER) 1X11 OU SVE'WIC WIH TIMu- )PRICE (BRANDED, BONE-IN) Rump Roasts 1""- "M"m ý';
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