Durham Federation of Agr- iculture. recentiy received Y~limited information concern- ing the location, design and capacity of the pipe line that Interprovincial Pipe Lines proposes to construct fromn Sarnia to Montreal. Hearings, by the National Energy Board to discuss this proposai are scheduled for May l4th in Ottawa. The Ontario Feder- ation of Agriculture wiiI appear before the Board opposing the line because of its destructiveness to farms Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCHMAHL Phone 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimney Repairs JACK "I C A RD REALTOR 99 King St.. E. BOWMWAN VILLE When Buying or Selling cal WILF HAWKE Your Orono Area Representative' 983-5274 Memiber of Oshawa and District Rteal Estate Board PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 Newtonville, Ontario and farming and because other reasonabie, indeed de- sirable alternatives exist. OFA's brief also outlines steps the Pipe Line Company should be required to foliow to lessen the impact on farm operations irregardless of. where it might go. In the Durham County area it would appear that the proposed route will parailel. to right-of-way of Trans Canada Pipelines. It is not indicated on which side of the'lune they will go but somne reports are that they have permission to use either side and can cross the right-of-way of Trans Canada. Bruce Taylor, Enniskiiien, a member of the OFA executive warned farmers to be very cautious about sign- ing any agreement with the Pipeline company until the Federation has more inform- ation. Farmers shouid contact. OPA or their county organiz- ation if they have questions said Mr. Taylor. At has been reported that in j- a INSTALL AN O FURNACE HUMIDIFIER, 4 orHOT AE HEATER No payments for six months Cal Harvey Partnier YVour ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono G.W. DRY WAIL TAPING SPRAYED CEILINGS APPLYING DRY WALL PLASTER REPAIRS Phone 983-5518 WaIIy LucYk ORONO Bob Yeomains Plumbing and7Healting 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs Specializing lu Rot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septc Tank Work 1 roo93-5624 Federation concern ed over oïl pipeline IDay The East Central Soui and Crop Improvemnert Associat- ion of which the Durham Soul and Crop Improvement As- sociation is a mnember wili be holding a Drainage Day on Wednesday July 24, 1974 at a location tying in with the new, unlicipal Drain, approx. 7 miles east of Lindsay. There will be a numer of exhibits of, not only tule drainage equip- ment, various types of tule drains, pumps, standby gen- _jerators, and so on, but, at the samie time, farmers will be able to question represent- atives of various companies who will be in attendance as to the pros and cons of tule drainage and other problemns conne'eted with it. Somne highiights of the program include: the demon- stration of how a Zor plow is used as well as conventional trenchers for bath plastic and dlay tule, SAS Pumps Co. will be on hand to demonstrate drainage pumps and will instail a unit that day ta- demonstrate its use. Electr- ical power will be supplied by standby generators, which will bc demonstrated to the public as to their place and operation oni the farmn; three or four tule companies wiii be present as well as drainage outiet and filter manufactur- ers to outiine bow their products do fit into the overail area of land drainage. Farmers who are contemp- iating doing tule drainage work in the near future, or who would like to see demon- strations on other farming practices that will be on dispiay during the day, are cordially invited to attend. We will be sending out further information as we near the date of the Drainage Day '74, but we wouid encourage anyone who is interested to ciricle the date - July 24 - on your calendars so that you can plan 'on attending. ORONO WEEKI Planner questions~ nuclear plant some areas representatives of the oul company have been attempting to have farmers sign an agreement even before approval bas been gîven. The OFA is investigat- ing this and will question the Pipe Line Company in Ottawa on May 14tb said Taylor. Durham name to stand for region The regionai government in the Oshawa area is entitled to retain its name of Durham, the divisional court ruied last week. The court, a section of the Ontario-Supreme Court, over- turned a decision iast Dec. 20 by' Mr. Justice Alexander Stark. Stark had ruled, that the town of Durham in the Owen Sound area, incorporated in 1872, had the name first, andi that the newly established regional government called Durham ought to find a new name. Stark based bis decision on the Ontario's Corporations Act, which prohibits compan- ies from copying another company's name, and rea- soned the town and the regional government were corporations. In the divisional court's judgment, Chief Justice Dal- ton Wells said he was unahie to find that the Corporations Act bas anytbing ta do wîth a municipal corporation. Drainage Act "There could be an economic depression, inflation is appar- entiy uncontroilabie and the Consumners may be willing to decrease thier demnands vol- untarily s0 that the reserve for reliability can be achieved without this generating stat- ion". Newcastle feels that Ont- ario Hydro bas not given enough consideration to aL- ternative 'locations and nu- clear generating methods. The cost of this project is estimiated at around $503 million in 1974 and to rise to $667 million in 1980, but Mr. Lay ng says these are under- estimations. Everyone to pay, for regional police "What -a difference a day made?" The. aid song asks and for the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, the answer is $2,715 and no one is singing. The day was Jan. 1, 1974, the day Durham Region camne into being. On that day, Clarke and Darlington Townships and Bowmanville and Newcastle became one new town, New- castle, which had a new set of rules, as the board of educat- ion bas iearned. Back in November, the board let a contract to West York Construction for build- ing a new- Clarke Senior Public School between New- castle and Orono. Included in that firm's tender was an item of $15 for a building permit. However, the building per- mit did not get purchased last fail. In fact, it did not get purchased until the new town of Newcastle issued a stop work order late in April because no permit had been purchased. But, the contrator learned, 'as the permit was being drawn up by town officiais, the fee for the building had f .45: *., h. - ~11f 'I ~BAr taken a considerable 'jump after that Jan. 1 deadline. It is now based on a flat fee of $6 plus $3 per $1,000 construe-tion or, in this case, a total of $2,730. The board bas been asked by the artchitect to consider AnU LT COUNSELLING SERVUCE If you want todo sainething about-your educatjop ..you probably can. See Your Aduit (Cguinsellor EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 to 9 at the NEW BOWMANVILLE HIGU SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE IThe services free - cnfidential-ndI n ap pOi n t- nt L~Y TIMES, MAY 22nd. 19745 The Oasis Inn The Oasis Inn, a new restaurant located near the junction of Hwy 115 and 35, opened Thursday May 9th, and is now headed into business, It is operated by the same 2eople who ran Nick's Valley [nn, but the buildings are completely new and different. The dining room bas a seating .capacity of 100, and they "hope" to have it licensed within 2 to 3 months. The menu varies with anything fromn a grilied chesse sandwich to a roast beef dinner, and they have a sélection of shrimp dinners, New' York, Sirloin, Rib Eye and Chopped Sirloin Steaks. bearîng this new-cost. The -board though bas decici to ask Newcastle to consider modifying the fee in this case. WHliY PAY MORE? SA VE!! On Preium Quotity FUEL OIL .tTOVE 0OIL PROMPT, COURTFOUS SERVICE CALI, 668-3381 Cail coe 8uilding i Houfti o)r remodefilng YoiU presmtne Thon Contact Floyd Nicbuisomu phone- auswo fa*"w BATH1NG SUITS Ail new styles by Maxinie of Hollywood and Beatrice Pine Swinwear in One Piece or Two Piece Suits and Bikini styles. 4Price $15 .00 - $34.00 HOUSECOATS. A good buy in short Hlousecoats - Attractive patterns and colours - Priced $11.75 and $15.0 LADIES' DRESSES More ladies' dresses (for the warm summier days> have been added to oui- stock. TH TOWELS SETS Referring to the proposed Wesleyville nuclear generat- ing station, tbe Town of Newcastle feels "it wouid be irresponisible of Ontario Hy- dro to proceed . .. .without be- ing able to tell much more of its effects." In a report made by the town's planning consultant, John Layng, be says "The magnitude is of Crucial im- portance." He pointed out that the generatîng capacity of the plant would be some 12,000 megawatts, six times more potential than the Pick- erinig station. H1e also questioned the need for this project, and went on THE Furniture Barn HWY. 115, NEWCASTLE BUDGET WISE - QUALITY WISE WE'RE TOUGH TO BEAT iNew Furniture Only LiVING ROOM SUITES - BEDROOM SUITES DINETTE SUITES - ROCKERS - RECLINERS CrLAMPS AND LOTS MORE Cre in and browse a roundi No Salesmien to Bother Your IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, SAME DAY FINANCING IF REQUES IED Phone 987-5151 or 987-5161 Set of Bath Towels, hand Towels, and face cloths in both plain and flowered design - yellow, mauve, rose, green, and gold are the colours and the price $5.75 set. SET $5.75 A R M S T ROd"Nw G S Ri ýR