Solandt Iis of reports Represenitation from tobac- Co farmers, their organizat- ions and affected Landowýners- in the way of the proposed Lennox Oshawa 500 KV tran- smission hearinig before the proceedings ground to a hit for a Jack of agenda, shortiy after 2:30 p.m. Most of the 5: ,hour session was taken bý Dr. ÛOmnnd Solandt's audition of repre- sentatives who wantied the prefeýrreýd Hydro rouite chanig- ed cîther to a more southerlY route cbanged itiher to a more southerly route to coin- cide with exiý,sfing tiit ie c'orridors or to a northierl r, route to avoid farmland and la urban uentries. o Thele ar'iing coninues in Hale has now ofre a thyoffer townisip w)ide garlbage pick Jups frlouse bold collectioni. IBut 1hepublie wouid pay for- tieservice say.ýs \il ouwid eat acheaper(1 rate tli;an thle pre'sentj charge, for) ,H1al's te r-ceýi ve t1e mlny n ime. "If woI lso SGM. to p 5 lnew ImoN 'ýeneraiý1 Moters, which saw' -'1'TT1 first quarter profits redue- ed because of a big Car sales slum1p, arnouniccd Friday' vif wili introduce five nw small cars during the 1975 model yea r. GM1\ Chairman Richard Gerstenberg said thec new modeis wili include a sporty sub-comnpact for each of the Chevroiet, Buick and Olds- mobile divisions. Another subl-compact for the Pontiac Division and a smaller ver- ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, MAY 29thÏ i cmt downi on paper,! work for them asý they would nof have bo senld out thie bis. fitasnot ciaritîed as to xx etereve~ newouid pay tiste rgadlssof the fact tbey they(,\do not take advant- age f gabagecollctiion. He added, "Themi esnfor. aIngohaeit putinmwith] liloir tx~ .is .f0 StQp 11b( lfheu hater b as been irefer. red to) bbc Plaing -Adisor-Y omieefor ir cii onsider- ationi. roduce IeIs sion of the luxur-y Cadillac, wbý ich will be int roduced later in the modeF year. also were announiced. 1 A spokesman for GM of Canada in Oshaïva saîd today at' ieast one of the new cars just announced will be built at the companiy's plant in St. Therese, Quebec. The announicement can oniy improve employment in Can- ada...] can oniy have a positive affect," said the *happenings SHIOT BREAKS REUIONAL POLICE WINDOW-A shot gun blast from a passing car shattered the front window of the 'igional Police station in Bowmaniviile last week. Pellets ý.,re emrbedded in pictures hanging on the wail but the lone policeman on duty escaped any injury. The car was apparently parked in a lot west of the station and sped off before aityone could indentify the vebicie. POWER. INTERRUPTION - Orono Hydre will be cut-off to users Iis Sunday, June 2nd, te necessitate some line work. Weather perm t'Ling the eut-off will be lrom 7:00 to 8:30 a.m. Net likely tee much inconvenience te tee many. SETS U P 011, BUSINESS - Franies Tennant opens bis own Fuel business in the Newcastle area with a compiete fine of Petrofina Petroleum products as weii as 2,4 heur bumner service. FIRST BAND CONCERT BY CLARKE BAND -Tonigbl, Wednesday the Clarke Higb Scbool Band presents its first annuai Spring Concert at the school auditorium. The program is designed te provide entertainmrent fer the enlire famiiy and everyone is invîted. Proceeds from the concert are te be used te purchase uniforms for the band members. Rece ive d To instali infor ationair-condifloi On prl the( Ontario In a report fri Prýoviicial Polw ice aked forpark, Alex beip f0 local wînssste M.P.P., Durham, asý's i their inesition of tenders-have bee] a eiucrmnlofne an enfure air-cour In prbiula , vjwated , te cm te imipro spakxith persons xx'bo badconditions aI traxclld btxven eteboroffice building of1 ougb and1(jTorontlo 1bx bus on of Transperfatier Decebei6, 973.As reuitmunicatiens iniiP appals a x'ines ba re On 1bebaîf ot aE spn« xifhinîi-matfioni ibe Oîîbaro Prov,î bb( meliduia e oldnyeisssaneon thiý býave reacbed this imiportant H .lGrfam, G%i ftshopa t Clarke lmuseum-w Tlhursda y 2:00 - 5:0(0 a nd (;:3ý0 to 8:301 Frd~from 2: 00 - 5:0>0 and 6ý:30 to 8:ý30 Saturday fron 1:0 a.n. te 12;:Of) a. n. Sunday from 2:00 te 5:00) For an added touch of interest this year, the craft and gift shop iocated witbin themuseum, is overfiowing with articles,' most of which aehand craýfted by local people, Potfery and 1leather crafts are promninent, with an assertmnenf of knitted wear, candies, paintings and note papers. Aimost every thing down to homne made face cream. In the dispiay room this month, Jack Gordon's coi- lection of id pictures are being shown. Scenes from- Newcastle and Orone, some taken prier fe the 1900's are among the gioss prints. There are a few taken before and 'after the lire, which desfr oyed the compiete seul h side of Newcastie's main street lrom Church street te Miii street in 1896. The actuai construction of Newcastle Community Hall is sbown in the year 1922, and the laying of the corner stone, a gift lrom C.D. Mlassey. Sf111 recognizabje is an Orono street scene, showing the Town Hall, and the easf side of the street. An old wolien miii wvas once situated on the easf end of 'en cali 1the 1MI On and Port Il( and briefs Peter Neweil a Newcastle resident, ,aid lthat beca.ýuse tobacco is su1ch aninesv and spýcui/lzdcr'oP. tobacco l'armerýis in he area ot the proposed transmission fine* ha\( eome especially serions problemns to be worked ouI Continued page 3 Kalirai rem anded S jn(i i iSigli Kalii ai 2 o Ev~xanis Axe 'Iorrontows reinaded <>(t\ toMir, 28 in l1<~ man liepro ial clj(ourt on a charge ot non caýp0il m ur(ler. Ile is charged in connectioni xx th the deatb ot bis te Mrs. Ravindei' Kalîrai, wbose, body xxas found in woods near Orono at the junction of Hwys. 115 and 35, April 13. Planner dissatisfied wîth system Town planner, George Hlowden seenis to be some- what disturbed xxitb ecat lsdevelonment nolicv re- commennded hx thefinnce comtc.The policv states that twhe s tafsbud no ubcoime ivovedindis cu MiOn Itbdvoesbe- for tei prpoaihas been hproedbyconcil. 1971 Mav\or ie kard said that the int iI ion oftis waý"s 1 preenthestai from wast- ing Ibeir lime1w Itbsometbling ~uee's hbasn'eenbenco)nsid- iter, re ~h ouci.The imayor es that alIso te Iit tat r. Howden was le-fr eratig tu the situat- ing Syý- ion. afle(r bearing wbat be bad I Cerni- eope. vou for.your, s occas1in. Toronto St reet On Miii sI reet n Newcastle. The miii ceaised operaiions abofut 11 ad xas daer '\((o I). td u Ii. Gordoiî also bas othr relies on dipla ted back te the lt>>sTexiIi be atI the Inut-seulin tînitilb b end of Junle. reported Pto mcncî l h planner says thal ail develop- er's xkich come mb ho fis Hampton office fom o o wilt be sent straigbt to the mayor for, his considera'itionl, as the poiicy states that he w-ili ni beil( able to discuIss tbemi-le aý'lso sayslhe willi not attend any m1-eetings outside the officeres'pect ing anly deveopmets.since be xxiii nowb pid 1 atendas jis stfed in -bcreoltin It waýs suggesbè4d by cunui- cillor Hobbs )'ýand councîlior Entwisle, ad the mayorwas iinstru cted iby counicil to re- Cvw he stton and repor 5ack to them. Oshawa fair declines meeting Oshaw-\a Fair got it's evict- ioji notice approvýed Py. council last11i11 nigbt withou w'rd of nided ithat (Te ity of Oshaw\ýa cancel the agreement enerldmbwibthe South Ontlario Agriculture Scey. wýitbrspetotete use of Alexandra park." Aicxaîdra Parkias beeui useýd h\ te xocityor its annulal Oshawa cFairsnc Tucsdav',s council resolut- Mi meanlls itat Ibis year's fair xill ae lc in the park. but tbis wýill he the Iast The caicelaioî Akes eelut mil Deebr3, 1974 The Society's licence to oeaea fair wil aiso be rokdon DeC. 31. Tbe eiction notice wasich seodof four recommend- alilns wibwr'appreved -as submiitted" in less than one, minute. Discussion regarding reloc- ationi of thle fair bias beeni gýoing on i city llfor- a number. of ye'ars. Despite thle addition of the former East Witbytonsbp o \he 0it1o Ja. 1sveralcounicil Imcmi bers-, baxeuesindthe need of a place for citY people f0 Contjnuied page :; The b)oys out Kerni way project. i ne plan is nouin tuii mat every one can neip ana wben flot piaying basebali for swing with a mailing goîng aise enjoy y ears of initerestinig either the Juniors or the oufte most home owners in .rPading. Intermediates are devising the area asking their support Stirlinig Mather 01f Orono means te finance the Kendal in pur-chasing m agazines shssintret heiis Eagies. Allbougb magazine through the Kenidal club. ThepusbsigaretIhfrs selling for a commission may club needs from $1000 to purchase in the campaign as not be new we cannot recali te pay expenses diuring the teamn president Bert Reidi of $uch a breed undertaking the year and if was pointed Ouft eînil el looeks omx Garbage paid through taxes?