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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1974, p. 2

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M-7,~~~~~ -.,1777 1mr7M7 1 ý q ) \ () %% I , hi TI Nii l 1\'i '>fl 197 1 0orono weekly ti mes Se(otul ( hl a lail l ýge tiaýt ion lNu in bel 6:168 I' IBhc c r\ %% cdri sda ' Na t fth(-office oi, publication St HBS('CIMITI(>N IRATES (ana(da $3.00 I .5. ...$.1.5. Naiture has alwýays been able to balance out ifs problemis but whien faced with some of the intricacies of man il l)ecomies baffled. Back of t he Oronio Times office ai red cardinail is hiaving its problenis but apparently enjoying this prot)lemn as it baitles with the modern ways of man. The bird bas fouind thle side mirror of Don Blewýett's half ton ti*uck mnost intriquing if not baffling. By some strange coincident it mnust hiave seen ifs image in the mirror and since thazt disco\very has been dfoing baffle wifh ifs image pe(riodicýa1ll throughout the day' . To this point if bas accomiplishied nofhing other than f0 fluffer up againsf fhe mnirror and screachi ouf ifs cail. If appears to be fthe way of f hings when nature cones up againsf some of the developmnents af nman and although the bird wiïll flot harmi itself physically if mnay succumb f0 tothe great be.yond through frustration. Don dlaimis the bird fias yet f0 be bouse trained. AIA S1IIUI>BE QA From our reports if appiears that Newcastle council or at least some of ifs members are concerned over t he fact that gravel pifs in the municipalitiy have yet f0 receive their Provincial licence. Their concern was f0 a greater degree over tlhe fact thaf fhe MUnicipality may be withouf gravel if the licences are not forfhcoming very shorfly. If was, apparently, suggested thaf Newcastle get approval of those pits they may wish f0 use and f0 turn the others over fo the Planning Comnmiftee- f0 consider. Kirk Entwisle suggested this was a type of discrimination. We beleive the councillor f0 be righf for if would bc discrimination if council or fhe planning commiffée acted only on those pifs which fhey~ wished to use fhemselves. The policy should not be based on who is going to use fhem but rather should they operafe in the parficular area and f0 sec- that they operate according f0 legislafioni. Ail nust be freafed alike. 18 REGIONAL FAIR TO DIE If would appear thaf alfhough some municipal represenfatives, and especially Mayor Rickard of Néëwcastle. seem f0o favour the amnalgamnation of fhe Orono and Oshawa fair info a Regional fair others are niof fortcominig with their support. This becamne evident lasf week when Mayor Rickard and Mayor Pofficary atfemipfed a meeting to consider the local fairs and their possible amalgamation. Oshawa did nofý ,give any indication thaf fhey would attend the meeting. If so happenied thaf on the saine evening thre Oshawa Fair board was considering a site for the Oshawa Fait- wesf of the cify. There bias been no indication from fthe Oshawa board that they favour any formn of amialgamration and if is about as quife from fthe Duirhamr Central Board. Locally individuals, wxill comment thiat they can see no menit in the joining of fhe fwo fairs and feel fbaf the fwo should continue wifh fheir individual identifies. This colun bas alway s supporfed this view fori-f is onily vfbrough such organizations and groups will eachi area bie able f0 mainitain sorte semiblance of ifs own personalify. We feel thaf (and pardon the expression) four one-borse shows are beffer than one four-horse shiow. If is fhe involmnent of people and wifh more on thre smnaller scale this involv ement is miuch more meanringifl. LETS NMAKE UP OUR MINDS If appears that the legýal advisor for the Region of Durham blas sfafed thaf planning is definitely'ý the responsibilitfy for- planning and that tin no way cani theyv dlegafe this responisibUlity of0)lfhidiiul mni iici palifi es. The legal advisor. in miiakinig this comment was dealing specifically with sub-division agr-eemnts and was speaking fo~ ~ ~~~~~Ii tosadncmitesoth egiorial governmiient. 1Mr. djams did sav thiat local nijcipailifies could pass judgemient onsdvsons buit hat wýas about aIl. 'flic commiiitîe xvas fo make a recommendafion f0 lginlcouncil but beflore any' v ote could be falken some. four mnembers luid I( l the meeting leaving if with no (luoittiiiii uorm11 Ili i<eii t i nie that <i conicreteclecisioti is ima(e on) \Vi) isg 1 li1îL, t (icon t ru t planning 1il the e gi , .( ouic il nei er slld ake thîs decision wîthout iany f1utheIlci heita on 'Cho u optt f Newcasfle has alreadylst)upa planing eparmentincluding a planner at a cost of $i:3,000, a consultant a( Io00a day, fwo students af $10 0 $120o awe plus they thaive reta i ned Municipal Planing Conisltantis who( charges can range f'rom $20).000o $40.00 an hour. D)uplication does ex.list and if is fimie thaf fhe taxpay'ýers were considered with Oie planning programn put under tht control of one body. The nitent of Regional governmnenf waý f0 co-ordiniate services and planning especiallv. 1 R.R. no. 4 Bowmnanville, Ontario Deai Editor, Local evenling hearings b)y the- Solandt Commission fo discliss Ille location of the transmnission flne befween lennitox and O)shawa: will be held on Mionday dune 3rd and Thur-sday, vdune 6th in the M.J. Hlobbs Public Sehool Hampton andi Kendal Public School respectively. Both meetings will sfarf at 8:30 These meetings have been scbeduled ýollow.,ing a request by fthe Durhami Federafion of Agriculture f0 bold imeetings ni these areas so that local people will have an opportun- ify vf0 attend and voice their concerns regarding the fines. Man ,y people were unable fo attend the formiaI hearings of the Commission that were beld ýin Port Hope on May2, 23.; and 24. Iiiniy opinion these meet-, ings are far- more important than those hield wifh Comn- mnonwealth and Hydro last year. Too miany people have taken for granfed thaf the route preferred by Hydro is final. Suchl is n'ot the case. The Solandt's Commission will mnake the final r-ecommllend(- ation f0 Cabinet as f0 whereý the flne will go. ba sed on informiation- that is received at thlese lhearings. The r-oute selecfed by Coml- mnonwealth and Hydro is the route they, des ire. If is therefore imiperafive thaf people attend these hearings f0 indicate f0 Dr. Solandt areas of' concern so that he will be able f0 mnake the best recom miendafion possible. I recognize thaf many people feel that information presented atfthe meetings last year was ignored by Com- mionw,ýeailthi and Hydro and thus see no reason for aittending any more meetings. Our organizafion, fon, is disappointed that 'Common- weailthi and Hydro almnost complefely disregarded the wishes of cifizens in this area. We are therefore atfending these hearings hopeful thaf Dr. Solandt wvilI consider and implemient the wvishes of citizens in the area. If appears that very few peopfle have yef realized the magnitude of the project and the effect if will have in the future. Many farmi operations will be disrupfed !by vthese fines and also by other developmnent thaf is ikelyv to oc'CUr als aresult 0f having the fine hlere. As infimated prev iously Durham ýFederafion of Agri culture urges ail citizens fo attend thiese mieetings and air their concerns. This is their lastI opporfunify f0 have input info determiining the location of' the fine. Sincer-elyous Don Wellsh \ 1 1i t Is>e( 1 ,i11 0 ( jý-ofr11111( , 1 1 )f t )i Ol !t11( pioposud pi p Iliwa o hsae.I sm din1-es (I ingtht esl nil NetIweing apovdb Ihe nat 1i onal Enrgy Urd, the 1ilnler pr ov inciial Pipeli ne ( 'omi11paniiv s attempting f0 iniegot ýialto sut 1leimnents with p ioperty 1' owners. T'he Feder- alion Ihinks this mos t unfair and urges f*armers flot to sign any agreueent a this time. When more information is availabI l te Federation will hiold a meeting to discuss nmatters thlat should be con- tainvd in any agreemient with tht' Company. It is the contention of Durhami Feder- ation of Agriculture that if a pipeline goes fhrough this area every owner should be treated lairly and such has niot been the case wý,hen pipelines have crossed pre- viously. Milison Insurance Agency for Ail classes of personal and Commercial Coverage Office: Corner of Church and Cohbledick Street 983-5032 Res.-983-5754 01r0110boy eharged. li (t 11w.Th conicert was' field iln lîigh Park mwifh an atndyn'1ce <f some 415,000, Garylvas 17, of Oror and l)aid yne, 16, or Toronto hav,, e eencharged wi th possessioni of cocaine anid possession of cocaine for trafficking. Police said the charges for cocianie are not ADULT COUNSELLING SERVICE If you want go do somnethlng about your eduato... you probably ean. Sec Your Adulit Counsellor 1EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 to 9at the NEW BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service la free - confidential - and no appointment 15 necesmry. EASTEBN ONTARIO BASEBALL, ASSOCIATION SENIOR LEAGUE, KENDAL, EAGLE HOME 1SCHEDUI.E May 20- Little Britain - 2:00 p.m. May 26- Porf Hope - 2:00 dune 1 -,Keene - 4:00 dune 8 Ajax - 2:00 p.m.n dune 16- Bovnaitiville - 2:00 p.m. Juift 22 Ajax - 4:00 p.m.i dune '26 Oshawa - 6:30 p.m. July 10- Bowmianville - 6:30 p.mi. July 13- Port Hlope - 4:00 p.m. July2 4- Oshlawa - 6:30 July 28 - Keene - 2-:00 p.m. July 31- Little Brifain - 6:30 p. Beavering is happening now Beaver colonies are b)eing set p across Canada in areas d1ig )vdb Provincial Counicils. The colonies are being opuirated irn schools. chutrchies, community clubs and homes. Bea \erýis a re on tbet, M OVE! Bea\ ering is ant experîmental part of the exisfing Boy Scot program. A colony nmeets once a Week for ant hour foolan [mur- and a haîf and mutst hiave people willing f0 be involvedi eseilvas leaders. The parents are members of fihe Grouip ('ommiittle m who arýe or who represent the Sponsor. Servicing vi11 1b'w hY ie existiiig District or Service Team siruct ur wit1 l assistance fron' Ilegionial and National staff . We know tfilet-(, manv t)oy s between the ages of 5 fo , 7i who a ltnlt mch to li f \olv\ed li keei r big brother t he C111b or lth' Scout hbut is to11,1119ung]thenget ivlvdWithi Itever an wccanassre u. ouwil enlJoy il as nïutchi as 'lleewiI lie za meetiing alice nited hurcli on Nl'iuisa -Mx wth af ti30p l wer veInh, g udesi re tokiknow aboutl eveig l lx' (iscussed. wrwe ~il e hpp Q

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