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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1974, p. 4

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6-ORONO WEEgLY TIMIES, MAY 29th, 1974 Region final say in sub-divisions S.K. Jain. regional lawy' er, gave memibers of the public Wvorks and planning and developmnent a three hour lesson in the Region of Durham Act. The two com- mnittees had called the meet- ingO to consider their role in sub-divisions in the region to Whichi to this date they ha-,ve not entered into any 'agree- mnents. Mn r Jain stated that unider, bill 162 the region wvas given the authorityv and responisibil- iyof Planning in the region and as such sub-division agreemients should be bet- ween [lhe region and the developer. He said l ocal counicils had not authrt under the Durham Act to signl agreemnents vvith developers nor1 co4uldi the region delegate this authority to them. He did suggest howvever th!-at the regfion could make it a condition of its agreement that thei( developer enter into an agreement with the local counIcil. Mayor Newman of Whitby thoughit this to be a good idea but other members saw a mIerry-go roujnd being creat- ed. Th e meeting concurring with their lawyer decided to recomimend to regional coun- cil that: -01ne1 agreement be drawn up by the fcregioni,-incorporating aifl thie requirements of the local council and other con- cerned bodies (school boards, etc). -t hat the region he responsible for co-ordinating the proces- *planning and development' * CNFE'ITOEW N *that thèrËegions lawyer draw GIETS *u * e that, the region's commis- * O sioner of planning and deve- * * lopment bc responsible for * Chocolates e administering the *ajýreement and, Candies :-that a hookîet-outlinfing the * * procedure for processing sub- *divisions be prepared by the : Cigarettes * reginnal staff. 0 This -done,- Chairman * Walter Beath nioted that * Ca rds. Counicillors Garnet Rickard, e Newmnan, Mike Breaugh and 0 Alan Dewý%ar had left and there * and Gifts w ýas no longer a quorumi, so hie * . dismîssed the meeting. *toralloccasions: MION - TUES - THJURS* FRI 7:30 a.m. -9 p.m.* WED 7:30 -6 p.m. SAT 8:30 -5:30 p.m.e OROrNO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5242 * SAFETY TIP: MOTOR VEIIICLE SAFTEY CHIECKS DRIVERS! A safety ch~eck Ôf your car can locate inor fauflts before they cause you serinus trouble. Get your car safetyv checked now ... it mayv 1belp prevent a..collision and m-ayv even save a life. ~ONO phono ssii.. SWIM WEAR ONE PIECE AND TWO PIECE BIKINIS ALSO CAGE STYLES IN DOTS PLAIDS AND SOLIDS 8-14X $5.98-$9.98 GRIEAT LOOKS - GREAT VALUE SOCKS 100 percent STRETCHI NYLON ANKLE SOCKS 7-11 .69C SEWING CENTRE Bobbins, Reg. 39c Sale 25c Zipper Foot Reg. 4Pw Sale .2.5c Boy's Shirts SHORT SLEEVE T-SHIIRTS - LACED FRONTS IN WHITE BLUE, GREEN, BROWN AND NAVY 8-18 $1.25 .to $3.95 15"1 Cotton Gin gham $ 1.79 yd. 15- Flocked Dot Cotton $2.49 yd. 45" Polyester Jacquard $5.99 Ad. local levies Durham regional counc il, at a special budget session today, is reviving a finance committee recommendation which would provide the region with over $14 million in revenue from the eighit muni- cipalities in the new region for' its first current budget. The levy the eight municip-' alities will pay- if the recommendation is approved by council -is: Oishawa: $.8,0 Whitby: $2,204,00o Newcastle: $1,461,000 Pickering: $1,460,000 Ajax: $1,272,000 Uxbridge : $650,000 Scugog:- $561,000 Brock: $445,000 This levy would include the cost of operating sewers and water services and capital costs for sewer and- water servi ces. As well as assuming the costs for sewers and water, the, region is also paying police and conservation costs, formerly paid by municipalit ies, and upkeep on regiona roads. The Province bias outline( its transitional grants to th4 eight miunicipalities whhe comprise thie region, Due t protest from thle Towno Whitby which was not f receive aniiy transitiona grants these grants are nov under review at thie provincia level. Mayor Newýmano Whitby states Whitby canno live with the Provincial decis ionnot to pay grants to ti Town. The transitional grants lisf ed are:- Newcastle - $1,155,000. Scugog - $855,000 Brock - $495,000 Oshawa - $285,000 Ajax - $l35,000 Pickering - $120,000 While no detailed explar ation for thie amiount of th grants w as included in th letter, it appears the provir ce's intent is to provide large Veu mwm ni~h t- ,al wbho had to undergo major amalgamations. Newcastle, Brock, Scugog A emerged out of an amal- gamnation of four old municip- -lities while Uxbridge is an amadgarnia,. .- ulIlire form- er municipalities. Ajax picked up Pickering Village and part of Pickering Township while Oshawa added East Whithy Township. CII ofI foI aiI 't-II rZick Y"tderstooP, Iécszo Oit. m *~46 *187 -4670 ln- *TEVF SRçBS5 I *TREDD(NG pLANTS *NORSERY sTOCK' ie I OEMERAL MAITNANCE. * n-j a erlm - ~ nous SCMOai *omwuom zig yWouseoewee important possession. This is what Ontario is doing to help you protect ut.' Most of us get sick or have an accident at one time or another. And left to our own resources, serious illness coutd often cripple us financially. So the government here in Ontario has developed a plan to provide health care for everybody, any ti me if's needed. That plan is called Ontario Health Insurance Plan- OHIP. (The "H" stands for "Health, "not "Hospital.") The Plan is administered by your Ontario government for us, the people of the province, who pay into it regularly s0 we can benef it when we need it. How does the Ontario Health Insura nce Plan work? Like this: First, you apply for coverage - on a "Group" basis where you work, or you can pick up an application formr at any bank, hospital, or OHIP district office. Next, you'll pay modest prerniums to cover yourself and your f amily towards the time when health care is needed. People on welf are, students, and others whose incomes f ait below a certain level, are eligible for assistance in paying their OHIP premiums. No one is excluded for lack of money, but you must apply for such premium assistance. Benefits inclùde: physicians' services standard ward hospital accommoda- tion'- X.ýrayÉ -Iaboratory tests'- drugs required in hospita - operating and delivery roomfs - radiotherapy'e chiropractic, osteopathic, and chi ropo- dist services'- eye examinations'- occupationat therapy'- physiotherapy - speech therapy - nursi ng and- medical care in nursing homes and homes for the aged'- Home Gare service'- ambulance'- certain dental surgery. Payments may cover costs entirely or only in part, deperîding on the nature 0f the dlaim. But remember: Memnbership in the Ontario Health Insurance Plan is not automnatic - you have to apply for it. And be sure to carry your identification card or OHIP number at ail times. If you would like more information', visit any OHIP district off ice. Or-write to: OHIP Ontario 20 Qu een's Park Toronto, Ontario NM4H 1 A9 Ministry of Health Frank S. Miller, Minister Government of Ontario WVilliam G. Davis, Premier M I YSFASHIONi 0 G CENTRE

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