8-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, MAY 29th. 1974 Local1 women assist Red Cross Thaxiks to the sewing and knitting skills of many local women, the Bowmanville and District branch of the Canad- ian Red Cross Society has almost completed its yearly quota of ýhildren's clothing, layettes and afghans for disaster relief. Six cartons were sent to Divisional Headquarters this week for shipment to disaster w7arehouses around the world. The total of .348 sewn and knitted garments included baby layettes, dress and panty sets, shorts and shirts, sleeveless sweaters and 52 afghans. 6,882 swahs and wipes were made for the Blood Transfusion Service of thec Red Cross. A considerable number of diapers and towels have yet to be completed and there is' wool available for sweaters and afghans. You can assist with this Red Cross pro- gramme by calling at the *Branch Headquarters, 28 Division St., Bowmanville on Fridays fromn 1: 30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. or telephoning 623-2639 or 983-5291. All materials are supplied by Red Cross and this work is done in your home. Please help us to help our less fortunate neighbours. Between us, we can make good things happen!! Safe use of chemicals more control needed With the growing season and planting season now upon us, farmers and home gard- eners are looking at the possibility of using chemnicals for insect and weed, control during the upcoming season. t is important for the users of ail chemnicals to remember to use chemicals only for the recommended uses and to know exactly what these are ani what the dosages recom- mended for any given situat- io - are. People should always remember to rea d the label on the container and heed the instructions that are there. We also have information pamphelts at the Agricultural Office on the use of chemicals for, weed and insect control, including the 1974 Guide to Chenîcai, vyeec controi tor al field crop and vegetable crops that are grown in the area. t is important to remnembex that properly operated and ' ~~maintained spray equipment will provide maximum saftey and effectiveness for not only the operator but anyone living nearby and at the same time, will provide you with max- imum performance in pest- * icide control programs. For further information on pesticide usage or on recom- mended dosagdes, please con- THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION AUDITOR'S 5REPORT We have examinedI the Balance Sheet of The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of ln our opin;ion these Financial Statements present falrly the financlal position of the Board Educat ion as et December 31, 1973, the Revenue Fund Statement of Operation and the as at December 31, 1973 and the results of ls operations and the source and a 'pplication of its Statement of So urce and Application of Capital Funds for the year theni ended. Our capita1 f unds for the year then ended. in accordance with accounting prlnclples generally examinatio0n included a general review of the accounting procedures and such teýsts of accepted for Ontario school boards appileçi on a basis consistant with that of, the preceding accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the year. ci rcumnstances. COBOURG, ONTARIO MARCH 29, 1974 BALANCE SHEET as ai DECEMBER 31, 1973 ASSETS Current Assets Cash investments ai Cost Accounts Requisitions Muniicipalities Under-Reqisitions Supplementary Taxes, etc. Other School Boards Governmient o Ontario Government of Canada Other Due from other Funds Capital Reserve .Revenue Prepaid Expenses Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Fixed Assets Landl Buildings Furniture and Equipmnent Projects in Progress Buses Other Other Assets EXPENDITURE Business administration Computer services Instruction Education8l services Attendance, heaith and f ood services Plant operation Plant maintenance Transportation Tuition tees Capital Expendture (non-allocable) Other operating expenditure Debt charges on capital borrowing Non-operating expenditure excludlng transfers to reserves Total Expenditure Recovery of Expendliture Other school boards Government of Ontario, tuition tees and miscelianeous Government of Canada individuals (1) Other Revenue, excluding transters from reserves - Total Recovery of Expenditure NET EXPENDITURE REVENUE FUNDSTATE, EXPENDITURE Business administration Computer services Instruction Educational services Attendance, health and food serviceb Plant operation Plant maintenance Transportation Tuition tees Capitlal expenditure (non-al locable) Other operating expenditure Debt charges on capital borrowing Non-operating expenditure excludlng transfers to reserves Total Expenditure Recovery of Expenditure Other School boards Government of Ontario, tuition tees and miscel laneous Government ot Canada [inividuels (1) Other Revenue, excluding transfers from reserves Total Recovery of Expenditure NET EXPENDITU RE Revenue Capital Fund Fund 28,493 153,329 73,780 1,258,647 4,137 20,833 24,827 26,004 1,561,557 28,483 877,475 38,640,ý10 5,410,465 249,778 47,241 174,446 SHARPE. LANGHORNE, TOWNSEND & CO. Municipal Auditors License No. 071* LIABiLITIES Current Liabililties Bank lndebtedness Accounts Payable Municipalities Over-Requisition Otlher School Boards Government of Ontario Governiment ot Canada Trades Payable and Accrued Liablities Debi Charges Due and Unpaid Due to other Funds Capital Reserve Revenue Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities Unmatured Debenture Debt Less Sinking Fundi Def erred Income Reserve for Working Funds Equity in Reserve Funds Other Investments in Fixed Assets 1,561,557 45,427,898 RE VEN UE F UND STATEME NT 0F OPE RATIONS FOR ELEM ENTARY SCHOOL PUR POSES FOR THIE YEAR END El) DCEMBER 3T, 1973 Financing of Net Expenditure 205,938 Government of Ontario 35,093 7,527,804 General LegisiativeG 124,829 6,620 11,082,&-~ Local Taxation 602,716 1,045,494 1972 Over (under) req 27,454 ( 2) Local taxation r8h 31,961 Decrease (increasa)i 103720 1,218,131 Net Under (Over> Requi 12,158 to be Applied to 1974T 12,024,376 Revenue Capital Fund Fund 580,562 1 68,849 23,103 4e14,198 24,845 1,211,557 16,779,715 43,440 3.252_ 24,827 71,519 16,779,715 350,000 28,576,664 1,5 61,557 45,427,898 Grants equisition a IÉc in 1973 ýin reserve 76,577 3,292,041 uisition Required Taxation TOTAL 32,104 1U4,Uf4 8,512,286 11,795,508s 1434 (1) Other Revenue includes transfers from the capital fund, proceedà from tIse sale of 20,576 assets, insurence dlaims, earnings crn temporary investmenit, reiM~buesement for 251 services and other mîsceilaneous items that are in thé nature of recovery of expenditure. 71,103 228,868 11,795,509 (2) Local Taxation includes the tot al of thse 1973 requisitions on municipalities. supple- mentary taxes, license tees for traliers. taxes ievled direçtly by school boards, and any other amounts provided by municipalities over and above thse requisition, other than amounts in respect of sale of assets to a Municlpality or revenues trorn shared cost programs. EMENT 0F OPE RATIONS FOR SE CON DARY SCKOOL PURPOSES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER31, 1973 Fînancing of Net Expenditure Government of Ontario 144,4a5 62.874- 7,060,702-, 51,239 88,832 893,044 269,752 647,420 714,857 29,839 86,213 1,185,488 11,918 11,246,663 27,14 1 5,425 12,947 40,121 General Legisative Grants Local Taxation 1972 over,(under) requisition (2) Local taxation raised in 1973 Decrease (increase) in reserve Net Under lOver) Requisition required to be Appied to 1974 Taxation 1TOTAL 8,001,1781 107,854 3,223,151 (150,000) 3,805 (83,453) 11,098,730 (1) Other Revenue includes transfers from the capital fund, proceeds from thse sale of assets. insurance dlaims, earnings on temporary investment, reimbursemnent for services and other miscèllaneous items that are in the nature of recovery of expenditure. 147,933 12) Local Taxation includes the total of the 1973 requisitions on municipalities, sup- piementary taxes. license tees for trailers, taxes levled directly by school boards, and any other tmounts provideci by municipalities over and aboya the requisition. 11,09,73 other than amounts in respect of sale of assels to a Munlcipaiity or revenues from 11,09,730 siiared cost programs. STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF CAPITAL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDEO DECEMBER 31,1973 APPLICATION SOURCE Unexpended funds at beglnning of year Longterm liabilities Sold to Educationi Capital Aid Corporation (par value) Sold to the public (par value) Premium-on debentures Discount on debentures Reimbursements f rom Governments Canlada Ontario Capital Expenditure trom the revenue fund Federai sales fax refund Balance at the end of year not permnnl financed TOTAL Balance ai beg in ning of year not permanently financed Fixeci assets and work in progress Buildings 75,062 Furniture and equipment > ScIsool sites 293,000 Imrprovementof school sites Buses Other ISpecify) 293,000 66,860 66,960 233,979 171,515 43,036 883,452 H. N. SHEPPARD Chairmnan of the Bord 295,211il 345,784 203,62V/ 23,940 31950 10,946 Other Applications Costof lssuing Debentures Transferred to revenue fund Unexpended funds et end of year TOTAL 588,241 883,452 1W. F. THOM Director of Educaflon and Sec retary il