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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1974, p. 8

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10- ORONO WEEKI.Y TIMES. MAY 29th. 1974 George Fdircey of Bowman- casile. George has been busy "Town1 of Newcastle" and ville was caughit in thre act on) of late with truck and vehicle becomes truck No. 6. Mr, Monday eveihg chianging thie lettering for the new Towni of Forcey states that the change- naine on the trn-lak ire Newcastle. The local fire( over is aîmost now com plete. truick to the Town of New- truck now bears the name To look full length down the array, of tulips at the Horti- cultural Spring Show was remniiscent of the tuiip beds in Ottawa. Althougli it was too early for some varieties and too late for others ail spec- ,umen classes were weli repre- sented. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vanllorne of Whitby were the wvery competent judges. We are always ple sed to weicome new exhibitors and this year there were several - Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Patter- son, Mr. and MIrs. James Lowery, Mr. Ervan Rainey and Mrs. Gladys Gamnsby and ail were among the prize. winners. - -Mrs. Charles Miller was in charge of the meeting in the absence of the President, Aïr, Brown, in England and the lst Vice, Mr. Zegers in Hollanid. MAary very capably conducted the business which included discussion on delegates to the Horticultural Convention be- ing held in Niagara Falls. Mary, in asking Mr. Van Homne to speak on dahlias, said that anyone who couid, should visit the VanHomnes to see t' '4r gardens and in particular their dahlias, as she knew they would be welcome. Mr. VanHorne out- ined some pointers on the growing of da'ilia.s which they have found useful in their own experiences. He said you neyer need more than one tuber, providing it lias a good. eye, but it must be ý_.good one. lie suggested cutting a suice off the bottoin of the tuber so that next year you would know tliat it was an old tuber and shuuld flot lie planted - ýagain. The planting hole should lie deeply dug, the,, tuber piaced at 6" and a taîl stake put in at planting time. If the eye is sinail it should not be too deeply covered. Af ter growth 'appears fertilizer (they like phosphate) may be appiied around the plant. When wat- ering they should be well soaked once a week or maybe every 4 days during a dry spell. Sprayiiig should com- mnence early and when the 'buds start to Show should lie done once a week. Insects are the cause of buds not opening Don't be afraid to take off excess foliage. Dahlias may lie grown in partial, shade providing they get four bours of morning sun. Tliey don't like too mucli hot sun. Questions were also asked about gladioli, roses, philox, and other plants. Carl Billings and Charlie Taylor with their mouthor- gans and Doreen Lowery on the piano provided a musical interlude. Charlie also gave some violin selections. Mary calied on Bertha Toucliburn wio expressed the thanks of. the Soiety to our treasurer, Adele MlcGiil for lier work in making the stencils for the Vear book. Adele accepted a Trillium cup and sa ucer say'\ing she just feit she was doing ier part. Following the meeting tlie bake table'and the plant table were busy'ý as members pur- chased the various items. Aileen Bairstow, Mirs. Hl. Lowery and Grace Reid were in Charge of the plants and Thelma Vagg and Margaret Hiancock were in charge of the, baking. Lunch of sandwiches and relishes were served buffet style, to the good crowd in Tlie Orono Junior Garden- ers helil a very successful Spring Show on Thursday, Mlay 23rd. There were 54 entries with 8 exhibitors in the seniors and 12 in the juniors. 'We were pleased to have so many of the juniots exhibit and some of them were amongst our youngest memu- bers. Some classes had 9 entries 50 somne fourtli prizes were givenM. and Mrs. Russe]] VanHomne of Whitby judged the show. WINNERS IN JUNIORS Spring Floweýr arrangement in a mug:- Ist-Mark Vogel, 2nd - Hleidi Schmnid, 3rd-Chariene Forbes, 4th-Donna Colvin, th - Janne Tamblyn. "WitsNew Pussy Willow:- lst: Mark Vogel. '2nd Kelly O.P.P, News Commissioner H.H. Gra- ham remindýs ithe cyclist fthat lu, is operatfing a;lvehicle and hé bas Io contlorm tIo the saine crule uothe rad'ils the cari As with a lcar., youriccl ind you miust know your, So, parents- before y Nour ongsters get their bikes out the basemient, check themi over and (isatisfy' yourlseýifthat thel e prpery.euipedand in g1ood cond(ition. Maesure that itthe children knlow their safety\ rules - pehps uucould even11giv'e them ia ccingtst. If y ou a re fl sure of the rulles, yu local Opp detachmnent will be nl ou plasedtoelp y' ou. Andmi lstknlow hIow vour b)ikewol ks -r1emlemlberil ned rg lar maintenance,' the 'am as a cr Mt thlýislmeo(0 year Hall. "Just Me": - lst Heidi Schmiid;, 2nd mark Vogel; 3rd Robin Lyceltt -Love your counitryýside":- lst Bill Tate and 2nd Mark Vogel "A Walk through the woods": lSt Mark Vogel Your own houseplant:- lst Donna Colvin; 2nd Bill Tate and 3rd Mark Vogel WINNERS IN SENIORS Spring Flower Arrangement in a mug : - st Elza Vogel; 2nd Jimmry Vogel; :3rd Kathy Lycett and 4th Ruth Tate "Wliat's New Pussy Willowý": Iýt Elza V'ogel; ndJimmiy Vogel;' 3rd Laura Tate and 4th Karen Atkins. -Just e"- st Elza Vogel; 2nid Karen Atkî ns; and 3rd Danny Zegers "Love your countryside" :- lst Jimmy Vogel; 2nd Karen Atkins and 3rd Elza Vogel "A wvalk through the woods": lst Diane Colvin; 2nd Ruth Tate; and 3ird Danny Zegers Your own houseplant - lst Karen Atkins, 2ncl Kelly Lycett, 3rd Elza Vogel and 4th Laura Tate Entr'acre opens at Oshawa qallery Enrata br-illiantehi ition arouind a theaitricalj theme (thie titie is Fr-ench ftor "intermission"> contains ex- citing new work bigdone in textiles and fabr ics, ceramiics metal, wood and lahr Co-ordinated 1by the Canad- ian Guild of Crafts i(oitario), presently under the direction of Paul Bennett, formerly Director of The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, and made possible through the generosity of Benson and Hedges (Canada) Limnited, the show, which ties in wiqth the World Cratfs Exhibition in 1974, contains wýork by artistsý, some of whom havu ýepevo- ly shown at the- gallery, alike Hilde Schreier, whose textile "Ceremonial Dance" won an award. A wide variety and range of 1techniques is fascinatingly demonstrated1 in this large exhiibition which starts its' nation-wide tour with its opening by Paul Bennett in Oshawa, dune 6t[h. The ex- hibition will be on view titi JuIy 7th. Gallery ho urs, are: Monday to Friday' - 12 nioon to 5 p.m. and to - 1noon to 5 p.m. Sunday - p. m. to 5 pi. m1otorisîs ,shoou1d be particul- arIy watcliful for the inex- pcrcncd cclit.Young preseholes.can lie totally unrdctbe keep an ey'Ne out for lhem. and alway-s expeet the unexpected. Fred R. Blucher Chef Inspector D)irector, Sft and Intlormnation BýranchI Tlpoe965-4474 Wedding The Reverend Thos. Hl. Sitihl of Newcastle officiated in a double ring ceremiony on Saturday May 4th, 1974 when he united Barbara Gail, daughter of Mmr. and MIrs. Albert R. Mitchell, Orono, Ontario to Burton George son of Mm. and Mrs. George Sine, Stirling, Ontario in Newton- ville United Church. Given in marriage by lier father, the bride wore a formai gown of white polyvest- er crepe, w ith mandarin collar of re-emibroidered alencon lace, also featuring a lace bodice highlighted with a new frenchi bell sleeves. Tlie hem of lier gwn and detacli- able train wvere timmnied with chantilly lace. Her headIpiece lad satin loops trimmned also with chantilly lace and held by a tiered veil of siik illusion. She camried a bouquet of white sweetheart roses, baby's brealli and purple statice. The maid of honour, Miss Helen Alexiuu of Scamborougli wore a full length gown of limec crepe xith purple lace bodice and empire waist. She wore sinaîl purple and lilac flowers in lier hair. In lier liands she carrîed a bouquet of yeilow carnations and daisies, and purpie statice. The best man was Mr. Ronald Carter of Bowmnan- ville and the usher was Mr. Steven Mitchell, Oronio, Ont- ario, brotheur of the bie Follwin a eception hleld inI the Newtýonvi1l1le Unitled C hurch H1 al,.. Mr. 1and1M rs . Sinelef et ona honleymloon to FlIorida;, and are nowý residing in N onille. Mobile homes stili bef ore council BY SHELLEY LOUCKS Negýative, reports came froiN Municipal Planning Consultanti,AMS. Jeain Monte- ith, concerning Rice Brothers Construction Co.'s proposed Mobile Retirement Park. Her arguments are based o n the lack of suitable access and isolation of the site, the lack of commercial and social ser- vi.ces, and thequality of the n4tu-ral environinent. Town officials will be visit- ing the site to investigate for theinselves but in the mean- tine, positive reactions are comiing froim developer Max Rice and lawyver e.r. lovekin. Il lias been the understand- ing of' most people including Ms. Mlonteith, that the de- velopinent will provide low cost housing, but MIr. Lovekin stresses that it is definately not low cost or low class. He describes .it more as having "Counitry' Club Atinosphere", Max Rice expressed his feelings that these mobile homnes are built mucli better than conventional houses and that metal is the most economical material to re- place. Town Planner, Gog Hlowden, seemns genuinely worried about the durability of the houses, and the planning committee fear the probleis witli these houses' whicli will be facing today's "1younger generation" twenty years from:now, ,ý The developer'ls assurance of total durajuility was quest- ioned by coifnrittée member, HIC. Muir. HIîe says if this is a, new thing, what 'proof do. ,you have that they are succes'sful, and wliat the elderly want? The only reply given was a referral to their present Sandy\ Cove opelration (Sim- coe Couinty), similar to, this proposai. Ms. MIonteith, opposing the project, points out that the location of the development wouldi back on to the CNR Mlainline Toronto-Montreai tracks which are heaviiy used. A doubtful appeal to the elderily residents. The retire- mient park .proposes to use the sewage treatment plant, now uinder construction, .85 miles froi the site. The Municipal Planning Consultant would prefer to see this taken over by thec region to insure high quality' service, thus leaving the Region with what she described as "a headache and unjustîfiable expense". In order for proper access to the developm-ent, the Pub- lic Side Rond known as Cobbledick Rd. will have to be upgraded, and an overpass built over the CN tracks. The access to the developinent is thie,"gr-eatest drawb)ack" ac- cording to MIs. Monteith. Considering that, which 1,00a uniits i the Park, there will bc at least 1,000 cars using the new road. But it is suggested OJ.P.P. News cljisinswee nvctd tedfol whic ifpin r hc ols uns iiAntIAoccurens durng (oIi wcck, u May 13 1974 coliins ere esighated i culiiiu,- ctvand w persons hia\ v liecn clarged witi drivinig offences under the Criminal Code. TheNate officers also invesligated 1412 occurrences ut a gerieral nature. Some of iese occurrei-(nces are as tollows. There( were fij\'e iinx'cstilions fintu(lie offence o)f Tetirue investigat- ions imto lie olfence utf 'Wiltul Damnage-, (lirce investigat- ions_ into (lic offence ut "'Assault.' Other activities conccrnied investigations into reports out lrespass, nmissing persons )and driving Lonin plaints. Eighl persons have been cliarged witli offences under ilie Liquor Con trol Act and four persons have been char- ged witli driving offences unideýr te Crîminal Code. amendinent that Cubbiedick Rd. be used as a Secondary or emîcrgency access. However, if an accident should occur at Hwy 2 and 35-115 interchange, access (o the cumxnunity would lie cut off. THe proposaIlias been ie' up with complications for almust a year now, and E.R. Lovekin says -the probiem is that it is complete new a.nd unique". H1e added that it is somnething "unknown and suspected" by the peuple of the comnmunîty. To try to smooth uver this unknown aspect of the deve- lopinent, Rice * Brus. -Con- struction hupes, to have a mobile unit on display in the near future, to obtain "public reaction." THE 5PARIN YýIlN ýWOLD SLEEP FREvER Or. no Towing GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Oro.. Trentway Tours SPECIAL TO) W.W.VA. Jamboree WfHLING "'EST VIRGINIA June 28to 30 SHOW STARS Tom T. Halk FOR DETA ILS CONTACT TRENTAY TOURS LTD) P.O. BOX 77-2, PETFERBOROUGH;I PHONE TOLL FREE,- F lower shows delight many CA

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