ren~n ~ '-,C~W Wa~ KENDAL Let us wîith a giadsome mmd i(1piaise ie Lord for he is kind: foir hîi ercies aye endure ever faithful ever sure*(. These beautiful wvords were -written by Johin Milton who. iost his sighit wheni a y oung manl. na was a perfect day foi.- anAnnverarya Shiloh. Somne of the Kenidal fokattendied and heard Rev. G. ontgomeîyý speak on -The people is the church", and the Oronio Choir sing two anthems -Now thank we ail our God,- and "No man is an islam]d, no man stands alone." After this fine service a social hour was enjoyed. Kendal morniing service was a good service. The choir sýand, "In the Gýardeni", and Rev. G. Montgomery chose as hlis topic. - Developing an àd~equate faîth." The attend- anlce was smnalier than uisual because ail thec Brownie troop had gone to Camp Adelaide. The guides were also carrying ouit a project to earn their b)adges while some of tht boyS wvho are miemibers of the cub p)ack spent the week end a, Maridale Camp, Newtonville inder canvas, tjieir, clothes were a bit damp after the 1cavy rains onStddiy Keidal Saiad Supper wiii Ix'e heid on edesa eenn with setingsZalllaid6 o'ciock on Jonc -1(; This is an aninual event and il the ladies of the neigtibourhood are asked to bake pies and provide for' it. P hone NMîs. 1H. Fost er or Nirs. B. Elliott for tickets or any member of the U.C.W. mr. and MIrs. Keithi Wood and MIrs. ýEtlinore F ostecr tooe t teling on Sunday' mornIing b hear Rev. T. Snielgrove preach the mlorning sel-výice in Bethlel United Churjjcb. 1lie waýs very gladi to welcome thleml. They heard a nworgan played for the first time at that service. It bad b)een aj gift jfron a former miember. Nexi Sunday will be the Centenniial of this Bethel Church(ýl near the village of Sterling. We wish them al success. congrea-tulation to Mss Peggy Foster who on1 June 4 received hier diploma in Juurnýtalism frorn DUrham College and to Miss Mar-ilyn Nor-ton who graduatedi in njursinig on May 31 frorn St. Josephi's Hlospital, Peterbo)r- o)ugh-.Maiy is at present emp1oyed i n St. Jose'ph's hospital white peggy is work- ing on a paiper in North Bay-, Ontario. Olierwins Can-Aml Race fans, fun loyers and streakers hgll~dMos- port's crowds for the Labatt's, %%EEIýIATENIES..JUNE 19(li, 1971 the group take part in their and people attended the 3 day festijties -should write to: event. A guess ()f 100,000 Can Arn and Formula 5,000 would be much too high they naice last weekend. Mosportsad ofticials estirnate 60-65 thous- Second-time winner of the Now you can enjoy thle luxury ' -< oit Water with thlis tbeaýutifuLl mod~en waterý sofiner from Duro of Caniada. No pipes or t',an1ks oni view. No Ieaks, no0 drips. You anid your famnily will be deliglited at the dif- ference soit waterý makes. It can ecut your launii dry bills mn haif. You cani use pure soap inLstead of harsh, poltting detergents. Sof t water rinses completely cléan, leavinig no grubby rings on baths and ibasinis. Clothes, pantihose, towels, diapers stay soiter, last longer wth soit water wash ing. Soit water is kind to hands, gentie on tede ki, wonderful for hair washing. alyorDuro plum ber todayfor a free labo- ratory analyofa sam pie of your water. e,,Harvey gPartnerLtd -DX ERl'VICE ST ATI0Û lilihway .95 and 115, just north of Newcastle ~ Premiuni Quality Produetsý At the Alost Reasonrable Prices Diesel 0o1 Avalable ;n any quandLty Phone 987-4215 Red Cross ex tends hoe m e m a k e r service for Orono area ThroughliRed Crioss IHorne- miakers Service there is hlýp for *yýou and y' our famnily if' Mother ýis ill W Ihome or in ho(sp)itaIl.If *you are disabled throuigh an 1accident and necd assistance. if you mare a TO)URING T1111THE 'lhle Double Decker Touring Theaztre( helped in fthe set-up of the frontier townl in Millbrook last Sundfay in p)reparation for that town's Frontier Week, J11oc21st to July lst. The group wiIl continue to assist the town during Frontier Week. In future.weeks, the Double Decker Touring Theatre will travel to areas 'within a undred miles of its base-in P'eterboroughi..At present, it is rehearýs-ing several playýs, in. Qluding one forchdrn Anyone interested in having Tlhe service,, is gvn8 hours a day, generally' f rom 8:00 arn. to 5:Ot)p.m. but the houirs can be adjusted to suit the fainily. Fees for the service are adjusted according to the - abillity to pay. There is legislation which provides assistance for- those who qualify because of financial If you neied a Red Cr-oss Hlomemaker in your home cal the Red CrossHoemnak- er Supervisor at 723-2933, she can be reached at this numbler 24 hours a day. The Double Deeker Tou ring G&UA QUOrE FRON Theatre,c-o Peter Snell, 782 IItS BtPORE YOU BU>', George Street, North, Peter- kE M ERT PF borough, Ontario, .ori-phone 10M O E ECT'RICAL 74-3-2245 (area code 705). 0,9K TA éformula 5,000 race this year, David llobbs,of honil struggied to victory, in 52! mninutes and 33.8 seconds airound the 98 mile race. Sunldays race, thie Can Arn,- wistakài!by Engla'nd's Jackîe Oiv er, wh1o started the final Ifrorn , ltposition, and broke intlo the lead in the 27th lap. drîvînig a 'OP Shadow. Olvrsteanmate, Geor-ge Foînediving an identical vehiicie finishied seconiii after' iosing tiime with a fiat tire'. Althloughi there were no0 hard feelings Oliver says, "But George did take a ýoujple, of puniches at mie prior to the race." Hle refused to state the cause, but an argument persisted over something Foi- Imier faied to (do. HIighwayýs were kept busy, because oifltce Mosport crowds oveur the wýeekend, Butf, entranice roads frorn the suhof M osport weýre block- ed by OPP costanlutil the; iatrace was overl. Mosport Park, nowý lies forgotten untýil the neýxt big even1t. a graveyarwdfriar age ad mptwberbottes ('ompiaints lhav 1eieen madv bY iel]ien 11wtheMosport aiaa t oLi I an1magedone l)y la c(ý an over t he weekend, Thie usu;î I gaies a nd fentces haY~e heenre oport ed as beioîg Aîy oliIan Inter estçd in beconing 1a I loinernaker, plaecait ite Supewrvisor, ',rs. ('N. mci)oad a Smile if you think you're in shape. Ien,' in our hi,,i,t k-,q, a , rii4 lit e>iva lescent discha rged fromi hospital and nleqd Iheptp or a tew\ days iuntil you are able to dIo fo)r your1self, If youj are a senlior citizen and a littte extra help) wilt enable you f0 stay in your own hlome. led Cross enploys res- ponsil)le îlaitured womnen and trainsIthem flor. the service. 'l'h-e I lomemilaker uses ail lier skills to keup the fml tife a nlormal; las Possible. Pllans and prepares nourisb- ing meats, does tighit house- work, simple nursing under the supervision of a Doctor or Nuî-se. cares for tile sick, children ý, nd elderly. The Ilmeakrdoes not do heavy housecleaning or ac- cumiuated washing. ' , ,-'W M ake UsYour Pharmacy Our friendly staff is weIl-known for its courtesy' and concern. Our customers have confidence in us.. . and we work to deserve it. Try us. SPTUTT'S PHAR@mAC PHONE ORONO 983-5009 I ON TA RIO RAL RDIVI-SION OF MINES) FORM.5 The Pits and Quarriès Cntrol1 Act 1971 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION 1, Lorne Ha rdyv and 1Herb Visser, Il19 BomanI Avenue, WhitbyV, Ontario LIN 3T-d herehy giv'e notice that appflication lias been mnade for a licence toop, establish or operate a p)it and] quarryv on the lands described as flos Lot No. 2, C'onc. 8, Twn of Newcüastle, Regional Muniicýipalîty' vo! Durhamni formierly' the Township of Darlngto, COntyo! Ontario) consisting of 27.30) acemore 0or iess. Th'le estîmated amount of sand, fuI and gravel to be extracted annualIy is 1.3,000 tons, S The operation %vil] be a inter'mittent operation with a portable plant installation. The last day upon which written objections may be fiied with Ithe Minister of Natural Resources is July 29th. 1l974 at Queen's park, Toronto, Ontario M7A IX:;. Lorne Hardy Herb hVisser Dated this 7th day o! June,. 1974. * HALE'S Sand and Gravel Pit Run Gravel *and Bulldozing I BILL HALE * Phone 786-2972 o r 786-2e-940I MINISTRY OF NATUI RESOURCES Chatterton Electric ORONO, ONTAIUO Phonie 983554&k or 983-5940 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Establishied 1869 Reguilar Sunday Worship Sei-vice - 10:00 a.m. Hoiy (Communiion- -First and Third SundJys- Moriîîig Prayer- Second and Fourtht Sundays Holy Baptfisn by appoiritment with Rector' 997-4745 Rev. IL. Robert liayne, B.A., Lh TAI(E I EAQ'4. POP! I'M ONLYIWALKING ON M EDAW SQ UR3.)- E.lmor's Garage - 1 Service With a Personal Touch 1 - 1