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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jun 1974, p. 11

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~z~zzi~I~ (ij (/j 1/e VL :'l :W. FRANK: ~iREAL ESTATE:e LIMITED: *2.34 King Street East* * BOWMALN VILLE 623-3393 * Toronto 923-9174 @Port Hope office, 885.4543: *For prompt, courteous,,. efficient, service when *buying or s.eiling and : for the Iaî-gest selectionl *of properties iin the area* * Contact * Orono Area * Representatlvfs Charlie Reid * 983-5914 * Roy Foster * 983-5801 *William Turansky. (Kendal1) * 983-5420 * Dane Foui-d * 623-3965 * Ron Hurst * 983-5131 eChrista Winterhelte * 983-5465 * Judy. Schuett e * 983-5016 _______ ~ I Monuments und Fam'ly Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative. * The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT IHOPE Phonie colleet -V. W. RU'TTER Office -885-5216 Home 885-5222 BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 1HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates phone, Tyrone 263-2650 (harles Reid Oronos Ljicensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farmi Furniture Sales Consult nme for ternis and dates Phone Oronio 983-5914 Clarke Public LIBRARY, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frlday 6:30 to 8:30 p.M. 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 ar.. lIerb -and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING. Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR. T.V. RADIO' - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHIOME Guaranteed Service Randy Thompson Oruno, Ontarlo Phone 983-5759 Carpentry -Work Reniodelling We build from the foundation up Box 133 Ph. 668-3552 Stafford B rothers Limited Maniufacturers of Cemetery Memorials 318 Ilundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO WATSON 'S Marine and Cycle* Orrono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS A.llouett.e Snow mobiles McCulioch Chain Saws Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 andI 4 cycle Engines ALLOUE¶9TE SNOWMOBILES Orono Landscaping COMPI)) N; LANS(, AING t1 t11111'i -Mr and, Mrs. flfi>i ic blirtll of, thei'r gran(ldatughtei'. Christ inai .n.6It)s. 10 ozs. on Max 2h.1,. i Windsor. Bil 1and LInIda ae tPlue pr<iud parents. FOR1 SALE New1yflv hujt ile Buggy, 11i tdoMn 2-' 1I50<) niotor, t> 12-19 hlt'htitt bicrvles. neix' paint. parts, etc. AIl -bikes $25. Phone 98:3-5919,. Orono. F011 SALE 1969 Ford. 4 door hard top, 8 automnatic, power steering. power brakes. in good condit- ion. Asking $1 .075.00. Phone 983-5428. a-p NOTICl(E 1)ecorat ion Da-, Service at 0)roîîo C('cîctr v on Sunlday iuc23-d at 2:00 p).111 a -c NOTICE Kendail Salad Supper will be fieldWeesaJue6h at 5 p.m1. and 6 p.111. Aduits $3.00 Public Schlool Pupils $1,ý00 Phone 983-5676 or 98:3-5080 for tickets NOTICE Ail candidates meeting at Brown's Comimunit'y Centre, on! theGolf Course Road, June 25th at 8:00 p.m. 12-19 NOTICE The Orono Junior Garden- crs will have their Flower Basket Sale on Saturday, June 22nd, at the homie of Mir. and Mrs. Everett Couvier. TlO ordeî, please phone 9831-5490 or 983-_5243. a-p WANTED TO RENT The Orono Hi-C wish to rent somie large tcnts for dune 28 through July 1. Preferably 6-8 man sleeping tents. Reason- able price will be offered. Intercsted parties cati: 983-561,3 Your Hleip will bc apprcciated Sam Bruton Ca rpentry Repairs Renovations Phone 983-5239- OI1ON() DEI: iii H IIlllE Ill-t) II, ('lales" l"ra 1i fi-îî at lîowiiiaiiill(' m('lllliiil H ospital onri] y Juliie 11111, 1974, ('har-les I(ntWîîto<I.t)ollo, (>111;1a i-m n hs 11 veal. I lshiî >tht' laIeMaigaietdcai- fathcî- of, .Iiil ii 1M). 0oli 1O-ono. BlI tof Liidsa) anîd Marglui-te Ms a.a. nir..areîi)of (Wollo. lRestiiîg a;o ic B 1arlow Fuiier i1 i [oine, Oronjo. sc- vie as fom Ilhe Punci-al Ill<iie on MondfaY at 2 Iiterment Oîl 0-ono Ccmctcry[. ac NORTHUMBERLAND AND) NEWCASTLE BOARtlD OF EDUCATION STATIONARY ENGINEER I'III (LASS Applications wilhbe receîv- ed tuntil Thuîsdayv, Junie 2.5, 1974, fort' he position atIlthe Cobour-g Collegiate linstitute East. Combined caretaker. oper- ating Engineer for oul fired low pressure Boiler Operat- ton. Reply, in writing stating qualifications. address and telephlone niumlber to: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and 'Treasurer, Northumbherland and Newcastle County Board of Education. Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 41L2 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS 0 Now yp con train rlght phefe in *Tuition Tax Deauctibie' *Placement assistance guaranteed! 0 W.ekend, training also avoulable! For application adinterviete. Write: Sa1fety Oepartmffi¶ The Can.dan institute of rractor Traiter Training Ltd, 20 Quemns QUai' W. Toronto 111, Ontario or Cali 416-c" 9mi (Fqrfrli' Trans-Canada Transport 'TrainiW.) CARI> OF TIIANKS 1 would like to express mny appreciation andi thanks to Oui- frienids, neighibours and thc church organlrizaltions, to the Birthday Club111)and to fthe staff and pupils of Kirby' (centcnnial School for yu kindncss and intcrcst shon me whilc in Oshawýa Hospital and sincc my retuirn home. A big thank you to al of you. RAY'MOND CIHA1PMNI BRobYoms Piumbing and Hleating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations -Repairs -Specializing in flot IVater Ileating Forced Air Ileating Septic Tank Work RR 1, Oro61o 983-5624 IepWanted, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Genera I Superintendent Thuis intei'cstilig vposition is open for a person whio can supervise the Athlority's field staff in the (Ieoinent, opei-ation and maintenance of C'oniservationi Areas and other Authority projects. Quîalificaîtions: Successful completion o 2 year cour-se ini resources management ini Cornmunityý ('ollege or sini ilar institution, or equivaient quîalificationi; and experience in the developmnent, operation anid iptaintenance of recî-eation areas., Apply ini wiiting wvith- a resumne of qualifications and t-xpeiince hy .June, 25, 1974 to: (Camaraska Region ('onservation Authority P.(>. Box:128 Port Ilope, Ontario ilIi, PWA NTIEI Caretaker for Eastern Ont- ario Steam & Antique Show, fî-oi Auguist 3rd, 4th to 5th. Call 983-5179 19-26-ac 11IE1,1 %V \NTE1)' Northumbherland an(] New- castîe Board of Education.. OFlFICEPERSONNEL Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until 5 Tuesday, June 25, 1974 for- the position of secretary for Kendal Public School and Lockhart's Public School, haif tinie. Duties to commence Sept- emiber 3rd, 1974. Must have typing. general knowlèdge of office procedures and bus- iness machines. Shorthand an asset, but not essential. Abil- ity to cope with work load at peak period, of primary importance. Apply in writing stating qualifications and experience to: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, P-0. Box 470 Cobourg, Ont. K9A -4L2 - IIELP 'WANTED Waiters or waitresses. over 8ý Yeai-s of age. New Duitch Oven. Cail 983-5001. l'()I1SALE tJscd chain linkl fenci' înateî-îals fi-om Crono Teni lu.Caîl98:3-5772. FOR RENT Air conditioned, ground floor three bedroom apart- ment. Patio, garden. free parking. hydro. water and heat. also ncwly redecorated. Will be available July isthI. On yarIase. with option te 'al93501ask from iSteve oî. lIarra -% NO)ITII'SiBERIANI>ANI> NE-WC'ASTLE BO>ARD> 01) EI)U(ATION TE NDERS Tenders will be receiveil until 10:00 aim. Friday, June 21. 1974 f'or window replace- .ment at the Newcastle Public School and the Thomas Gîli- bard Public SCIhool. Windos shaîl be factory prefabricated in aluminumn. including framnes. operating .sash, glass and glazing, panel inserts and fly screens. Specifications and drawings mEly be obtained from the Office of M.A. MlacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Eduïàa1- ion. Box 470 D'Arcy Street, North Cobour-g, Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Ayn one interested in Food Concessions for Eastern Ont- ario Steamn and Antique Show. Please cali 983-5179. 19-26-ac IIELP WANTED Strawberryv Pickers wi ed, 12 years and-up., A] Freds Fruit Market or pi Fred Obrist, 983-5628. use the acWANT mgli ADS '-ant ppli ionq a-i t- y e c Milison Insurance Agency fer Ail classes of personal and Commercial Coverage Office: Corner of Church and Cohbledick Stree 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 Pi À Vr 2' I il _w-2 \ ( ) "' 'ýý ": K 1 ' ý' 'Y" ýl l'ýS, A 1 ý N E 1 9ý là, 197 1 --e " L ýàYÀ 'Y401,

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