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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jun 1974, p. 3

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least twuce a uteek Io Sec if thiere is alfalfa u (,(,il dlainage ýShoýý ng in i vour forage fîelds. "o)foo ther-e ha1. on 11o reports or oii f ceea eai bttle in Durhain CountIy. In che bats! Cereal and for-age iwn(ect report, il is pointed-out, 1 b)eeles are now be(ginoii tlay eggs ini the Guelph area. and tbis w'ould indicate that1 within the next Io days to 9 eeks wecould be ssing somne cereal leaf b)ettle feed- ong in thle Durhami Count', area. ln checking for Cerea(,l Leaf Beetle damiage, farmners shiould be looking for- narrow, elongated strips r-emiovpd fromn the leaves of spring grains. The adult cereal leaf bettle will eat right through the Wea, wle Mhe larvae which causes more severe dlamnage, wilsimply Peel off the top green layer and Wlev a veythin, silver-colour-ed layer underneaith. Once again we wýould encourage farmiers to start checking their spring, grain fields at least once a week to see if there is cereal leaf beetle damage. UNITED CHURCH -t..-. Orono Pastoral Charge, minister, Rev. B. E. Long SUN\DAY JUNE 23, 1974 * OONOUNITED CHURCH Bibe tuy ndDiscussion Croup, Monday at 8:op.m. 1Frienidship Boom KIR BY UNITED CHURCH orngWor'ship,- 9:45 a.m.' Dia 1 I-A-Thought 983-9151 -ohn DeWITH Real Estate I Limited 1 lnîtorl BowmanVille 623-3950 and 623-3111 Voir prompt, efficient Sen ice lien b11%iwg or selling contaict: Gary Hancock Joe Barnoski 781;222 2 YRoss Davidson Provincial 4-H Report from Leadership Conference During the %wcek of June 16 22 oe 9)4-H membilers troni ail parts of Jlarjo \willbe parficipating in 11w Pr1oincial 1411 Leader- shiip Iofc cebbe lheld at thie tniversity of Guelph. This yea. iss Mairily\n Knox of RH.i Eniskillen will ho representing Durhami County atilthe 4-H Conference in uep.The objective of the provincial 4-H Leadership Coniferenciee is to help dele- gales develop their leadership potentiafl through participat- ion in leadership seminars, social recreation and pro- grami planning workshops, to have delegates work on daily program committees for the duration 'of the week to put some of the techniques, which they are learning to good use. The whole week is one of leairningc, fn and fellowship through n-my rewarding ex- periences that members do have at the Conference. Delegates who do attend the Provincial 4-H Conference will be exp ected to put their acquired skill.s into practice on return to their homn communities. Whether it be in teron-Hclub, or in any, other, community activities with Which they are involved. At the same time, delegates whio attend will be'competing for v-arious award trips that' are sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food each year. Somne of' these include exchanges xifhivarionis ofher provinces Z1as well as tIle National 4-H Conferenice which is held in November. WHY Pmy MORE? SA VE!!f On Premium Quàiltty, FlUEL 01 L STOVE OIL PROMPT, COU RTEOU)s SERVICE CALI 668-3381 L.Catli collect PUMPING OUT: SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone '786-2553 Alex Ca rruthers MPIP INot 100 long ago the pro\ ini igovernment (de- cliaed thie lrioritics had beeýn c<)nipleed for. local governil mntestflurngthro(u-gh, the(,vlpmn of regional nwregionailgovcrnmnents \ilI be i 11îpleunt 1ed by QuesPark. Il doesn't of course. me1(an Ithai local gov- crnlnt nleorm is a thinig of the pasI. But is dfoes meanl thlaft he in1itiative for. restrue- f uring ilhaeIo cornle fromi th(, local council and citizens. Recently we have aIl heard a great deal about the costs of regional government in those areas where it bas been in operation -for some time. Most, if not ail, of the figures 1 have seen quoted are distort- cd or erroneous - based on misinforfion and exagger- ation. I find this disturbing, because of. the potential deterrent effeet it has on some municipalities which should be considering moderniizing their own structures. Citizens ot more recently established regional governments will be unnecessarily ;apprehiensive of tax increases to corne. Lets look at the facts. *Every new region -will incur some additional costs, initial- ly. These result from several factors: 1. Acquisition of new per- sonal,, facilities and .equip- mrent to handle new responsi- bilities whichl previously rest- ed eswee 2. Upgradinig the level of p-existing services to a uniform standard, e.g. better fire protection, recreation, parks and roads;, 3. More accurate and up-to- date accounting systems us- ually result in, reporting expenditures for the first ti-me in the aggregate total; 4. General increases in bea- !th care, homes for the aged, wýelfCare costs, etc., will in- crease expenditures but they apply'\ equally to al]mnîcip-,, alities, whether regional gov- ernent or not; 5. Inflation pressures, part- icularly in the last two years, have hadi their effects on regional governiment cost, like everyvone else's. Sjust fhow Ymuch have these costs increased when comi- pared to other years or other inunicipalitLies.? Callyour licensed Plumbing 9L Mechanical Contra ctor who seils, instali dndguaranteo CARMAN Plumibing and Hleating Phone 983-5207 Orono, lel s take a couiple of examnples. In1 Ottiaa Carie- ton, in 161 hnregional government was introduced, total municipal expenditures were 'up Ilperen-- :3percent more than the provincial average. Property levies in that region hiave increalsod over 4 years by a t otal of 27 percent against a provinciaf average <of 44 percent. In almost cývery municipal- if yiliithe Waterloo regional arcrea te in 1973) the milI rates, that year were lower than in 1972 by an average of 5 percenl . What does thie resident receive for- what may be slightly highier costs? M lost moratlconsid- erably expanded services. At the same timie, there is al significant growth of overal resources availabte to thie community%. New services include, as notAed, thle estabh lishment of a regional police force, whiere prcviouisly onlY the larger centres could afford such protection. Ex- panded health care-delivery through a regional health unit is an uidoub ted public bene- fi t. Regional government could be defined as a fa1nily groupI of municipalit ies pooling their resou'ces in order to provide services and facilities (exami- pIe, sewer and! water) which,' because of a limî ted economnic base, many municipalities would tbe iunable to accomp- lish i ndividulally. cin-e of the major traditional argmetsinfavour of re- ture counties, is planning. Regions take over more and moe of thle pla nn i ng nctions formelrt N- eecied - by Queen's P1ark. This serves not mnly\ the cause of local auooyhut the conivenien- ce' and service of residents. Responsibility' , for- and con- trot of planning, within the regional borders, is a function which by itself justifies local government reformn. As these matters are taken over frôm the province, adiditional graInts are naturally provid- A region, wiuib iS authority Ciln rs on(ltote wisheus and nesof its citiziens in, the( preparation oi ian Officiai Plan; processing n o hfivs ion plans anld othier plans; land se-veranices applicatlions; attraction and location of inidustrial capacity' and often econioliic activities ini a way that 'I imore remote prov-incial depjartmllent coufld neyver hope fo accomiplish. Local governml-ent is by its niature, the Most responisive to the desires of the people JI serves. The.greater the de- gree of decentralization to the local ev1 the greater will be thfe control exercised by residents over their own ALEX CARRUTHERS Dave's Plumbing Heatinq - EIectri"cal Free Estimates 786-2471 R.-R.1, Orono HamniItons Insurance' Service Your Friendly Agency FOR Alil PrsonaI & Commercial finsurance SADIE HAMILTON SVESAWYER JIMIARE For dependable Service 983-5115 FRESH STRAWBEBjItES WLBEIN SFAISON FRON t4e2 m d Buyatth stndorpick yor on. ALSO AVAILABLE Lettuce and Spinach F RE DS FRUIT MÂRKET IlHAY15 SOUTH 0OF ORONO MIMMUFOR THE BE ST MEATS IN TOWY' VALUF CIIECKEII BIANDED - FUILL CUT Round Steaks (LEANlTENDER) lb0$139 YOU SAVE TWVICE WITH TIM AMD PRIVEU, Rump Roasts (BRANDED'14 Barbecue Features Ground Beef (FRESII MINCED) lb. 89C Stea kettes "CIEDR"CELLO 16 OZ. IL.97C Skinless Weiners <fo- theill) 16OZ. (RD OTS)1lb. 88C lb. 96C Perfect for Summer Meals and Picnics, Bologna "BUBlNS"* - BOLOGNA - 16 oz. for 79c, Fried Chîcken '"SÇîINEI DEPS" - 2 lb. Bticket for $2.78 Lunch Meats for 84c "SCIiNEIDEBS EIZq M - 6N01ATCiI-Zxfoz.,k MEAT & ('IIICKE'N - POUK I OAF WITU Dl)ESSIN(' PICKLE & PIMFENTO - MAU AND CIEI LUN('I]ON - BOl OGN X - IEAMRll.S CORNSHS - ORONO 983-52z01 Mini Sizzlers Sausage 16 oz. Wïillim C. Hll, B. comm. Charteried Acunan Phone Newcastle 987-4240 AvLL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY

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