'r NI W*:IK1V 1TMvs , .1 t'N I': 1 h. 11) 1 1 soie 35 Newcv(asî le Public \Voî'ks eiuployes ald garb- ame c'<>11(ct<115rej)reseffl(St ty locl 4 0 1w (andia Union of, Pubilic. mlye wiIl be in a pos il ion I o a ke lega I sti ke actioni, .une 26, if* the s Liali (>1is nul reredicd. Neýgolial ions were in thu conciliatIion stage but ta lks were adjourned t wo weeks a go l)y p'ov i ocua Iconcilia for Jack Rillinghamn ItOVAI. I)FFAI <OSHIAWA - TIho Kenldal Itoyals last week de!f,;l(( eate shsawa .iniorf t l bv ya score of 12-10. Michael ( arnian was cire<ited wit h the win on the Kendal mnouid.s. miark ('arrnan and l'rî Moore assisLed with the mounid (tift es. Michael ('armian also assisteLi bis gamie with three single bils wile his catcher, AI Pears, slugged ouf fwo singles, and a double in the gamne. Eric Moore also came up uwilbi 1%o doub)les while Toni Wallace took two singles. SIngle bits \were a1so earned by Jim Stacey, Gary Tfhompsonl, D ormie Parîdof'l andJ Paul Whitney. Tlhe Kendal Itoyals are f<) play a rained'ouf game in Kendal tbis coming Saturday with Peterborough with the game being called at 1400 p.m. iracts on tire grounds that Mr. Burgess says that union "ils no)t a known thing in any, is asking an extra 80 cents to Th'e Ok] Confrast covering municipal c<ntract' accord- brrng Dan i ngton workers up, thie ('IPF workers in the Premier William Davis. new trucks foi-tise il, file center) lrsdn of Ford19. (left) and Minister withjout Provincial Governmenl 's Motor Company of' Canada (il Portfolio Dennis Timbrell sunlimel' encloymient pro- Ltd. ed t tright ) accept the loan of 140 gram îîom Roy F. Bennett,fon Ford boans 140trucks t'Oanidt sucmmer job programr"llvn Toronto - Premier William Davis has welcomed the boan of 140 new trucks from the Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd.. for use in the S.I. E. E. P. Conservation summer job program. S.W.E.E.P., Students Working in an Environmental Enhancement Program., em- pîoys about 1,500 your.g people as irt of the provincial 0,&--.4lment's special sum- mer employment program, Ontario Experience '74. which is being Coordinated by the Ontario Youth Secretariat. Mîr. Davis received a sym.- boic set of truck keys fromn Rov F. Bennett, presie ,yt of Ford, at a presentïtion in front of Queen's P ark. S.W.E.E.P. crews workine in 'the 38 Conservation Areas across Ontario are involved in a variety of tasks including dlean-up of picnic sites, road- SI1 and shoreines; m- prISlerent of Conservation Areas by building picnic sites, nature trails; and work in conservation studies, inform- ation and education pro- grams. Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONE31ASONS WILLIE J. SCHMAHL Phone 983-5606 Specializing 'in ail kinds of 4'TONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimney Repaira G.W. DRYWALL AIIYJ\G JIRYWýAIlL Phone 983-5518 Wally Lucyk The N40 white Ford vans and pick-ups, with a retail value of almost $700,000, are used to transport S.W.E.E.P. crews, equipment and material throughout the large areas administered by the Conserv- ation Authorities. The Honourable Dennis R. Timbreli. Minister without Portfolio, wllo is responsible for the Youth Secretariat, thanked Mr. lýennett on behiaîf of the Ontario Exper- lence '74 programi, and ex- pressed his wish that such close cooperation between the private an-d publie. sectors would continue in the effort to provide sunmmer employment for the young people of Ontario. VENEZIA RESTAURANT Hlghway 115 and8W % Mle south of Ormw ]PHONE 98-M65 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Spedialzing in Pizza - bMeI MlseWeek-End speclau 'Building a House? or remo.Dlung 0ur prem m re? Thon C.ntaea Floyud NicholSona Phone 9835049 Orfe. INSTALLANI <p FUJINACE V HIUMIDIFIERI OolIWAi'IR [IEATERI, No pymeîtsfor six moriths Harvey Part"er q Your ISS<> Service'l)IWler 983-.5206 Orono 1 Mr. Timbrell said this is the ffourth consecutive summer thaf Ford, has loaned vehicles f0 S.W.E.E.P. Conservation, 1and ifs generous contribution hias helped make this cooper- afion pnogram- of the Ministry of Natig'al Resources and the provimace's Conservation Authorities a success. Mr. II'imbrell said thaf the money saved by havîng the loan of the trucks has allowed S.W.E.E.P. Conservation f0 hire an addifional 200 young people. The enfire Ontario Exper- ience '74 programi will provide close f0 7,400 young people with experience-oriented jobs in fields ranging fromn the environmient and social ser- vices f0 education and recre- ation. 35 Years Ago Newcastle was the scene of a tragic accident which killed a Toronto woman, Mrs. Her- bert Latimer, age 56, Wed., dune 7, 1939. -The driver of the cqi' was ber husband Mr. Helbert Latimer, but who was not injured when the tire blew on their car, forcing the vehicle to roll over twice. The driver receîved only minor injuries. The District Convention of the West Durham Women's Institute was held in Orono Town Hall, Thursday dune 8, 1939. The Session began at 9 a.m. wîth nine bi-anches ot tme district in attendance. Mr. MVilton Tamnblyn was gîven the good word that bis hoîstein cow produced 71.2 pound of milk at the New York World's Fair. He was told by Mtr. George Clemens of Brantford, secrefary of the Hlstein Association, who said that the Canadian Cows were giving an excellent account l 01themselves. On .June 15, 1939, fihe <rono soffbaIll ealn, and Oshawa l'irîies soIt bail leairiiniet loir lie fIr-si gagnie ofIfhe svasoii. >1011<>Was le a bi y i score oI !l', lo Il ner Town of' Bowmanville' a cost, o living clause, but iry date was March 1, lI>E local 74 wafs expand- [include workers in the ing b I l<war(l Burgess, local and probably more for Çlar- 74 prosident. ke. Bowrinanville, the oldest If 'the'strike takes place he unionized areas in Newcastle, says tlt town's garbage is on the hlighiest pay scale. collection and road construct- ('IPE workers in Clarke ion programis will be the ner townships of' Clarke> fwj) are the lowesf paid. l)arlington, bu t the fown 'ying to excludc a cost of ný clause from new con- REI~G ION AI, ('OLN('I)DRAGS ON Accordig f0 Regional Councillor Ken Lyall, person- al clashes at Wednesday's Regional counicil meeting were caused by the length of the meeting, which lasted 10 hours. 383 page agendas were distibufed, and Councillor Lyall jokingly stated "I think the Region should give us shopping carts to get this across the parking lot." Until last monfh council held wveekly meetings,, when they switched'f0 one meeting every two weeks. Chaîrman Walter Beath says that if homnework was~ done, they would be able f0 proceed properly. hardest bit. vites your Township. Thing 4 clip Here ORONO NURSERY SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE AND REGISTRATION FOR S EPTEMB ER '74 Monday, June 24th 9:00-11.30 ORONO UNITED CHURCH 983-5402 987-4012 WHAT'S IN" A NAM The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education invi suggestion for a name for the Senior School being built in Clarke1 TRADITION - Honouring a Person Place SYMBOLISM - Culture Tradition GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Clip lier-e NAMIE FOI(S('11001, Y(>UHNAME PHOl4NE NUMBEIt Send to: The Cl('arke Senior'Fleinenta ry'School. Nortlîuberland aîd Nwca stie Boa rd of Education Boix 170, C<obourg. Ontaio l;uîd ii 4* N om.' ,cIool office I N.11 mý iii. .17 - 1 v 1