Disabled Get',Aid Inl Voting Alpproxmately one in thir-ty Canadians maly find it impos- sible to vote in the u1pcoming federal election, because of disabilities, and those who are confined to wheelchairs. In Ontario, this could affect some 200,000 people. The March of Dimes Ability Fund in Ontario is conducting it's own campaiigir for the el ection called, 'You Cao Vote (Maybe)", and is part of a new Ability Awareness Program. The Fund is advising al physically handicapped peo- pie to find out as s000 as. possible whether or flot they cati .Wte1rtheir polling booth. If barriers suchi as stairs or narrow doorway s are evident, they are to b ring this to the attention of each of -the candidates in their riding. The Election Act States that polling stations shioulcd be 30 Enthusiastie grade 1 morniflg. They students from Lockharts anied by teaclh school visited the Clarke Bigby and seý Museum last Wiednesday, Shown above Boaà%rd President ExfP remssems - Conceon Tow, Cowan, president of the Bowmianville Memorial Hos- pital board of directors, has expressed concern about a recent grand jury report N vhich called the bospital's' è mergency ward "Totally inadequate." ~Mr. Cowan said it was mnentiorned to the grand jury that due to the continual upward trend in utilization and demand over the past few years, certain areas such as. pharmnacy, physiotherpy and emergency departments are flot adequate in size with respect to current acceptable standards. - This we recognize as a problemn," he said, "But one only that can be rectified through the planned enlarg- ment of the service arels - al of which require Ministry of Health approval in order to otain proper financing." "t rmust be noted also that, althougb the space facilities in the emergency department place severe diffîculties on the emergency staff and physicians, the hospital has noetheless through the co-op- eration of staff effort been able to mainain a viable ",ervýice, handling any demand placed upon them to date," he said. Mr. Cowan points out that the Bowmanvifle hospital has been fully accredited since 1968. which means that al services and functions within the hospitl muet the strict 1requiremurnts and St!indar-ds ,)I 11w<Canaîhian ('ouncil on I oIstal .\c-r"dtat on. jwere accomp- Lori Wagenaar, Angie Stere, her Mrs. H azel and Sharon Galipeau making ýveral parents. their way through the gîf t are students shop. The council ensures that these standards are main- tained by .having each hospit- al that is accredited resur- veyed ever-y three years, hie said. "The surveyors are always qualified physicians with exceptional expertise in th~e medical and hospital field," said Mr. Cowan. "Recognizîng that some of our areas and services niow, su.ffer fromn a space problemn, the board of directors have initiated plans to update its miaster plan developed by a firm of hospital consultants as thic existing facilities were built in 1960-61 and were geared to the utilization demnands of tha't era," MIr. Cowan reported. "When such plans are sufficiently dvelop- ed for presentation purposes, solicitation for approval will be made to the ministry of health." Mîr. Cowan added that the hospital has been negotiating with the ministry of health for the past six months in order to provide adequate coronary and special care areas which wvould partically help to alleviate the pressures on the emergency department. However, to date, approval has not been recited, because sufficient funds are not avail- able, hie said. "The hospital in Bowman- ville has endeavored to pro- vide a needed and quality health service to the people of its service area for the past 60 vears, and every effort wiII be nmade by thle Board ol I)rectrs.MedcalStaff and flospital sfff to sec that this future well being of its citiz- (-nry, b)oth existing and those whio are moving into this most fast frowing area," said Mr. JACK REA LTOR 99 King St.,-.'~ BOWMAN VILLE Whien Buying or Selling Call WILF HAWKE Your Orono Area Representaive 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board <)ltON(>~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ XII.K~'I1X ~. LN'ltf 9 acceýssible to ahl. -Votinig by proxy is simply n1ot good enloughi, A.R. Mac CaIlum,Eecte director of the Ability Fund Points out. "'Our aim is to lpp the banidicapped become as inde- pendent and self sufficient as possible. By highlighting this specific timel 'y problem, the Ability Funid hopes that elected MI.P.'s %vill become aware of the overali needs and con- cerns of the physically disabl- ed. Th'le "You Cao Vote (May- be)<- campaign is being con- ducted in co-operation with the media and through the Fund's Community Counsel- lors and ability Centres thr-oughiout the province. FOR INFORMATION Pat Mortimer- .1 Director Jnformatien: Service Telephione (416) 425-0501 Three runniflg 01nlv threc candidates have filud in Nortiunberland and Durhiamr Riding Up to noon, today\. 1 1 Candidates have,( until 3 p.mn. today to file nIorinati- ions. on the ballot are Allan Lawrence, Progressive Con- servative; ,Russelli Walker, Democractie Party and Lib- eral Allan Beckett. Returning officer Marlenie Hargrafti has heard no rum ors ofany ftourth candidate. Mr. Lawrence w, n the seat in 1973. irer< smainfainied for the w-- w LADIES' DRESSES New stock sleeveless and short sleeve dresses for ladies în colors nly$15 .00. MEN'S SHORTS Men's Shorts in good quality il polyester made of attra ctive plaids in subdued shades. Price $9.95 and $10.95. We also have dnmshorts. MEN'S TENNIS SHORTS Men's White Perma Pe"Tennis Shorts. Price $9.98 LADIES" HALTER TOPS < New shipmejit of Halter Tops for young ladies. Price from $7.95 to $8.95 AR M STRO N G'S