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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jun 1974, p. 1

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On1 ona evening the troe tl he cluL Grea("t Pille Ridge Kinsmen is zone Depi [Club cSuece it. seon Swetwih t vèrOf )Peration with the president kin iinstallation of new ficr past presid, b.Pituedabve' îty Governor Walt benwyinstalled in D)on Hy land and lent Km Tony PEIAISEi) FOR WOItK zone C, Peputy GovernIor, Walt Sweet in addressÀing'the ratPineRigeKinsmen ,I1on Misaainoofirsste that th club lhad been Ia stand ou nteZonduing Ilhe car. e poitedIothclb suipport of zone and rgoa meetingsas wellas lthe work ùneraken im the commuty.f hatrpresidenlt, Kim Tonyý Micel as also praised for- hisentosismplannling and imany I hours of work in Ilhe ,nectof Ilhe clubf during its inu vî-lyar. The4club b fas; Uontimied page 2 Mic ll.Te Kinsm-tet-n eier- --__ tained, th ie ir wives atî a iOn of oli cers. Kin Tony baqethld in theIN ewV, che\vas char'ter -presid- D)utcb Oveýn Rsauatwhich lIt ,lof the Kinismen Club. was followeud by the installat- Two arrested on Hardware break-i The ' <1tario Provincial Po- lice( acted quickly Saturday' mning fo()llnwing a reuported breaik IIin a"i Rlh Hardware n 01rono. Within an bour ýad haîfl thel" uestigaý,ting'officers hald made t0 wo ;arrests and obhtaino!d t he stolen property taeirom the store. Etyinto the stre wa,,s some tlime timeFriay veninig and )Pening ut Ofthe so&early Satrdy orninig.The break !n was irs;t observed by et Ln Pea rs. Entry wasmad 1though a 1side door atteback of thei reis, Un iversit1 G~regory Jerome pstniof RII 1. Port Hope, has be arrested along witbajuvi le 15ysn ge ro lak Tonhi.ThèPoliceare înpvestigating Ifurtber individl uals in the break in.The to arrested were cbarged wi breaking and enting. The OPP recovered.( a rifle, a short gun, some amunition, and radios v aued at $50o6 00. Other radfios were broken jon the cernent floor- of thie storeý and these are estimated ib have a value of aroundl $500. 00. That personal political touch OHONO WEEKLY TMEJUNE 26th, 1971 Tennis, tennis tennis lbas taken 1a;bg pwing for bhothadls n youth. Oronois nu mecpto Oronu ennis lui bs shot ber 100 senior mebes witha aboe ay pevius year in wOrno an1d is typï "Il fthe rise a ci n t e a i o n w b r pLayers ine Lup Pto use the litdnumbu e I of corts, llOrnotrie oare two1 (Uontiiud pagee eýducation free if over 60 Students ve u 60 yars of aige w \ho Itake regular courses at Trent U'niversity will ot be charged tuition fees. This anction, recomimended by the seniior students advisory board at Trent, bas been gi;ven the unani mous approv al of the university's boardl of governors. The senlior 'otude]ts' Advis- oryhurdat Tjren,lbas !been ut th uniiersity's huard (of govenos r o[ ut to eklogse determiig wthe eeds and reitre and 1how these nds can be met by T 'rent Unl-iv'e- The advisory huard is made up nr participants in tnsetwo seminars and includes retired doctors. clergymen, factory workers, educators, and bus inessmen. The seminars were funded by th, e feeral New Horizons programn and a third seminar is ptanned for, this-faIJ. We are hopeful that mn senior citizens will take ad( v antage of the fe uto pln"said Trent presideýnt T.E.Wý. Nind. Heifnoted how advisory huard i neffort to indntiy nd eveopcourses whichwillmeetsomeof the specifie'needs fpesons Who havereti cd r ar abu o e NF.WCOMNCTN SYSTFEM FOR FIRE DEPATMET -The fire station local in Orono is nowdirectly inked withBo avie and Newca:Lstle tbrough a new, radio system i ch was installed last wveek. The new, systeml operates on a baud exclusively for the departmntno- Hec new\ Town of Newvcastle and will provide an instant communication hook-p between the three locaflties and the fire cief inBowmnvile during periods of nee d n-sucb a STEAM SI-IOW AGAIN IN 0110N0, -Orono Fairgrounids is tbe sîtç for the naîmýl EsenOntario Steami and Antique Sncijej t Showon August , ,and .5)this yea,,r. A thre- da specal ccaionperoli trfou)în CBO bas bee(n applied for by- the Or-ono Chamber o(0 mere CANDIDATES SPEAKING !N HRWMANILLE HUIH SCHOML - TlheBavîe Kiwanuis Club bas arrne candidaes Io be beld at Bowmnanvile High School on Thrsay Joe 27,ati7:30.This meeting is une of several hh bae been held in the Town nof Newcastle. On Monday eveing graduat- Staples, validictoriani and re- ion exercises were beld afthe ceiver of t f)( Antioch Trophy Orono Public Sehool for the for sehoLastie achie-v'een graduation class of 1974, and ail arounld studenIt anid Above (left t o ghJane also recipienit of the sehool Orono Public School Graduation mo'I s to com pensa te for frozen wýage scles, etc. He said the Prime Mnse tContinued page 2) hMnnday eveing a t the (rono PWucScbool parentsauni friends wbo packed the auit oriomi witniessed the Iast Grade Eight graudation class which will teveI-e school, for entrance into Hligh Sehool. In the coingtrm prior to January Il.t1itis expected that thenw SeiorEleme1nt ary Scbloot wýil! be opcin on the grounids near the Clarko IHighi Sciboo lid tbis sehiool wib accomodategradessve and e'igh't in the areiludn I-buse wbio wudattend thle Mrono PubiS bool. The fortI ý--ne graduating studenits weýfre bonloured prior to the ceremonies to a banquet helid at the school. Following the banquet-par- ents aýnd friends completely filîed the auditorium wbere the graduating crmne weebld. Miss Janie Staples gave thee graduiation aýddre'oss and \was als prsenedwith tIle Alt- iocb Awaýrd lof oreaciv meuolt ingrde igbit. Ding the programlin 11 provmen Awrdsare pre senited to Paul Reed of grade crest, Ron Clapdorp wvh o received the Grade eight Achievement Award and Lori Clark W)o was recipient of the school crest as Wel as the Girls AhIletic Award. 5, onni1e Harris uf Grade 6, Joilie Neate of Grade 7 ~î Roll Clapdorp of gradle 8. 1Ron Clapdorp w\as also presented wýitbheicAthietie Award for. boys %with l'ori Clark rci inig the Awalrd for' the girls. Scihool crests wr present. eM to Jane Staples. iand Lori Clark, oýf the graduaýting class,- as , wel astoTom Gustar, Mar-k Konzelman and jiim- L1 et.Ji'![ Lycetot was as t1e re,'(ipient o f1theMursic Av. ilrd. The follnhmugis ia list of the 1 ('oîîiîed page S) cl Ni 'i ee,

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