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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jun 1974, p. 3

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greenhouse nursery business. This statemient is contrary ta t'he fcsIl of whlich are onl record anid shiow that the "'.- Minstryof Transportantiori and Communications took all ncsaysteps ta advise those concerned that the road wvould be a controlled acs hlighlway. This editorial further staýtes "Why wouid a goveriment departmnent deny access toaa place which growvs trees, shrubs and plants?" The governmnenî did not deny' access, a.,sisated. At the west side of thie nursery an a(c)sonlarld owned by thie prlie"))-(tors is available and cari provijde a safe and satisfactary entrarice from thie 7111 Cancession line of Hlope Towniship. AIl new highways are accessý con trolled ini order ta protect the travelling publlic as well as thle prop)erty owners. One 01-1Y Ibas ta examine accident statistics ta realize that eni- trances ontlo uncontrolled highway' s are hazardous. Ili ghwýay's establishied in the past Cani only be cortrolled by municipal by-laws and that is whyý, as stated in tlhe editorial, businesses on bighw,ýay, 2 from Pickering ta Kingston are allowed ta exist. Increased speed andtraffic demand that ail highway entrances be strictly controlled anid part- icularly those' of a commerc- ical nature., "I Holiday Inn -warited ta put upa resort hotel on that. section of the highway would -the Ministry of Transportat-, ion and Communications deny them. access roads?", the ed itorial asks. The answer is, yes; indeed a motel restaur- ant operation did apply for a location on the new road andý was refused. .The eidtorial further states tbat the Ministry of Trans- portation and Communicat- aons did not riotify the Tree j j j j Top Nurseries in tinme. Th record wili show thaftht miinistry took aIl the necesý ary steps ta notify th property ownters, through th local mnui;cipalities. When th Tree Top Nurseries decidedt locate at the present site, I a. advised that they were fuil awareu of the fact tha Hgwy28 was ta be rçrout ed, and ,.rno doubt, wer arixiaus ta locate near the nev hiha.Aware of this fact there was an obligation ci their part ta contact the loca office of the miinistry. Th'le suggestion that thg nursery should be grantedz permnit because it is not ai eyesore, fails ta recognize ti faci that by granting a permi in this case sets a preceden and opens this new highiway t( development on bath sidesai the right of way. You ask in your lasi paragraph, "Where is oui friend Alex Carruthers nom that the people rieed himn? May I point out, 1 have beer irivolved'in the situation froir the time it became an issue ir 1968. I have discussed thE matter with the owners on many occasions, have madE representations ta the minist- er, heid meetings with the district engineer and Mr. Clarke and more recently,a similar meeting involving Mrs. Clarke and Mr. Groene- veld. Allan LAWRENCE i0n Lawvrenice has been easîly ovailable Alitj anLwec hrotiqh his përsonal t(! 1iphoCnC e sevice, has given assistance cnd cdvice with individuel problems ta iuusands of (constituents, AllarLawrence is a hard man ta beat. No doubt about that. Me has become widely known throughout the long stretch f rom Orono to Hastiîngs . ,..He doees his political homnework. He hos proven timre and again his worth as a constituency mon." Excerpt fromn Cobourg Star editorial, Moy AlnLorence has one ,of the best attrdaceand voting records mn the lest Par lia mient. and ai the same time, has been readily 1accessible throjghot Northumýberiond-Durhom. on JuIy 8, Re-elect P Ut5LISMU> tYNOTýPBRA DDRARGI-ýý",C NýV",l/ASC Orono, Water Safety Swimming Club TIM TALE PLEASE SAVE) 8:00- 9:00 -BRO(NZE, SENIOR A.R. 9:0 - :35- UNIORS I 9:35- 10:.10 - JUNIOR Il 10: 10 - 10: 45- JUNIORS 111 10:45 -11:30 -INTERMEDIATE I 11:30 12:15 INTERMEDIATE Il 12:15- 1:00 SENIOR 9:00 -9:20 - BEGINNER I 9:20 -,9:40 -,BEGINNEKIli 9:40 - 10:00 - BEGINNER III 10:00 -10:20 -BEGINNER I 10«.20 -10:40 -PRE-BEGINNER I 10:40- 11:00 PlE 'BEGINNER Il 11:00- 11:20 - PRE-BEGINNER III 11:20- 11:40 - PRE-BEGINNER IV PLEASE BE 10 M INUTES EARLY FOR WATER SAFTEY CLASSES CLASSES BEGIN JULY 1 Re-meIect PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Your National Voice for North um berlacsnd-Du rham Responsible Representation ORON<) WEEKLY TEIMES, JUNE 26;th, lq, 4 re 1 have requested th(, In addition, the in sured of ,le mlinister to prov'ide f111 for- an Ontaria havýe superior cover- ý access on the west side of the age in the eveit- of an Ie nursery and he has-been most accident. Residents of the heco-operative. The owners, west have dis<éovered they he however, do not appear to be must get extènded coverage to interested in an alternative. from private. insuranée com- m Mr. Clarke phoned me on panties.1 1 1Y Mqnday- morning emphasiz- For example: at ing this fact.1 -the weekly indemnity -for it- May I therefore make my those injured in auto acci- re position perfectly clear. -1 dents in Ontario is $70 -- in ,w have and arn willing to Manitoba, $50 eu coperate and assist these -this beneift is payable in în people to the greatest extent Ontario from the day of the al, possible, as I have done in the accident, without- a 7 day past, to establish an altern- Waiting period, as in Manit- îe ative entrance to the business oba.., a but 1I must emphasize, I can -in Ontario, this benefit lis paid in not and will not be a party to Out of the victim is not e any attempt to provide access capable of doing, the job hie it to a controlled highway which has been trained to do -- in nt could endanger the lives and Manitoba, not only must he be O create a commercial artery -incapable of performaing bis Of instead of a high speed road. trade, but he must betotally In my opinion, many lives disabled so that he can not st could have been savec4 on the perform any, other type of r combined Highway of 115 and work either. 'w -35, if it hias been possible ta -also there are penalties for- ,,designate it as acess contrai- errant drivers which under- >n led. mine any, daim of a 'no fault' in system -- e veryone in Manit- in Yours very truly, oba who is at fault for 50 ie Alex Carruthers MPP percent or more in 2 accidents n Durham within a year, will surcharged e e$ý50 on his driver's licence --,a. ,t ALEX CARRUTHERS.MPP thirA accident- will cost an ie DURHAM exira $100 and sa on. Any government - run a AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE enterprise must meet the ýg "Insurance Plan in Big Trou- same kind of costs, the samne 2- Ibe" (Ottawa Citizen) uncertainties and the samne "Auto Insurance Schemne I'ot consumer demand as the Up to Exp'ctaltions (Montreal private sector. At the same Star) time, campetition, flex,%ibility, "A )Mes byAny' vStandard" and incentive are sacrficed. (Financial Post) Given these circumstance, it These headlin es teli it all. is not hard ta understand Governiment operated auto whey there are difficulties insurance programs in Mari- with the Manitoba and British îtboa and British Columbia Columbia plans. What is are JUst nlot working. surprising, however., is that 11,pteo this tact the NDP an.yone thought it could work. takes great pride in' tryving to Mntb has admitted ani canvince thle people of Ontario underwriting loss of $10 miii- that goveriment auto insur- ion ov $40oilflion fin.premiiumns ance is, the answer ta ail ilis. indicating a premlium defici- The NDP's mlain arlgutiiiienicy' of 25 percenet. On top of is thlat car insurance rates lun this, we do not know ta what Mýanlito)ba are lower thlan extent the taxpayer is subsid- those, in Ontario. We are izing the Manitoba Insurance sup)posed ta believe this is a Cor'poration through taxes nor diret rsult o flte âManitoba thle use of governiment faciit- NP gvernmeint's take over ies stich as offices, space, of autlo insurance since Nov-, staff, etc. emlber19. The goverriment of 'Manit- Not surprisingly, such a oba bad promrised no raIte statemnent is a haîf truth. increases iuntil 1975 but this Certainly, auto insurance is was a promise it co(uld not cheaper in'NManitobaý than in ýeep. Earier this year it Ontario but that was the case announced a rate increase of before the government went il percent on basic comnpuls- inito the, insurance business. ary insurance coverage and i19 1. Why ? Manitoba bas only perceut on excess insurance. 420,000 rgsee vehicles as As well driv ers, who use their camipa red ta Ontaria's car for business, learned they :32,000,0I00 would pay 40 ta 50 per- cenlt 2.Teear-e ftentimies as maore for" their comipulsory Many VtouJrists travJellinJg cav7erage in 1974 than ini 1973. thraugh Ontario as ever 11, British Columbia, the venture intlo Manitoba governmiient bas found it 3. The vaist, level prairie necessary ta take as much as ,lnds (of Mntb and Sask- 10 cents out of the province's atchewaIn, allowini!g for strai- 15 cent a gallon gasaline tax in ght1 highways, wide streets order ta subsidize the Insur- and good visib)ility, contribute ance Coruoration of British ta) thec lower. accident rate. Columbia. According ta the ObviauOLsly , the risk factor is governnUts 1974-75 budget, miuch hîgher in, Ontaria, itfexpects ta take in as mnuch resutinlg in higher inurnc s $132 miillion from miotor preiumls. fuhel taxes, which mneans it is A-\ s cistud, arredPossible ta inljec.t as mnuch as (ut byN the InSurarlJce Buireau two-thlirds of this mloney or $88ý of Cana];da il] Mal-ch, 1972, imillion into theinsrc showýed thlat GOprcn of Comlpany1 of BrIitishl Columl- MWanitoba car ownlersweeba payilin ore or abJýouJtIthe Thle finanicial state of these Samle 1premItium a ýs they ha goerrientinlsuranlce plans paidune the comïpetiive is gvn thepae insur- insuanc sytem iHW(ance comparues imare cred- dam redrivers, theý figoure ibilitY than he have bad for- jumpeild ta 70 percenitpaingmany years.

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