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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jun 1974, p. 5

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(MRONO IAEEKLYT'IMES, dUNE (Coninuiied froim page 1), siniply% anntouinced Ille contrai programl an ie raifo anc( evenling. Mr. Shiarp said tlle Liberals areni't really offinlg anyi alternative pragramls,ote t han tlIle onles tby ad initended ta imlplemlentf, "ai tlle lrne Mri stanflield's electian calle up." Mr. sharp salid the Liberal governmeni under Trudeau lias made osrbe gains in the figbit agianist inîfation sucb as the freezing of ail pr-ice(s cansiderably below tbec price per barrel elsewbiere in) the world. Théli price Per- barrel for crude ail in Canlada naow is $650m said Mr. Sharp, wvhile the aeaeprice elsewhere in the wrd Trhe price pier barrel for crude Yai nCanada now iY $650 sid Mr. Sharp, wbile the average prime esewbere is $11, whhmeans Athg Canadians mnay be paying mare 'a ilthe gas pumnps ihan tbey dfid in the pasiieyr not paying as mucb as the rest of the wrd Hle said the government fias also hielped ta stabilize the price of bread by sublsizinýg the coutntry's millers and reduice the upward climb) of the price of mMl and beef, also by ulsing subsidie-s. H1e said the Liberal gavern- ment alsa took steps ta reduce tlie finiancial burden of large, lo-w incamie families bydincre- aInfaly allowance. Durham County Sales Arena ORONO, ONT. LIVESTOCK SAILE EryThursday Evenlnzg 7:30p.m. IiUStINI,'SS 983-9363 HOME:6368 BILL MOSLEY Oxford tRICKLAYERS STON EMASQNS WILLIE J. SCHMALýl Phiolne 983-56066 Specializing in ail kids of STONEWORK and FIREP'LACES WVe also do chimney Repairs KENDAL Wbat a tranges on ibis îweny forthof May tillIltle Our patoes were plantled the lasi day a Mayandare jusi coIming1 throu,ýtgh th graud1onthe tweý niy fourtb of Tullips, are Stijl bloaming in] the garden. 1Howev(ýer- nlaw thaýt w\e baead fthe. rail] maybe wam eatber wil lfollow. Kendal village is cagn ils appeaance. Mr K. Cooper bias torildawnithe former Tomn Hoy b ouse and Mr. askin lbas leveled ail west ai tile store., The Kendal WmnsInisti- FORMYOUR OWN OPINION ol thel4. Wilmnot Creek (Covýe R et iremlent Pa rk Proposai1 Visit thle Mobile Hlomle at the Ilhrslotel N ewc astl1e (J until 9::ý SaturdaN and sunlday REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMAN VILLE Whe Buingor, S!cllln WILF HAWKE Vour Orono Area Representative. 983-527î4 Memibvr of Oshwa and District Recal Estate Board VENEZIA IPizza - Meuls ALsô Week-End Specials Building a House?, or remodeling your present one? Then Contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 983509 Orono I G.W. DRYWALL 1 NTLA 1: TAPING Id tute met0 al the b ornle 0fMrs. John Henderson Ôn(Wedne day even'ý'Iing dune 19 w ithl eleve(n mmespresenit. t uwas a v ery wet night ara raji1 da1y. The m1(,etinig openeod with the('siniginig ofthle ode. Miss C'. St e waiirt gave1 thec mlotto for, th1('e meetingj1 1 2as, Fd 'EdcatIi on i s everybod ies' bus iness", Ilcr raollcail was, "Namet the first school y ou attendled anid give( soine mewlories of it." Onl ady tald of alttending a school nearL.londcon on ithe Thamns in Ontario. She tald of bier imemlories of the rivýer, wblich flowed pasithIle school, Anoter mmbes sebool mwas in Sotlnd earEdinibur-gh. ()ne was from NewunLiswick aid sbe 1remlemlbered wav ing at t1ewtmains oflumlbermen goinig Iby, Stili aniotheir tad of scbool fle in V'irginia. The mninutes mere recad plnd adopt- cd. Mrs. T. Gossom) gave a finle finiancialreot A special gifi was set aside for, Mr's.Ge(o. Mrce wo altbougb not a member bad w orked very hard to help wmitbl thle pnysale for. mlany years.k A\ craf t fair was plannled ti Septemlber. Il was m»oved by Mrs. A. Deninis seconded by, Miss C. Stewart that thlesu \viauis craft groups be asked ta retf a hoothl in Kenldal' school atI,1500 eachi. There wouild 1betirlten or imore bootbis. TeKendfal W. would sl l unches. AÀ pm m1itiCýe consisting of -Mrs. J. Hienderson Mrs. T. Gossamn, Mrs. Dyýkmnan and Mrs. Denl nis were namedip( to visit Wbilby and planl this onle day craf t fair, on a saturday in' Sepemer Mllbro)ok arc holding a uraft exhibit next weekend. at their centennial. Mrs. Helen Cuou has invitedItle WAI, ladies ta ber cottage the first week in J)uiy., A gift was presented taaur retiring presidenit Mrs. J. Hlenderson as a smiall token of apprec iation for' ber work as leader during Ille past i'e >vers Our secreary was hainsrc- cd to w rite the summner lteatre in Lindsay and gel î scbiedule of thieir plays and dates presened. -Miss C. Stewart gave as bler tapie, "Initeresting facts con- nected witb the formner rural schools of. Clarke Townsbip." Shie stated tbey were nuimbers accardlig ta the or-der in wbiicb tbehevmre built. Num- ber one Port Grnby, Number 2 Lake Shor, Number- 4, Newtoinvi]leNube and Brou ls. One of the it mestn fcs about Kendal school was Iblat one lad. Thomnas Stantonl became the "Cief of the Colonil Medical Swervie,"in oter mwrds the bead rdo f flicBritish Empire. IBewa able ta discavýer tbe cause of thr-ee 1tropical diseases, mal- aria, beribei and elephant- itis, and tbusi.i a ethod of preveuntion could be faund. lie was knighted by King George V in 1934. AVote of , tanks was, ext 0d AiMrs. .A. Dennis and aur- hostess f ,or a deliciaus lunch. The next meeting uwi be in September,. Mrs. Ava Smwrik visited wtb MiSsC.,Stewart te pasi weekend. The attendance ai churcbýý was smaller than usual an SundaS' as somie families took tibeir flowers ta file 0rona Cemietery dlecoration wbile otfiers had far a\vav visitars. oeer, a good service was eld.Thechoir sango Haethine own wýayLr. and Rev. G. Montgamery ýtold1 the children a )stary \,abotfthe, Plumi bob, thes1q(uarIe and thec lee.MIS, Wagar taugbt tIle boy\s and Mrs. Frank tfauglht ail Ilhe liftte folk. Rev . Montgomiery spoke, on "The Great InvýitatioI" hle chose as bis text Matthlew i ves 8"one t, fo Ime ail ye that labour and aIre ev laden anid I will ivjýeyo rest." These beautiflwrd of Jesus are only1\ recarded by comflort to s50 lmn. TelweS in] the church lon S- Conglratuflations to Mr, anid Mrs. GrdnMorton on th birth of a1 'on inBomvie Hlospital. TOWN IHIAS PLANNING RBLM Counicillar Don earnstuck ta gunis at the. P1,llanning Adirycammittee meeting an imonday, complaining that too mucb itimein is wýaSPed in witng for' planninirg reportsý. 11e reerdparticlarly ta planninga consultantDrk L'ittie inpreparing 1these reprt, wamaccardinig ta Wer-he ay a repart will bu reaidy in 30 odays, but 30ý da~will came anald go anld Stijl nlotinlg is done." I Inflationis wben uilthe th yo;u bougbt lia few years now coss ore ta eai you paid for li. A present problemi is now concerning subdivision pro posals wlitin biamlets anid Coun. Wearn suggested ithe region make a policy florib is. May or Riekard is now tao regional ilevel. Coaun .vall pointied out til the Region favours major cenitres anid the majin probiemi be says is thie Ncaýstle bias no mebrsiliig an ibe Reg,ýionial planning commit- tee. If inseet bites poison ivy sunburn Pwhenergan Cream' STUTT'S PHARMACY PUflM1N' fRlNfl983-500 Beginning July 2nd Ladies Sumimer Dresses and Sumnmer Pant Suits Reduced 25 1 Beach Towels $ \.5 alue(ýa re now ýsel] lng a t $1.9 8 sae~Yard goods I A will a s tart July x d foryor beniefit. At last We can offer yoNum Happ oper- Shoes in 1mwo styNles for ladies, inl white. navy a nd hickory colours. If you want bh ornofý ort anid styýle cornIle inl hIi lemwe stiIll lia ýve .%ur size. LINGS rOWAE ~{WAL Nopayenits for six rnanlths', PAIES Cail H-arvey Paniner 5518 Vour ESSO senviceelr t-vk FR1EE ESTIMATES YS A pu'y §%'

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