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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jun 1974, p. 6

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6-0110NO ,EKX IM, UNITEDCURI il Orono Pastoral '~Charge B.Th. SCNDA JUN 30,1974 ORONO tUNi'ITED CHURCH'I Morninig Worship - 11: 15 a.m. Guesi Minister - Bey. Gerald ron of Pine Ridgle Scbool Hom anville, Ont. COMBINED SUMMIER SERVICES Iluingý the mionth of JulyN the congregations of Newcastle Kiuby and Orono will mieet at 1: 00 a. m. each Sunday The place of services will be as follows: JuIy 7th - Orono JuIvy1IIth - Kirby at the sehool JuIy 21 st - Orono JuI 28h kibyat the school During the mionth of Auguist, KibOrono and Newýcastle SCongregatioxis %ill mneet in N(e%%catje Uited Chur-ch at 10:30 a.m. KI1R BY UNI1TED1)CIH1UR CIH DialA-Tbught983-9151 ST. SAVIOURS AINGLICAN Estalisled1869 Reguiar Sunday Worship) Service - 10:00 a.m. NO()(CHULR CH A T SAVIOURS LUNTL,, AUG. thl S ERKVICE ÀAT STi. cGEOR(GES NEWýCASTLE AT '10o: 00oa.mi. .JL'NE ?<;th. 1971 IPancakes - the menu for breakfast 1-andieman states in] arpr tat Goldfan Holdings hav,ýe propo)(sed 2.300 unlits and Tau- ton' -Cîri Developments has ;570 ajcrets ot land theyý would placein lowincom developent witite new Townilof Newcastle. Mu . Hlandieman also states fthat Newca-stle will tnceed aitfjionl- ai wýater and swaesyýstemjs before anything can be(' under- takenl. The Orono Firýefighterts on breakfast and be)ýsides as one obtiinlg fuinds for' Muscular Saturday morning turn-ied firea staÏted it wa's Ithe Dystrphyad this y ear they short order cooks andi dished fie %\es fith those ninat- rie a sumlof $750after up over iý275fbreaýkfasts with tnanestyngtqvst ib ain ilbisi ontlljin the, menu being- acae, tifrienlds and ineighbours \wItb the rekas.A dr-aw for syusausagecs, and coffe,i tecommunity.a geae-un \waisIwon by Mrs. This wais ithe argest cr-owd Io The. firefightiers hoid thle Pegy iaschke' of D)ivision dJate tojattend thle an ~breafats a means of Stet, rono. Bet,:ef producers seek to limit imports Befproduceuis are aisking" fraqoato limit teaon ofU.beef and slaughter catte allowe(d onto the Can- adian imarket. Tdathe Ontlario Federation ofilAgri- cuilture,( is sending a letter to AgrculureMinlister Egn Whlelan bac(kiing demiandsftoi, quotas imade Iby \the ('Ontauio Beef Improvemient A\ssociait- ion and the Canladian Cattie- mens Association. OFA V.. President Gor don Hlili Points out the mneed for, quotas hais becomne acute this spring. Moue ithan 66,000 he !ad of U.Slautwfeu cattie wr *Attention Farmers!! i WHY PAY MOREG SAVE ON e ~~-Diesel Fuel* * Motor 01Il * i~ Gasoline I Premiium Quatity * and Purnps I Available I *Phono' 668-3381 - Collect a For Prompt Courteous Service *CALL US OA Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 AIL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY lost w: mon iths', lie caui pai(,ni 5E iported by) id' Ariv.This the(be mlýoue Ithan f1our1ti mes the youu SI prev titus record numiber imi ported during thle fil-st quart- Th Beef producers iso seek a today iL hik inthetariffagainst Produc( imported U.S beef and IlIv ' eucwt cattie equal to 'the u.~anid $3 i tariti agalin-st Calnadian beef. the( US. U-S. imlpouts dropped off fi) mauket u-ecenit week alter Canada $8 banneld imports of ail diethy.' lstlbstrl-ueaedcattie. The 0 HoeeCanladianl produc- med W] eu-s forse apossible resurge beef I g ofUS impor'ts if U'S. appr-ovec offiiciis imeet Canadian g proguamn venetstandards and cert- imiiports, ify the cattie w\hich hav"1\e not iînented. bee iven \,ltheowtho011speed- inig drug. Our bouder mlust not beieftt openl to an unlimlited flow of U'S. caie a lre certifid( as DE fee lnd f iood into Caniada iuncontrolled inum bers, our muktprice could drop by S$10 Peu, C\0.-" wauIs William BenwlsonI. A 1PalmersC tonl beefproducer, Benisoni'S a dlitector- of the Ontario Feder 1 ation of Agriculture. -If thIlis bappens, vr dolklr producersbvemadle in thi,,,last 1four yars ill be Buril ýihlinf t he next Six say\s l~1.Hwvr tions produicers f[lot e41 their caite. "Watch rkt C,1ca refuiIl-, and1g et t dollar psibefoi- cotof produicing çs tr caitte inu Ontario IS aboutl $>53 peu cwt. -irs are p)aid about $51l $4 on the arkt ' n federal sujbsidy. In prices oni the gluitted( haveù dived to abot FA.also te roups anialyse nperm itting 1US befcore it is i Hamiltons Insurance Service Vour Friendly Agency FOR Ail Personal & Commercial Irisurance SADIE 1HAMILTON SUE SýAWýYER JEUMHA2RE For dependa hie Service - 983-5115 S7ý7TRAWBERRIES W11Il1iBBE INsi SFA O IO ILUNE 2thON Bu tthe stand or pick your 0Mwi. Lettuce and Spinach F R E D'S FRUIT MARKET H11GH1MA Y 115 SOULTH110 ORONO0 TENDER, YOUNG PLUMP muartered Chickens lb. 65c lb. 96C lb. 93c s FuIIyN Cook Smoked1 BUTPO Peýterý Piper, bY thl Bologna PERFECT FOR SUME MEALS AND PICNICS kedl Short Shank Skinfless Burns Sweet Pickled Hiam lb. 79c Cottage Rol Burns - Natur al for thie1 ie piece (Mild Seasoned) il- n - Wieners Thlick cutl for. the Breu Ham Suîces1 lb. 48eC lb. 89e ils i Barbecue inless 1 [b. 89e [b. 79e Butrns Famiily Pak 2 bs. 2 oz. Beef Steakettes lb. $1.98 furlls Euiropean Polishi Sausage lb. 9,5,e Caliifle Braidp 1 % Bacon lb. 95c CORN ISH-45 - ORONO 983-5201 John DeWITH Real Estate Limited Bowmanville 623-3950 and 623-3111 m.r profilpt, eff1icient m~ lien hbu\ ing or Selling Contact: Gary Hancock 95ý : 1--155 Joe Barnoski 7S5f-2202 Ross Davidson 1' R ,ESH1 CUT"I, M1E A TYV,BA CK S(OFF ,hicken Breast VRESHÎ CUT, MIEATY, BACKS OFF Zhicken Legps Callyour Iicensed Plumbing & Mechanical Cnrco who selis, instalis andguaranteez CARMAAN Plmigand Heutiing VV kIq-11%,JL ý3 bki

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