On Juiy lst an new enterprise in the uni mite .ci. The newly renovated premises Hamilet of Kirby joins with Reid's store to includes many arts and crafts along with form the business, section. Mr. Don beautiful Tiffany lamps and. shades. The Rougbley ýofficially opens bis arts andý word unique is well taken in the name of crafts. thie enterprise. The ex.terior of the building On July lst a new enterprise opens bas created considerable interest" witbI its doors to the public in Kîrby. Mlr. Don passing mnotorists and- following. Monday Roughley opens is arts and crafts centre the interior and its content's will as prove under tbe banner of Unique Enterprises popular witb the general publi. Up and down the bookstacks THIURSDAy JUNE 27th, 1971 ADULT The Woarld is Full of t by Isadore Barniasb (bhow we are oversold, overwbelmed by the Communications manipuila- L ors) Vasectomyv b) John J. Fried, (informiiations about miaie ster- Hlandcbýook of lPSIDiscoveries by Sheila Ostrander anid Lyýnni Scbroedere (psychic phenlîonl ema and hbiiy t perceivec-it) F urn- liure U-pbolstery and Repair by ams .John- stonle The Spoilers by Desmondý' Bagley (adventure) TeDiviners by Miargaret Laurence (Authors latest novel) JUNIOR Lots of new paperbacks for holiday time reading EASY READING& PICTURE BOOKS The Ark by Marie Angel A Special ýTrick by Mercer Mayer YRONO WEEKLY TIMES,-JUNE 26th, 1974 -7 Information about Your Library Did yvou knlow as a miember of Clarke Pulic Library you h avý,e ae(ss t o over one mnillion books? T'his Library is part of the Central Ontario, Regional Libary System- in- cludling.f five resource lýibrar- ies. We can provide you with books on any subject you wish. We can also arrange, film requests, these however, can oinly be loaned out to a non proit group or organizat- ion such as boy scouts, girl guides, etc. If -,ou have visited the Library recently, you ma y have noticed our art colleet- ion. These are reprints of work done by famous artists, on thle back of each pic ture is a brief biography on the artist, za description of 'the paiinig, plus a bibliograph3i. TFhese iniitings are loaned to uise for three months and then another collection is sent. Any student or patron wishing to borrow a picture may do so, they are loaned- out in the samne manner as you borrow a. book. We cal lt "Pick-a-pic". fyoui are planning hiolidaysç yVourt librar-ymy be able to hieilpYou. We fhave infiormat- ion on, the best routes of travel across Canada, where to stay, what to see and do. For thte children a list of zoos in] Ontario. -Our vertical file'has pamip- hlets and brochures givîng you basic information on a great many subjects, for example: college and univer- sity calendars; wbat courses they offer-etc. Children; care, hygiene and mental health of ýmarriage, family planning, dieseases, -heart, cancer, arthritis etc. Drugs, alcohol etc. Government pamphlets on social security retirement a list of old age ho mes, social welfare, homes for children and young people. Designs for building a home, patio etc. Street maps of neighbouring towns. Articles on pollution, wildlife in Ontario, a list of youth hostels across Canada and in Europe. As you can see our information covers quite a wide range, so if at some time you don't have an answer to a quest ion, try yoùr local libr- ary. We welcome you. 'l--roposed Commercial Needs Study for Town Following eight shopping cente aiatimons mWin 'te towný- of NewÀcastle, onec being Maverly road deveopments wich inliated the idea, plan- nier George Howmden bas suggested a commercial needs study for the town. Hlowever discussionis at plan- ning Advisory Commnittee re- sulted in deferring t.his action, to ire Larry Smrithl Research Ltd. to carry ou, the stu(lý, Herman J. Kircher, president of Larry Smrith Ltd., bas quoted a price of $7,500, for thlis report, exctlinig the co0st of a cons umer surveywhc wý,ould determine current shopping patterns and preffer- onces. The survey would be carrid out by another com- pany. The cost of this project caused2c conflict within the Planning Commiltteýe. t was feilt that it could be done quicuker anld cheaper by Som1e other firmi, lbu-t the particular Larry Smith ltd. ,vas chosen by George Howd-cen by b is p references. Mlr. Howý\den explained tbat the co(st could be cbargedA to the develo)pers, but lhe feit it faner that the town pay in the case of the develoer beîng the loser in tSesituation. The piole wtb thlis Studye ay is tbat the work progr am) fo r the District officiai plan provides for this stuy,%utonlY aftertbe, Interim DJistrict plan bas been ~DX SERVICE STATIO~ Ilighiway 3ý5 and 115., just n1-orthi of Newcastle Premnium (Qualîty ïProductý' At, lite Most Reason.able - 11 Prices - Diesel 0OU Availjable iii aity qualntity Phone 987-4215 copetd t would notý be possible to wvait that long according to bim John Layng bas been ap- pinted to bring the existing nfomation i5abotcommer- ilneeds to thle surface andi make recomm ilendatlions. TMe need for the study was inated by an appliation for a shopping centre on Waverly Rd. in .Bowmanville. 2.7 acres, w\1ee orjiînall proposed and aproedfr sucb a centre, but tlie applicant now wse io expand the size and mber of stores. The,ý per store ljimit is pr'eently 150(0 sq. ft., but a request bas been mnade foir a lS2W0sq. ftchain food store. Counciillo)r KenLal says he sbould be allowed to go abead to do whatever ble pleases witb bis own land and bis own mnoney, but the comimittee will not adbere to the new prop-osaIj as Of yet. Lyall added "Wbat business of ours is it if bie (the developer) goýes brake?" He says planners are too often telling people wbat to do witb theimney. Mre.IHowden suggested in biis report tha"t the develeop- nti on tbis site imut await com1pletio)n ofte commercial need study. myWOIDOê IIK THO4SE PEOPLE UPSTAiRS KEPT ELEPI4ANTS1! EI.er's Garage TEýXACOSEVICE MliflIstreet fNorth, Orono Phone 983-513 Sand and Gravel Pit Run Gravel * and Bulldozing BILL HALEi IPhone 786-2972 or 786-2940