ALL CANDIDA' .MEETINGS 4.oltilliU(ý(d frb said theY w( UNITE c Re SUNDAY, il. ORONO UNITE Morning %Worshi Communioîi Combined sei Newcastle. Ki COMNIBIN ED ý SERVI9 D3ring the mont congregations oj Kirby and Oroii each Sunday at folows: July 1th - Kir Schoo JuIy 2ist - JuIy Mth- Kirb3 During the mont Kirby, Orono ar congregations Vm NewýcastIe Unite 10:30 a.m. Dial-A-Thougl SAV ANGLIE Estallshe Regular Sunda service -Il NIOCHU1LR( SAVIOURS AUG. 4t SERIVICI ST. GEOLI NEiWCAS' et r10: 00ï UE money like daily newspaper III page 1) in Ottawa. ý,vr priting Asked wby mortgage mon 'ere priningey couldn't be made availabl ED CHURCH to individuals for bousinga five percent interest rates,a rono Pastoral it is to some <evelopers, Mr Charge Beckett said the Liberals proposed Assisted Homi Ownersbip Program was de Mlnlster signed to supply money on ai individual basis, but be Sa]( ýv. B. E. Long the government is payirý B.TIi. about nine percent on its owi money. JLY 7,1974 Mr. Walker said the NDI have a policy designed t ED ICHULRCH supply mortgage moneya about six percent interes, iip 10:00 a.mi. rates, plus a landbank systerr n Suniday to accumulate somne 500,0( 'rvice witbi acres per year to keel rby, Orono1 speculation fromn driving bousing costs higher than theý SUMMNER would rise normnally. ýCES Mr. Lawrence said Central Mortgage and Housing Cor- Lbj of july the poration, whicb was designed f Newcastle, to supply money to individ- no wili meet uals just wasn't working. 10:00 a.m. as He said the AHOP idea was good but the system was bogged down in red tape, rb (at the "land stupid restrictions," and o) wasn't accomnplisbing any -Orono more than CMHC. , (at school) Mr. Lawrenc,e said the ideas behind both programs th of August, were good, but the aims were id Newcastle lost in the administration ii meet ini somewhere and promiseda d Church at PC government would show more interest in individual applications for loans. ht 983-9151 ABORTION 1 believe the decision should - - be that of the mother, on the advice of ber doctor, bei I n OUR S spiritual die an hr husband. 1 would hope tbere EAN would be measures to prevent 4 1869 any abuses," said Liberal îa' Worship Allan Beckett in question or 10:00 a.m. abortion.1 CH AT "It 's the mother's rigbt te, UNTIL an abortioni, up to the point t L where the fetus is considerec Lb A to be a human being, a point tE S ATi th as fot yet been deter- GES . ined," said New Democrat TLE R-usseil Walker. ~..The prese.(-nt abortion law is being lauighed at, said Pro- MMWU m m - - m -mmm m uqim * 4tention Farinera!! à [-w NY PAY MORE?i I SAVE ONI _ ~ Diesel Fel I ~motor 0* OI SGasoline Preminni Quallty i . .~Farm Tanks 'g and Pumps * Available Phone 668-3381 -Collecti iDX FUEL DII à For Prýompt Courteous service CALL US TODAY ~ ALL AY WENESDA Y and STRA gressgve Conservative can- rs didate Allan Lawrence, wbo said bc based that opinion to on 'ome extent on corresponden. le ce he has received from bis at constituents in the two years ashe bas been the member of Ir. Parliament for the riding. I "l am a firm believer in law ieand order," be said, "and 1 e- think that in many, many n cases, the law is being ,dsubverted or not enforced. "I-1arn against any furtber n liberlization of our abortion laws," be said. ýP Present laws allow an toabortion only after a commit- attee of doctors, appointed by a ,s bospital board, rule that sucb M an operation is desirable to 0 preserve the health and ýPwell-being of the mnother. ig Then came the question about the candidates' views on capital punlishment. Ano- alther voice from the audience r-shouted "and how about your ýd religious affiliation?" MONSTROUS Citing the commandment is"Thou shaît not kili", Mr. IsBeckett said he considered it emonstrous to kili another but di infinitely'more mnonstrous to ykili in a calculated basis as in, an execution. Capital punish- Se ment, he said, is flot a sdeterrent. ,e Mr Walker also said the ,ndeath penalty is no deterrent> a n hat he, too, opposed the death penalty. Furtber, be said, that.sent- ence is irreversible 'and cited the now famous Christie cas( din the U. e The mnatter of the death r penalty, be saîid, is not a r political issue. e But', Mr. Lawrence, who, was in the Commons in the latest debate on the death penalty , said it started out to be a non-party issue but "the federal cabinet was told to tvote against it"'. 1 He cited the five instances tin which he would favor the -death penalty: a killing in a trape; asecond conviction of muLËder; killing a police 3officer on duty; killing a jail -or prison guard on duty; and a dea th as a resuit of an aircraf t hijacking. Later, another question from the floor askedopinions; about paroles for convicted murderers and others. PENAL SYSTEM MESS Mr. Lawrence, who had been secretary of justice in Ontario prior to the 1972 federal election, said he considered the, whole penal syst;em of Canada to be a mes . -We dont even have to go outside this riding to find people who have been con- victed of one serjous crime who have beenil free to kili Callyour licensed Plumbing & Mechanical Con trc for who seils, installis and ,guarantees Orono Students banquetat Dut ch Oven in lasi weeks issuje of the Times we reported that the Orono Public School Grade Eîgbt graduating class had STRIKE 11) WEEKS OLD (Continued from page 1 wicn mànagement. "Goodyear is even refusing to sit down and clear Up local issues which don't involve money," said Mr. Hooper. He said this indicates the company isn't bargaining in good faith. The workers went on strike April 25th to protest their faîluire to obtain a cost of living formula. Base rates, according to the union range from $3.73 an bour to $4. Goodyear produces conveyor belts. N.EWCASTLE TOWN WORKERS RATIFY (continued from page 1) for bowmanville workiers of 15 cents an hour and of 30 cents an hour for those who worked for- the two townships., thus p)rovidinig parity. The drug plan for the workers has also been im- aroved and the union now bas i job security clause. The rrembership voted in favor of accepting the tentative agyree- nient 20 to six. again." Prison, he said, isprimarify for the protection of the public, not rehabilitation wbich, he said, he does not oppose 'but the federal sy- stem is 50 years behind the times. Mr» Walker, on the same question, said he felt that a convicted first degree murd- erer should not be eligible for' parole for at least 25 years. Mr. 'Beckett, who claimedi that the great majority of murderers are unlikely to kili again, said those who are founid to be psychopathic killersshould be hospitalized for lice, 'under permanent care." (>RONO WEEKLY TIMES, JULY, Ir& 1974 -3, enjoyed a banquet at the school prior to the graduation exercises. This was incorrect as the class along with teachers had enjoyed their banquet at the ~New Dutch Oven Restaurant. It was a busy night at the Dutch Oven with cateing to: the some fifty from'the schpo1 and also catering to the local Kinsinen and their wives prior to, the installation of officers. Ha m iltors Insurance Service Your Friendly Agency FOR Ail Personal & Commerciai I nsurance SNOW WILL SOON BE HERE SADIE 1HAMILTON SUE SAWYER JIM HARE For dependable Service 983-5115 PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 Newtonville, Ontario John DeWITH Real Estate Li mited Realtor Bowmnanville 023-3950 a na 623-3111 For prompt, efficient service when buying or selling Contact: Gary Hancock, 9$3 -5155 Joe Barnoski 786-2202 Ross Davidson 277-2:;21 WILL BE IN SEASON FROM JUNE 24th ON Buy at the stand or pick your own. ALSO AVAILABLE ~ Lettuce and Spinach F RED'S,ýRIMKE HTG[-WA Y 115 SOUTH 01 ORONO Pork Roasts (5to 6 îb.avg.) lb. 59c YOU SAVE TWICE WITH TRIM,& PRICE (BOSTON STYLE) Pork Butt Roasts lb-. 69c THICK CUT FOR THE BARBECUE Pork Chos Buttor Wi"esESSE-X" I~~~ W e esFOR THE GRILL 2 Ib e $*. Beef Steaks CUSOUDBlb. 99C Ground Beef <FREStI MINCED) l.78c Lunch Meats, "ESEX" FANILY PAK Bologna -SPER VALVtF 'ulI) (tHD 16oz. R*indlîess Bacon l-b. 89C lb. 79c cORNISHk4 ORONO985o lb. 79c