~N'~ <\ ~ Power conservation keynote of report "Conservation receives our increasing attention, and eus- tomers are reminded of the necessity to exercise greater care in husbaniding ail natural resources, " Ontario Hydro chairman and Chief Officer George Gathercole said in a foreward to the utility's 1973 annual report just released. He said, "1973 was a year of significant achievement and change for Ontario Hydro." One of these changes, he said;' was the new approach to Hydro's marketing program. Advertising budgets were re- duced and emphasis was placed on the wise and efficient use of electrical energy. But, even a successful programn of voluntary conser- vation does not necessarily mean a curtailed need 'to expand electrical capacity. "As fossil-fuel reserves dimninish, electricity, supplied miainly by nulear stations, seemis destined to provide a growing share of total energy demnands. Using energy sen- sibly and without waste will FORM YOUR OWN OPINION of the WilmotCreek quove Retirement Park Proposa-_ Visit the Mobile Home atthe Elmhurst t'Iotel in Newcastle Open daily r1: 00 until 9: 30 Saturday and Sunday 1: 00 until 5:30 SDurham County, Sales Arena ORONO, ONT. LIVESTOCK SALE Every fhursday Evening 7:30 p.m. SUIEEP-CATTLE HOS ORSES BUSINESS 983-9363 HOMIE: 623-4685 BILL MOSLEY Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCHMAHL Phone 983-5606 Speciallzing in ail kinds' of STONEWORK and'FIREPLACES We also do chimney Repairs G.W. DRY WALL TAPING SPRAYED CEILINGS APPLYING DRYWALL ,-P'LASTER REPAIRS Phone 983-5518 WaIIy Lucyk ORONO help to maintain high levels of prosperity and the well-being of our province." During 1973 Hydro embark- ed on a large-scale expansion program to meet these incre- asing power demands. During the year two million kilowatts of new generating capacity were placed in service, a record for asingle year. Primary demand on the provincial power systern rose to a record high 'of 13.6 million K1iOWdL(S 111 j>ecember, ex- ceeding the 1972 peak by 6.8 per cent- The number'of custome rs receiving electrical service from Ontario Hydro and the associated municipal electr- ical utilities increased by 1.25 per cent over 1972 to about 2,511,000. The extension of service to remote communit- les in northern Ontario con- tinued in co-operation with the various narties and govern- JACK 99 King St., E. BOWMAN VILLE When Buying or Selling Cal WILF HAWKE Vour -Orono Area Representative 983-5274 Membher of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board RESTAURANT lllhway 115 and 36 % mile soûtb of Oruo PHONE 983.5851 OPEN 7 DAirS A WÊEP Spçdagingl Mm bWeek-End SpeciaLm Buildinig a Ftouse?, or remodellIng yout pxseut me? Thon Cauteet FIoyp Nichoiso, INSTALL AN < ~HUMIDIFIER 4 orIIOT WATER HEATER, No paymients for six months Cal Harvey Partner Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono ment agencies concerned. Looking9 to 4bhe future, Mr. Gathercole said, the Commis- sion began planning for the construction of four new power stations~ having a total_ capacity of 10 million kilo- watts. These include propos- aIs- for an extension to the Pickering Plant, a second Bruce nuclear power station, a nuclear plant at Bowman- ville and an oil-fired plant at Wesleyville. Additional units are also planned to serve the growing needs in northwest- ern Ontario. Holds off approval for waste site A certificate of approval for a proposed priva tely-opera ted waste disposal, site at the south end of the old Township of Cartwright is not being issued "at this time," the applicant has been advised. Oshawa lawyer, Ronald Worboy, who headed a com- mittee of area residents in opposition to the application, announced that Dennis Cap- Mayor's severance g oes before council Members of the region's planning and development committee were s0 intent on protectîng the rights of New- castle Maynr Garnet Rickard, last Tuesday, that they began fighting among themselves over metbods." Mr. Riekard had obtained approval fromi the land aivis- ion committee to sever 6 acres from bis 495 acre farm in the former Darlington township. At -its previous meeting- the planning and development committee de- cided to appeal the approval before the Ontario Municipal Board on the grounds it contravenes regional land use policy. Mayor Rickard appeared personally* before the com- mittee Tuesday, and in his presenc e the decision was reversed. He will be allowed thie severance unless council objects. Coun. Alex Robertson (Pick ering) agreed that special- circumstance exist in this case and the property ownier deserves a severance. How- ever, 'he did not wanit the decision to be mnade by dt committe. "I want it to go, to council," be said. Coun. Robertson said if tbey decision was taken by' the committee on its own, the decision migbt be misunder- Published by the Ni stood. "We are going to be accused of showing favoritism becau- se the owner is a member of council," be predicted. He claimed that if the question was debated in open council and Mayor Rickard's agruments were put there, the severance would be granted anyway, but the air would be. eleared. "I don't want to be........ accused of favoring anyone,"........ he said. POLITICS Coun. Keith Ross (Oshawa) tbougbt Coun. Robertson was arguing for discrimination against the application just on the grounds it came from a politician. "If anyone bas a rigid mind it is because he bas a rigid brain," charged Coun. Ross. "If there are any rigid brains on this committee, they belong to, the people fromn Oshawa," eountered Coun. Robertson. . Mayor Rickard said he was not seeking any special favor A goo "I do not think there should be a difference between an officia] of a municipality and an ordinary citizen," «he said. His application was to sever H E RE AT a piece of property to build a home on. The old farmhouse would remain part of the incorporated'farm operation, whicb is known as CeresmoreA Farms Ltd. J OSHAWA TIMES1 lice, the director of the enivironmental annrovals. braneh of the ministry oi environmient, has served not ice bn Harvey Ambrose tha the certif icate will flot bc issued pending'a study by the Region of Durham.. "We are not prepared to issue the certificate of ap- prov7al of your application at this time in view of the position of the region with respect to their intentions to immnediately undertake a comprehensive stuydy with regard to the overaîl waste managemepnt situation in their jurisdiction," Mr. Cap- lice's letter to Mr. Ambrose stated. Ca mpbelI ford Mayor resigns Campbellford Meyor, Mor-, ley Tanner, handed his re- signation to the Town council recently over differences of opinion with members of council over the work of the Town Clerk. Council accepted the re- signation expressing its ap- preciation of the work done by the Mayor over the past fourteen years. Council then went on to endorse the work done by the clerk for the corporation. orthumberland-Durham Progressive Conservative Association ON SALE SUMM ER DR ESS ES ANOD PANT SU ITS 25~ F New Brand on the Market T-SHI1RTS .good quali ty, ail colours, al sizes, pictures and printing guaranteed Io last, good for a laugh. Price $3.65 Adselection of Yard Goods selling at 20 percent OFF Regular Price rLAST-Comfortable, Tender Tootsie Sanda Is, in white and hickory. RKMSTI<RON GS ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, JULY 3rd, 1974 -5 l