Juxury's Now you cari enjoy the luxuxy of soft water with this beautiful modern water softener from Duro of Canada. No pipes or tanks on view. No leaks, no drips. You and your family will be delighted at the dif- ferenoe soft water makes. it can cut vour lauri- dry bis in haif. You cari use pure soap instead of harsh,. polluting detergents. Soft water rinses completely dlean, leaving no grubby ,rings on baths and basins. Clothes, pantihose, towels, diapers stay softer, last longer with sof t water washing.. Soft water is kind to hands, gentie on tender skin, wonderful for hair wasbing. Cali your Duro plumber today -for a -free labo- ratory analysis of a sam pie of your water. HarveyPa rtnerLtd Miss Kati Gustar instruetb à the Orono Water Safety pro- gram at the Orono Pool. c1ass of Bronze swimmers at Predict hydro- rate increases for 1975 Ail 353 municipal electricai utilities across Ontario are expected to seek.approvai for an increase in electrical rates in 1975, according to E.G. Bainbridge, Ontario Hydro's director of Consumer Service. Hîis comments were made to the Ontario Energy Board during the second'week of public hearings being held in TForonto. Hydro is seeking approval of a 15 per cent increase in the A'VOTE FOR Alo ; -Lawrence 15 At VOTE FOR POSITIVE REPRESENTATION 'A politiciami is of -no use to those he represents if ihey can't reach him when they need hi.!fl' He works for you by being available. Through a telephpne service set up at his own expense, anyone can eall.hlm toll-frec via a phone number listed ander bis name in ail local directories. When flot required to be at Ottawa, Allan Lawrence has been here in Northumberland-Durham, visiting al parts of the riding to meet people, hear their opinions, anddiscuss their problems. ON MONDAY ou aui REmELECT whoiesale rate that it charges the municipal utilities and a 16 per cent increase in rates to direct industrial customers. "Lt does note necessarily follow mnat the retail rate increase charged by municip- al utilities be of the same' percentage nor coincide in the effective date with the increa- se in wholesale rates," said Mr.- Bainbridge. Hydro's wholesale rate increase, if approved, would bc effective next January 1. Mr. Bainbridge told' the Board that municipal'utilities, like- Ontario Hydro, face escalating local operating costs and this is placing pressure on existing utility retail rates. H1e predicted that utility increases could be la the order of 10 to 20 pèr cent, depending on the financial position of the individual utility. Lt has been Ontario Hydro's consistent practice to trans- late costs into an ultimate customner cost that will reflect fairness to customer classes and fairness and uniformity to customers;within each class, Mr. Bainbridge said in his evidence to the Board. There is no doubt, he said, that the cost increases at the whole- sale level must be passed on to the ultimate customner. Rate increases are not only the resuit of load growth but also include the effects of higher manpower rates, high- er fuel prices and the cost- of replacing existing facilities as they wear out, he stated. More than 20 Hydro witnes- ses appeared before the Chatterton Electrie Residential - Commercial and Industrial ORONO, ONTARIO Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Dave's Plumbing Heating - Electrical Industrial - Commercial Residential Free Estimates 786-2471 R. R. 1, Orono MY WOPD..,YOU'D T14NI - T140SE PEOPLE UPSTAIRS KEPT ELEPUATS! !Uu..'s G rg TEXACO SERVICE Miii Street North, Orono Phone 983-5130 mwul E mmgmR Momm -em à HALE' S Sandaria"Gravel R.R. 2, NEWCASTLE Pit Run Gravel * and Bulldozing * CALLI BILL-HALE *Phone 786-2972 or 78 6-2940 .Y TINIES, JULY 3rd, 1974 - 7 Board during the week to give evidence on rates and rate pbilosophy, operations, mar- keting, services and person- nel functions. Hydro is com- pleting presentation of its evidence this week and cross- examnination by intervenors and the Energy Board's counsel will follow. It is expected that the hearings will continue until early August.