I OIO () NlI lI a IIIE'.JI. IY l0tlh, 1971 Aîward winning furniture fîrm tops in curved plywood Joe Klasner, vice-president of Plydesign, Orono, Ontario, particpated in a Ministry of Industry and Tourism technology mission ta Europe three years ago and then decided furniture design and production was the direction for his company ta take.1 "If it's made of wood and molded, we'Il make it,"' assets Joe Klasn er, the bursting- withideas vice-president of the burgeoning Plydesign and Curvply plants at Orono. Three years ago Plydesign was barely more than an idea, two years ago one of its chairs captured an EEDEE Award from the Ontario government, and today a new plant is turning out hundreds of orders a month for its furni ture. Plydesign is an offshoot of Curvply, a company founded after World War II in Orono. which makes curved plywood products. With wood veneers becom- in2 more and more difficult to FORM YOU R OWN OPINION of the Wilmot Creek Cove Retirement Park Proposai Visit the Mobile Home at the Elmhurst Hotel in Newcastie Open daiiy 1: 00 until 9:30 Saturday and Sunday 1: 00 until 5:30 - - - JACK' RICARD REALTOR 99 King St.. E. BoWMAN VILLE, When Buying or Seiling Cal W LF 3H1AWKE Your Orono Area RepreserLtative 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board G.W. DRYWALL TAPING SPRAYED ('EILINGS APPLYING DRYWALL PlLA STER B FPAI1JIS Phone 983-5518 WaIIy. Lucyk find as well as the plastics industry eating into tradition- al markets for wood produets -such as school desks and chairs, the company purchas- ed its own veneer miii, along with about 16,000 acres of bush near Wilberforce in the Haliburtons to supply it with veneer. ,Curvply uses some million square feet of veneer a week along with 150,000 gallons of glue a month in the production of plywood. After Mr. -Klasner had participated in an Ontario Sam Bîruton Ca rpentry Repairs Renovations CERAMIC TILE A SPECIALTY KITCHEN CUPBOARDS Phone 983-5239 ORONO Callyour Iicensed Plumbing & Mechanical C-ontractor who seils, Instalh nd guarantu CARMAN Plumbing and Henting Phone 983-5207 Orono INSTALL AN HUIIIER 4 or-IlO'lWATER Il EATER No paymeots for six months t'ail Harvey Pannrer Vyour ESS() service IDealer FRE~E ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono Minîstry of' lndustry and Tourism technology Mission to Europe, he decided furn- dure design and production was thie way for the company ta cxpand. -Aftei afl," he said, "we' make t>ie components, we have the wood, sa why not put them together?" Thus Plyde- sign was born. Designer Thomas Lamb was retained by the company and, working with. them for a year, he came up with a whole 'fne of ply furniture designs, one of which won an EEDEE Award for excellence in furniture design., Concentrating on high quai- ity products,. ra ther than mass production, Plydesign has already penetrated the U.S. market and is now exporting 60 per cent of its production ta that country, mainly ta New York City and California. By maving s0 fast in the past few years, Plydesign has found it self in a position of having ta slow down a bit and catch up witb itself. As Mr. Klasner explains, what needs ta be done is establish a. good foundation based on a solid sales organ- ization. And this must be done slowly in order ta set up a soiînd sales base. A second problem is .ta establish a goodý working Record sales for big '3' The "Big Three" auto' manufacturers posted record sales for cars and trucks in 50 per cent reduction in manpower. Over at yet another plant, Nesting Furniture Ltd., about 30 employees work at assemi- bling metal frames for the stacking chairs and tables, as well as the painting and final assembly of the units. Piydesign has helped incre- ase production at Nesting- Furniture by as much as a third, Mr. Klasner notes. As for the future, Mr. Kiasner said he has been ïipproached by a furniture company in Denmark inter- csted in the Canadian operat- ion with the possibility of setting up a joint venture arrangement- the Danish firm to produce Plydesign's products for Europe, Plyde- sign to produce the Danish designs for North American. With production going full tilt, Mr. Klasner states: "WE haven't even begun to touet the potential." The results of the technol ogy mission to Europe have been sufficient to persuade the company to return there each year. Tlhe above chairs were designei at Plydesigns, and manufactured from curved plywood and upholstered in the plant, north in Orono. crew. This is one of the difficulties encountered by a company going from a work force of zero ta 30 in just two years, mast of whom have had ta -be trained tram the beginning. Investment in the 40,000- square foot buildingý and equipment total over a quart- er of a million dollars but does nat include the 45 acres of land the plant sits on, which sbould ailow plenty of room for the company ta expand. At the Curvply plant down the road from the New Plyd esign plant, production gaes ahead 24 hours a day with the nine-100 ton presses j_ýurning out a variety of curved plywood products. Mr. Klasner said almost 1,000 dies are kept active and the company has a "file" of about 6,000 dies, One of -the mainstays of the plant is' the metal trame stacking chair and table. This is a particularly active pro- duction fine for the company with two worker sable ta sand as many as 6,000 chair seats a day, based on a technique learned while on the mission. Befarc the mission, four workers were required ta sand 2.000 seats a day. The difference is a :300 per cent increase iii production with a theý fir-st haîf of 1974, spokes-< mn ,for General Motors of Canada, Ford of Canada and Chrysier Canada said 'Thurs- day. According to J.D. Duffy, vice-president and general sales manager for .General .Motars of Canada,, cambinied vehicle sales for the six months ending ,June,3b total- led 253,051, up from 242,814 year ago.. LONG'S ENTREÉ Main Street ORONO Phone 983OUOI SPECIAL k Ladlies' Sum mer S Ieepwea r BABY DOLL PYJAMAS AND COTTON PEIGNOIR SETS IN BLUE-PINK-YELLOW s M- L GIRL'S; Bathing Suits ONE-PIECE BIKINI CAGE IN PLAIDS DOTS - FLORALS 20% off GIRL'S AND Boys Shirts BUTTON DOWN OR LACED FRONTS 8-16 20%,0f f GIRL'S Shorts COTTON AND DENIM .7-14 20% oOff SEWING CENTRE 45" flocked Nylon Tricot Elastie Sewing Thread $209 yd. Reg. 40e Sale .29c 45"- Patterned Polyester 1Iron on Patches $319yd. Reg. 39e Sale .25e 60" Polyester Crimp $5.99 vl Wilim c.Hall, B.Commd (ha rtered Accountant-- Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATLJRDAV SUMMER SALE TIME A RMST RON G'S 25% off Ladies' Summer Dresses-and Summer -Pants Suits. 20 off a quantity of Yard Goods. 20%q off ail Ladies' tender Tootsie shoes except 1974 stock. 20 off Ladiesý' Summer -Slacks. Many items on our haif price rack are worth tooking over.. The remainder of our space is full of quality goods. Corne in and have a Iook. 'j