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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jul 1974, p. 6

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New crime Thie Honourable George A. Kerr. Q.C., Solicitor General, announces rthat Commiissiuner H.H.- Grahlam of Th'le Ontario PrvnilPoliuce bas initiat- ed a crimie prevention pro)- gramn commencing the st of' July. Th'le program will hbe undertaken in il aireas wýithiin the force's jurisdietion anrd is being coordinate 1)by \thie CommunIIIityv services ]ranchi, General Headquarters, Selected O.P.P. communlty ment of the OPP The initent of Ithe programn is toinesf the for-ce's efforts ajt preventing ,cr-1ime. l'he (.P.P. wifl distribute informativýe crimie prevention material on homiie, property' and proa protctlion. The community: services officers in] your prea wýýil] be pleased to receive inivitiations to specak with anyin tteresteýd group, Club, association or business. local governmiients, citizen's grouips, businesses, individual cijtizenis, and the media, to uify icomnm1)unity resources and police efforts to reduce crime. This will provide more per-sonal- contact between po- lice officerýs andi the citizens thleyvserve. Fu Lrther, information on the programi may be obtainied by calling youjr nearest detach- Cub Victor Lane at a recent Myles. Victor was one of five trees earlier in the year in the cub) picnic at the Orono Park local cubs xho earned over project "Tress for Canada was presented with a special S,10.00 in pledges for planting Day plaque by Cub Leader Gwepn Ontario Hlydro will -take a More aggressive role in the promotion of the vo(lunjtarjy conservation of energy, H.K. WrIight, Hydros director of sales told the Ontaio Energy Board in Toronto last week. He provided the Board with sympa1)ýth-etic toward thie Dur hlam Policewomhe said "are ulLghi in the middle", of unlion ani110company action." He said "The police are getting the raýp for thýiS," speaking of escort action for the company . He added that companies in general str'ike situations like to make use of thie police for sucb duty, leajving them, open to criticism, for whatever action they may vtake. CLARKE PRODUCES 1 ONTARIO SCHOLAýýRS (Continued f~ page 1) Carol is attending HumbIIer Colege in a Landscape Tech- nology Course. Bettyl is tak- ing a Bachelor of Sencl(e Course, at Guelph University m-fajor-ing in, Bio Chemnistry and Nutrition and John wil be entering Wýaterloo University taIking9 Civil Engineering (Co-OP) copies Of a recent approvai ot the conservation programi by Hyd(ro's Board of directors. M r. Wrighlt outlined Hydr11o's future role in an energy conservation programjj and reported (lon the wr already undertaken. 11n part- iclr eexplainled the forml- aion Of ïa Canlada-wide Task Grou1p on iP e r f ormjaniice Stanldards aiimled at develop- ing" Certification standards for appfliances. He saîd the issue is complex. There isia need to enlist veryý large number of groups, "mlanufacturer-s, the Canad- ian Stanidards Aýssociation, consumler groups, righit acro'(ss Cnaaie said. The public earnsinlt Hydro's Pr-oposed 1,5.3 per cent rate increase for 1975 are enl(tring their fourth week. MHydcro bas comrpleted pre- seîntation 0f1 its evidence SUPPOr-ting the rate proposai and cross-examinajtion 0ofiH- dro's witnlesses bias beguni. A f1ttal of 22 tilities, companlies, associations Zand( inldiv iduals are initervýeing il, tPie hearings. The largest Of these is thie Onttaio Municipalj Electric Associationwhc OxfrdBRICKLAYERS F Fireplïaces - Chimney Repairs Ail types of House Remodeling Ceramic Tules - Flagstones Patio Slabs - Concrete Jobs PHONE 983-5606 Dr. Jolin Deadmian, M. D., D. Psych. MEDIICAL DIIREC'TOR WHITBY PSYC IATIOSPITAL, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 11 AUDITORIUM, PINE RIDG.E SCHOOL Concession St., w anîl Discussi-or and Refre sh nîit Public is Wlo represents the 3.53 mnunicipal electric utilities across thec- rvne.Twelve of these utiflies arehintervening, se- parateofthe Associi. Aýlso 1parlticipailting is the Asiocition of Direct Custom- er's of Onitarlo Hydro wichi repr lesents(smle 35 major industr-ial c(ustom-ers in the prov\ince. They are Opposing a proposed rae icrýease of 1()I Per, Cent. Th,Îe Consumers Associatonwhich daim a membershio 40,000 persons hn Ontario,is alsointeniong on behlaîf of its m~embership. IFeaturing.... SATURDAY MORNIING Pancake Breakfast Banik of Montreol Property Farmers' Market Craft Displays Free Bus Service Enioy the great outdoors and whien its timie to relax --enjoy thie comnfort of a go lawn Chair or Chaisette. Its - ~comnfort and bea ity ail in mie. LAW N CHAIRS in assorted colours Priced $4.98 and $9.59 CHAISETTE in assorted colours Priced $9.9'9 and $15.95 PADDED LAWN CHAIR With els, cushion cov ered in attractive floral pattern PADDED SUN LOUNGER Attractiv e floral pattern on cushion Rolph (Dominilon) HMardwc Phonle 9327ORONC $18 .95 $29-95 ire O, ONTARIO i J UL Y 18 19 -20gm THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Annuel Watch Next Week's Paper .or Deails on Speciacl Events OPEN 'TiL 9 P.M. THURSDAY and FRIDAY I Sponsored by Bowmnanville Chamber of Com merce More iniiative, on hydro conservation Bowman villeà's ee*ý

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