8-ORON() Wl'E'KLV 'lIMES. JULY lth, 1974 B9ury garbage underlk A abide .at the foot of Bay St.," Mining filled. with compac ted garb- A Camb inrng engi- Trucks and equipment and age. neer hasproposed a solution garbage trucks would drive He said- the cost of bulk to Metro's garbage problemi - down circular ramps to the mining - about $10 a ton- bury the refuse 'In an excavat- min e chambers, at a level of compares favorably wîtb the ed mine haîf a mile uinder about 2,000 feet. . $8 to $14) a ton that it costs Lake Ontario. The underwater mine would Metro now to bury garbage in George Collins, an inde- use cheap bulk mining techn- îandfiîî sites.L pendent mining consultant, said in an. interview his proposai would dispose of ýMetro's growing mountain of garbage for between 30 and 70 years, as well as provide crushed rock forn consItruction in Metro. H1e wants to build a minE with a ramped entrance on the Toronto waterfront. "say, 'iques (o remove tons of lim'estone, granite and shale. Collins said crushed rock for constructioný is now brought into Metro from Milton and Guelph. Once the rock has been removed, said Collins, the empty chàimbers would be Metro Chairman Paul God- frey said last week that Metro's two sanitary landfill sites will be full withint nine months to a year.. lie warned that if the province does not approve two new landfill, sties, in Pickering and Port Hope, by this faîl. Metro may be f orced to pile its garbage in' the parks. Nomore permits for home bui Ider Taking a hard stand (o ensure the quality of homes now being built in Newcastle council, Tue9day, decided rio more building permits would be issued to D'Angello Homes until they were satisfied the houses were being built to standard. Representing D'Angello Homes, Alan Berk told coun- cil the company had been refused building permits on the proposed construction of 16 buildings in Bowmanville, on Waverly Road, south of the Marianna development. H1e said the builders bad been rehtZsed permits because of problems tbey had eïncoun- tered witb the 10 homes now nearing completion. Some members of council feit that in lieu of a report submnitted by the town'sj building inspector Charles Warren listing some 20 faults Former hotel t owner dies ( oîuey AckerS, a well- known area hotel owner and a long time resident of, New- castle and Port Hope died in, on only 10 homes, built by D'Angello, no further con- struction should take place until these, problems were soived. Noting the report was submitted Friday, Coun. Ivan Hobbs said "there have been quite a number of abnormal- ities behind this operation" Coun. Don Wearn said Mr. Warren had been in contact with the builders on.several occasions through his staff, but there was some doubt that the problems brought to light were rectified. Noting that the complete plans for the D'Angello pro- ject involves a total of about 200 homes, haîf to be built by Marian4)a Construction, haif by D'Angelio, Mayor Garnet Rickard said, "I don't know how any group can make so many mistakes in only 10) bouses." Coun. Kirk Entwisle saw the D'Angello matter as part "of alargerproblem", with legal, ramifications which lhe wouid not outline in the open forum of a council meeting. 11e recommended the pro- blem be referred to' the finance, and legal committee, asý well as an order to the building inspector not to issue any more permits for the D'Angello project ... some- thing to which council agreed. Coun. Entwisle steadfastly refused to reveal what the larger problem was, even in the face of argument from Mr. Berk to the effect that any, farther delay in borne build- ing might mean the bankrupt- cy of D'Angello Homes. The town's finance commit- tee will meet today to discuss the matter as weli as an addendum to their agenda: the Oshawa General' Hospital Ackers, Con attended stnool Wednesday following a short. in that district and following illness. Mr. AMkers was in bis is education entered the 67th year. hotel business. -He worked in 'Born in Stirling, the son of several Ontario towns and the, late M/r. and Mrs. john spent many year s in iNew- FOR ERIE WINS ONTARIO TOURNAMENT Fort Erie won the Double Knck-Out Basebali tournament.held in thearea over the past week-end. Thi enitry will now represent Ontario in the Canadian finals in Brandon, -Manitoba for senior basebali. The Kendal Eagles played three games in the t ournament with the Kendal Junior Royals playing two. The Eagles first faced Thorold and were defeated by a narrow margin of 3-2. Thorold advanced to the finals and was a strong entry in the tounament. Saturday morning Kendai went up against Ottawa and took a 5-3 vîctory only to* be knocked out of the fray in the afternoon by Oshawa with the score of1-4 IThe Kendal Royals also put forth a good effort but went down to defeat 8-5 to Ajax and 10-O (o Kingston. There was a (ctal of 15 teams in the tournamfent. Tom Turner was voted thti most outstanding player of the event with Oshawa's Ken Tiffan being the batting Champion. The. Kendal Eagies play a league game to-nighit, Wednesday,1 in Kendal with omnil providing the' opposition. castie and Port Hope with the Queens and-Royal Wfotels. Prepare r( industrailI Durham Region's director of economic development, Bob Nicol, is preparing four confidentiai reports specifi- cally pinpointing the region's industrial development pot- ential. The reports will be present- ed (o the planning and development committee 'be- fore going to council. Although the major input is coming from Mr. Nicol, the reports will require co-oper- ation from other regional departments. For that reason officiai responsibility for the information has been given to planning and development commissioner William McAdams. ivir. Nicol, has aIready presented two discussion pap- ers to the committee. The first, presented last month, was primariiy a statistical report of the deveiopment situation in the region bet- ween, January, when the region came into being, and April when Mr. Nicol, began working. The second -was prepared last week, and explained the need for a definite deveiop- ment policy, but did not make SII(>I'TShoR)ITS FROM TIE VUKON The Sourdough Thermnom eter was. invented by the trader Leroy ýMcQuesten, at the junction of Fortyrnile River and Yukon River in 1897. A bottle of quicksilver would freze at -40 degrees F, coal oul at -50 degrees F, and Jamaica ginger (an extract used for flavouring) would freeze at -60 degrees F, crystallized at -70 degrees F, and froze solid at -75 degrees F. This information has been scientifically confirmed.,' Durîng' the Klondike Gold Rush, men paid five dollars for an onion and fifteen dollars for a newspaper .tained with bacon grease to use as a substitute for window llass. A bottle of champagne at that time in Yukon cost sixty dollars. ,;*. & e a*eeue....0 Flood Waters Damage BaiI's MoiiiDam Flood waters last Wednes- day morning destroyed a portion of the Bali's Mill dam at Baltimore. The property is owned by the Ganaraska Conservation 'Authority and development was ta start.this summer on preparing the property as a park and a historical site in the area. The Authority has some work in' the park slated for this year but thîs may now have to be curtailed due to a possible expenditure of from $12,000 to $15,000 to restore the dam. Mr.- Ackers' wife Helen predeceased himn. Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Arthur, Finley (Grace) of Sonya near Sunderland and Mrs. Milton Sharpe of WIll- iamns, several neices and a nephew. Burial service was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home Oshwa with 11ev. Dr. Harry Mellow coniductîng.> Inter- ment took place in Port Hope. eport for many specific recommenda-j tions as to what that policy should be.4 STANDSTILL4 B oth papers indic ated that industrial development in the region is almost at a stand-4 still. The four -reports now being4 researched and prepared will detail specifically:- Potential4 development sites: The cost of servicing such sites: Positive suggestions for the formulating of a development4 strategy., The servicing report wil require co-operation of the public works departmnent. The financing report will need4 finance department input. The reports may also dis-4 cuss industrial land banking. Ail four discussio n papers wiil be delivered to committee4 members in envelopes mark- ed "confidential". Copies will4 not go to the press. "Specific d etails must be condiential", explained Coun. Des Newman (Whitby) S the committee does not risk4 setting up a beautiful rainbow wi th a pot of gold at the end of4 Liberals Take Majiority In Monday's election the Liberal party took a new number of 141 sea ts out of 264, after the Social Credit party mistakenly claimed 12 seats instead of il. Robert Stapfield and bis Progressive Conservative party. suffered a defeat, and doubts have been raïsed against the leader who has lost three straight elections. From 107 seats won in the 1972 election, the PC's have reduced their mnmhr to 95. It was a great rejection of almost the only theme in Stanfield's campJaingn- the anti-inflation policy. Prime Minister, Trudeau, very1 triumphiant with the resuits, can't wait to get on with the job. H1e said 'Canada Ma npower, regfisiration increases Client, registrations for em- ployment at the Canada Manpower Centres in Oshawa and Ajax for the month of June totalled 5,958 which included 2,714 maie and 3,244 female. Thenumber of stud- ent' registrations incereased over last month. Registrat- ions in clerîcal,, 'sales and services occunations increas- The Up-to- Date Beauty Salon Junction offlighways 115&35, DIIECTIOI%$: Ttîrn right on thie ffrst sideroad, then follow road straight MII it forks theu turu left. (-f $a.m. - 12.0nmoom 4 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. MON DAY TO F R1 DAY SATU RDAY 8-5 Telephone 983-9437~ CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING WILL FIT EVERY STYLE 0F HOUSE UNDER THE SUN! WINDOW UNITS' I See them a Il on display now at Harvey Partner LUI Along with its economy, Comfort-Aire Pac is s0 bversatile it can be adapated to any style homne froum !pre-victorîan to modern, to one level or multi-story, without losimg its efficiency or ease of dependable \eration. k The only requirement for Comfort-Aire total home ! air conditioning is a forced air furnance. b installation utilizes your exîsting duct system -with equal efficiency and 10w, sensible cost of operation. b The entire system whispers draft-free cooled air r throughout the whole house. -FREE ESTPMATES- Phione 'XI)0 has come outof'this election strong and confident in it's IutuFe. The Liberals made gains in seven provinces, but won their vicfory in Southern Ontario. NDPieader, David Lewis, lost in bis own riding of york outh, but cheerfully retortedc, 'Thats what politics is ail about'. He was defeated by Liberal Ursula Appolloni by 2,000 votes. The party dropped from 31 seats to 16 in this eclection, and Lewis says be does not want an eiected NDP member to resign 50 he can win bis way back to the House of commons. ed again tbis montb, whi le registrations dropped in the construction and transportat- ion occupations. Some firms in the auto industry have recalled their employees who were laid off for the past three months, and some are re 1cruiting addition- al staff. A total of 680 persons were placed in empioyment during the month. The majority of placements were made in the retail trade, service and construction occupations. 1 r t s