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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jul 1974, p. 2

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2-ORONt) WEEKLY TIMES, JULY :Is(, 1974 Ttits;Kil. IS A PLACE FOR MOBILE HOMES Over the past year and a haif there has been a lot of condemnation of mobile homes as well as a lot of red berrings being drawn across the doorstep of such developments. Councilior A. D. Wearn made his point well at the recent council meeting wben he said a lot of the discussion is irrelevant and it is a matter of simply do you want it or not? The fact is that not everyone wants to live in an apartment, or condiminium, or twon bouse, or separate housing o r in a retirement park. If is the mix of these type of bousing, thaf provides something to meet individual desires. New mobile home developments point to the fact thaf there is a demand for such developments and the demnand carnies into every forma of housing. The fact that the proposed mobile home project in Clarke was eligible for CHMC financing is a good indication of the calibre of housing this corporation believes it to be. The construction also adheres to the Building codes of the country so in this matter construction is equal to that of othjer forms of construction. S irely witb the display -in Newcastle there cani hardly be any argument over this point.' From the mnunicipalities standpoint the financial outcome of sucb bousing, beyond any doubt, must be more preferable than that of conveùil housinig placed in sub-divisions where upon completion the municipality assumes cost of ail services and f0 sucb as roads, sidewalks, Street lightiug, garl)!ge pick-up and the capital expenditures inXlvedin t hese services. Most of these same services are provided by the developer in the retirement park proposai and in fact residents can be assumed to pay a double chatge for such services. This can oniy be a benefit to the rest of the mnuincipality and surely as Ri,çe bas stated is as good as industrial development. There is a good point against sucb developmnents when one refers to the twenty year lease aspect. 'Fhis apparently is provincial lawx but sureiy the mnunicipality wvere to accept such developmnents they could tie a renewal clause into the agreement before granting. It was councillor Wearn that spoke of the nitty-grifty which could come within the agreemnent and of course be was right. We dIo not faulf council over the passing of their by-iaw to rescind the rezoning of the two parcels of land for mobile hiomnes. The formier council, by their own doing, pyramided the proposai to include some 2000 lots wbich is jusf too many and involves too mnuch land in the initial stage. The argument should not be mobile homnes for the concept bas a lot of menit but rather the zoning of land for its use. In this vein the area chosen by Rice would be ideal for such a development and we can not imagine a better site in the whole of the Township that would be better. But in the sam-elight the location wouid also be ideal for public aceess as a recreation or park area sometime in the future. %FWants To Build Home Inm Orono Mr. Bert Black of Orono stated f0 the counc-il of the Town of Newcastle that the building inspector' bailre- fuseil f0 bear bis case f0 buîld a new home on bis property in Orono. Mr. Black pointed ouf that he wanted f0 build a new home along side. bis present home'and when completed he would demolisb bis present home.* He said he wanfed f0 live in his present home until such time as the new home was complefed. Such action is against the by-laws of the Town and if w ould rçquire that the present Tex Bylaw To Be Passed Mayor Riekard- at the Newcastle council meeting on Monday evening stated that a special meeting would be held, this week f0 finalize the fax by-law. This by-law will set the various rates f0 be chargeil f9 properfy owners in the var-' ious sec tors of the new Town. He said thaf the budget would be finalized' wifhin a day setfing forth the require- ments of the Town. À ,nein] ahé, arranged for council this week. Mayor Riekard in discuss- ing planning in the area atfbte council meeting on Monday evening' stated thaf the Re- gion bad set a farget date of 1977 f0t have the regional official plan complefed. He said, we mrusf move along as the Region will be calling for input as early as October of this year. He also said the Region will require that. the municipalify home first be demolisbed before a butildi'ng permitcould be issued. MIr. Black said 4~e was prepared f0 offer a bond that the old bouse Would be ta ken down on completion of the new home. Councillors did stafe that in other cases the old buildings had not been tomn down and were creating a probiem. If was felf thaf the posting of a bond was a good idea and that the bond should be of such amount thaf if would cover the costs of removal if the municipality had f0 carry ouf the work. If was recommended that the matter be turned over f0 the chairman of -the Finance Committee, Mr. Bruce Tink. Tax Bite For Orono A deficit of $8,910 attributed f0 the Police Village of Orono as reportied in the Financial statemnent for the former Township of Clarkec could well increase the rate charged in Orono 0on Ile 'faxbill by some 10 milis. Mayor Rickard on Mionday affernoon sfafed that at the 'present timie this amount is being charged directly f0 the Police Village wbich would increase the -miii rate by ten milîs. This woul1d increase the fax rate by $3000 on the average home assessed af $30 0000. The mat ter was first men- fioned by R. Forrýester at a recent Hydro meeting at whichl timle he said that bet was surrsc to 'note that the Police V li ad ended ifs termn with a deficif. He said he hadl understood that thle1 deficit had been paid and thaf the Village was to bave ended1 a taneëven point. Douglas Simpson, also a former member of the Police Trustees stated that hie wast under the same impression and thaf spending lasf yeal by the Police' Villaàge bad been geared to end a t a break-even point. Also the former Reeve of the Township, E. R. Wyoodyard said he understbod Pictured above are Aif.i have been kepf busy maling Recreation Department. Nurn Jakeman, Barry Hooper and improvements f0 and main- erous favourable comments Don Stevens who thîs year faining the Orono park under have been received on ifs the di-ecfion of the Town's neetness. that the boan hiad been paid off in 1973 on the direction of the Municipal Auditor. The a- Mount was the remnaindier of the payment olf the paving and curbing program carried ouf in the centre of the Village. Councillor K. Lyali, when asked about the amount had stafed that it was unlikely that the amount would be charg- ed directly against the Village but the word from the Mayor is that the deficit is being charged to the taxpayers in Orono. The Township of Clarke, on the financial statement, shows a surplus af the end of 1973 of an amount of $39,612. This amount will be credited to the taxpayers in the Township. The former Police Trusfee members also dlaim that part of this surplus was in the general accounit and thus a portion is entitled to be credited with taxpayers in the Police Village. July 25, 1974 The Editor Orono Weekly News Dear Sir: You are aware, 1 know, thaf on last Monday evening, the Advisory Planning Commit- tee of the Town of Newcastle, recommended that the Town Council turn down the Amend- ment previously passed by Carke Township approving the Wilmot Creek Cove retire- ment park as a mobile home deveiopment -- this despif e the fact that there is a proven need for this kind of housing, and a proven demand for it in Durham County. 1 do nof quarrel with the democratic process by which the committee arrived at their decision. However, wonder, with ail the facts to the c ontrary that bave been presented to the Commnittee, how they could! hàve arrived Orono Building (ont ractor Brick- Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpeiitry -Cabinet Work Floors -ITle 983-5441 Orono I.nsuraqncef Service Your Friendly Agenoy FOR Ail Personal & Commercial I nsurarice SADIE HAMILTON SUE SAWYER JIM HARE at tile decision they made. themnselves with the facts. It's We have demionstrated that- lîttie %wonder that 1 cani't belp over $100,000 in muitch nleeded feeling our case bias niot been tax dollars would accrue togieafirhrng the eneft ofthe own f The decision would flot be so Newcastle from this mobile- surprising if we were asking home park; we have display- the Town to accept a proposit- ed a model mobile home in the ion that bas neyer been trieQ>. Village of Newcastle since the and proven elsewhere, but the first week of dune; and your samne people who have con- news columns have reflected ceived and developed and the fact that the ,public is maintained Sandycove Acres overwhelmingly in favour of at Stroud, Ontario, which this type of housing-develop- independent organizations ment.such as the Toronto Star and We have proven that the the Canadian Broadcasting Department of the Environ- Corporation have praised as ment's new sewage plant bas being a model community ful the required sewer capacity of happy people, and the same for these 1,000 housing ufits, organizations that have. re- along with extra capacity for centiy been given the green any new development, and light to develop a second that the Town is in need of a mobile-home park at Grand new source of water that Bend, Ontario, axe the ones could be provided in co-oper- behind the Wilmot Cleek Cove ation with our water system. proposai. We have gone overboard to We have the experience, we get experts and professional have the backing, and we reports at great cost, to prove have the will to make Wilmot our points.1 Creek Cove the kind of We have shown, in other deveiopment that can make words, that from the points of the Town of Newcastle the view of ecology, engineering, envy of less fortunate parts of finances, and esthetics, this province and country. I a.mong others, that Wilmot arn ât a îoss to understand Creek Cove would be a why it is being held up. definite asset to the Town of Newcastle and yet the same Yours sincerely, four people who voted against RIDGE PINE PARK it on the old Clarke Twsp. LJMITED planning board voted against L.A. Rice, President, it again last week just as if Brampton, OntarioJ they had done nothing in the ensuing, year f0 acquaint G.W. DRYWALL D3urham County TAPINGSa les Arena SPRAYED CEILING;SORNN. APPLYING DRYWALL LIVES TCK~ SALE PLASTR REAIRS Every Ihursday Evening Phone 983-5518 30m WaIIy Lucyk SHEEP-CATTLE tL ORONO HOGS- HORSES BUSINESS 983-9363 HOME: 623-4685 Building a House? BILI.NMOSLEY or remodellinig your pr esen tone? PUMPING OUT Then COntact S P I A K Floyd ~Bert Tompkins Phone 983-5049 Orono Phone 786-2552U Newtonville, Ontari§o v Bob Yeomans Plwnbing and Ileating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs Speçializing In Hot IVater Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work RIt 1, Orono 983-5624 The Furniture Born, HWY. 115- NEWCASTLE BUDGET WISE- QUALITY WISE, WE'RE TOUGH TO BEAT> NEW FURNITURE ONLY LIVINGROOM SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, DINETTE SUITES, ROCKERS, RECLINERS LAMPS and LOTS MORE. COME ON IN AND BROWSE AROUND. NEW SHIPMENT 0F Mattresses & Box 5prings JUST ARRIVED! NO SALESMEN TO BOTHER YOU.'. TAKE VOUR TIME IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SAME DAY FINANCING IF REQUIRED NEW HOURS: OPEN MONDAY thru FRIDAY SAT. 9 to 6 - CLOSED, SUND)AY PHONE 987-5151 or 987-5161

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