Land severances Appeals will corne from comrnittee Regional council resited an y>appeal fromi Coun. Alan McPhail (Brock) last week to "get the board cleared" of land division appeals, and cleared decisions for such appeals from its agenda altogether. Council gave the planning a nd development committee the righit to decide whether land divisions should be appealed or not. The matter does not need to go before council after this week. Unpder Bill 162 (The Region of Durham Act) land sever- ances, the work previously done by local couincils on advice fromi committees of adjustmient, became the res- ponsibility of a regional Land Division Commiftee (LDC). The LDC members, Dur- hamo has eight, were appoint- ed by regional council, but do not have to. answer to it. Council has no right under the act to tell the LDC what to do. To try. and regain some control council adopted a set of guidelines whichi eventually evolved into policies for the LD)C. Any committee decision which die not conform to the UNITED tU~IUII Orono Pastoral Charge n Minister Rev. B. E.Long P B.Tii DURING THIE MIONTH 0F AUGUST KIRBY, ORONO AND NEWCASTLE CONGREGATIONS WILL MEETINNEWÇASTLE UNITED CHIURCII AT 10: 30 !ST. SAVIGURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regùlar Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. NO CHURCH AT SAVIIJUIS UiNTIL AUG. 4th SERVICE AT ST. GEORGES AT Io:00 a. m. letter of the council policy was automnatically appealed be- fore the Ontario Municipal Board. 11 Council eventually decided the systemn was not working too well, sotwo weeks ago it withdrew the policy and told the LDC to follow local zoning bylaws and official plans.- But it was still stuck with a dozen pending. appeals. Under the policy approved Wednesday the planning and development committee will dëcide which if any of the appeals will be followed up. Residential building in the Town of Newcastle and es- pecially residential develop- ment in the Village of Newcastle and the Town of Bowmanville and Orono Vill- age will havé now an addit- ional cost to bear, The Regional council at their past meeting last Wed- nesday set forth development charges which the developer must pay the region. In the Town of Newcastle only the Town of Bowmanville has had a developmrent char- ge and this in the past has amounted to $600.00. In the future the charge will be at least $1,20000 for the region and a possible local area development charge set by the Town. The former Townships of Darlington and Clarke along with the Village of Newcastle had not been collecting a development charge and un- Jer the néw area government cf the Town of Newcastle the former policy has been car- ried on. *Only Coun. Ken Lyall (Newcastle) voted against the regional policy contending that these fees added on top of the local fees would make home owning in the region even more difficult. Basically, the fine-part ag- crnent outlines what course the developer and the region must follow to get housing on ci the market. .The developer must pay the y region $1 ,200 for each resid-5a ential unit - $450 for sewage,o% $450 for water and $300 for th regional works. However, the same charge for bachelor and cc one bedroom apartments will fý only be $225 for sewage, $225 c for water and $300 for regional al SAttention FarnersUi WHY PAY1 MORE?R SAVE ON da * Diesel Fuel I ~* Gasoline 1- Premium Quality IamTak g and Pumps i Available I 'Phone, 668-3381 - Collect au i uI à ~For prompt Courteous Servie *CALL US TDY work for a total of $750 for each residential unit. The development charges will apply to land severances, increasing dwelling units and changing municipal land use. Industrial and commercial development will not be affected, though " arrange- ments will be negotiated on an individual basis for these projects. The agreement also outlines a fee schedule for developers that says that 50 percent of the fee for subdivision agree- ments will be paid upon signing of the agreement and another 50 percent at the issuance of the first building nermît. Developments of unusual nature or magnitude can be exempted in whole or part from the charge policy at regional council's discretion. As well, the development charges will apply to, agree- ments entered into by the region after July 24, 1974., It was this last recommendation that caused concern among counicillors. UNFAIR ADVANTAGE Coun. Desmond Newman (Whitby) was concerned-that some developers would have an unfair advantage over others if the charges were not made retroactive to Jan. 1 of fhis year. But Coun. Clark Mason (Ajax), planning and deve- lopment chairman, said the commrittee investigating the policy had thought of a variety of dates. for the cut off, and realîzed that any date they picked would be deemed unfair by some people. Public works committee chairman Alanr Dewar aseur- ed councillors that the funds received by the council from the developers will be put in a special local municipality directed fund to pay for necessary regional work. 1"We're insuring that no one gets into a home without sewer .and water services," said Coun. Dewar, explaining the intent of the agreement. ORONO HIAS BEST PARK SAYS DIRECTOR (Coatinued from page i) challenge. H1e would like to see the 'outh more active, but hie ays sometimes they go overboard in trying to get things for them to do. One of his ideas is to have oncerts in the park. Not just for young or old people, but atering to, alI folk, country and western, rock, etc.- 1 Special events such as, mini track meets, bail tourna- ments and volleyball, are also among his suggestions. Winter sports, such skidoo- ing, could be brought in, but Mr, Fanning.did agree that there would be opposition froîn- the public. Making trails for Cross-Country Skiers in the park would be a good job for the 14 and 15 year olds, he says. And if the town gave enough support, a, winter carnival would be possible. Mr. Fanning is also consider-' ing the Town Hall for use as a Community Centre. Things are really getting into shape now, -and we're lucky to have such an enthusiastic team. So, Mr. Fanning, Mr. Stephens, Mr. Jakemnan, Mr. 'McGee, and Mr. Hooper (whom they cal "Junior") KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! O.P.P. NEWS The Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated the fol- lowing motor vehicle collis- ions an d occurrences during the period of JuIy 15, 1974 to July 21, 1974. Twenty-two, motor vehicle collisions were'nvestigated in which 13 persons were injur- ed. As a result of these collisions, six persons have been charged with offences under the Highway Traffic Act. The Newcastle Officers also investigated 1 54 occurrences of a general 'nature. Some of these occurrences are as follows: There were-6 invest- igations into "Theft" offences 4 investigations into "Break and Enter" offences, 2 invest- igations into "Wilful Damage! complaints, and 1 investigat- ion into a "Forgery" offence. Other activities included in- vestigations into reports of trespassers, found property and driving complaints. Twelve persons have been charged with offences under the Liquor Control Act, four persons have been charged with offences under the Crim- inal Code, and two persons have been charged with driving offences under the Criminal Code. DRIVING TIP Motorists! It's an establish- ed fact that seat belts reduce ORONO WEEKLY' the chances of death or serious injury« vto fthc occup- ants of a car in the event of a collision. Extensive research is supported by the mnany people who, whenf wearing seat belts, either survived a serious collision or escaped serious injury. Many of these collisions, occurred at speeds less- thap 40 miles per hour and within 20 miles of home. When you get in your car, remember ...always fasten your seat belt before the car imoved .... and make sure the other members of your family fasten their seat belts too. CHILLED CHERMES 20 M. MONTIMORENCY RED týNi) 2 LB SUGAR AND 10 lb. BLACK SVEET CORNISH"S -ORON01983-5201 TIMES, JULY 31st, 1974 -3 .RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC WED. AUGUST 7th URGENTLY NEEDED 1:30Op.m. - 4:30 P.m. 6;:30op. M. - 9: 00p ni. l'ions centre. Bowmanlville For transportation: Telephone 1623;-9010 day of clinic The Up-to- Date Beauty Junction of Highways 115 &35, DIRECTI0NS Turu rlght On the L ffrst side iroad, then follow road straight Ml it forks then turn left. 8 a.m. - 12.O0on 4 p. .- 10 .00 . MON DAY TO FRIDAY SATURDAY 8-5 Telephone 983-9437 j' _______ What'sA Mobile Home? Corne and see for yourself -- in front of the Elmhurst Hotel, Newcastle. The proposedWilmot Creek Cove retirement park wiII be good for the Town of Newcastle. It wiII flot only provide a pleasant home for the retired people of the area, but considerable tax dollars to reduce your assessment. Ifryou have not yet seen our mobile home, drop in for a cup of coffee with us. MVONDAY TO F RI1DA Y, 1- 9 SATUJIDAY AND SUNDAY, 1 -5.30 p.m. lb. $1.09 lb. 88e .~ I ; e., e il PERFECT FOR THE BARBECUE- FREI PORK SPARERIBS FRESH CUT - TENDER - WINGS OFF CHICKEN BREASTS FRESH CUT - MEATY - B3ACKS OFF CHICKEN LEGS "MAPLE LEAF" FOR THE BARBECUE 16 oz, SKINLESS WIENERSlb79 "EVERSWEET" 1 lb. RINDLESS BACON lb. $1.09 "MAPLE-LEAF" COIL POLISH SAUSAGE lb. 98e 'MAPLE LEAF" Sweet Pickled HALVES C'ON COTTAGE ROLL. lb. 98c "CANADA PACKERS" FullyN Cooked Short Shiank Skinless SM OKEDHAMS BU8ITT PORTION) lb. 88ce