Àdzzi r k * e :W. FRANK * p :REAL ESTATE LIMITED : e*3 King Street EastS * OWMANVILLE e 623-3393 * Toronto 923-9174 *Port Hope office 885-4543* @For prompt, courteous,, *efficient service wheiQ: *buying, or seîling andl 0 1 . e * for the Iargest selection*f *of properties ini the area; * Contact * Orono Area * Representatives b * Charlie Reid: * 983-5914 * Roy Foster , * 983-5801 e - 'výiîlliam Turansky. ( Kendà 1) e * 983-5420 *Da ne found * 623-3965 * Ron Hurst * 983-5131 e * Christa Winterhelts* 4 983-5465 * Judy Schuett e *~983-5016 Monuments and FamîIy Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothlng to be desfred Ask the person who bought from us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative, The. Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phione coîleet V. W. RUTTER Office - 8-5216 liome -885-522?2 Agency for Ail classes of personal and Commercial Coverage Soffice: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 INSTALL AN O F URNACE 0 BOILER <~HUMIDIFIER HEATER i No payrnents for six montil Charles Reid O1rono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consuit me for termi and dates plione Orono 983-5914 ORONO ZLECTHIC Herb and' Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING EItECTRIC HEATING Electrical Applianees T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE 1RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Service Rancly Thompson Oronoý ont"ri Phone 983-5759 Carpentry Work Remodelling We build froni the foundation UP Box 133 Ph. 668-3552 Staf ford Brothers Liniited Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials 318 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO WATSON'S M arine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOAT$ Alouette Snow Mobiles Mteuiloch Chaini Saws Repairs to ail mahes-oQ Lawn Mowersand 2 and 4 cycle Engines ALLOUETTE 1SNOWMOBILE$ Orono Landscaping SODDING + PLAN TING SEEDING COMPLETE LAM"SCAPING FOR LEASE ORONO Two spacious air-condition- ed stores of over 1000 square feet eac 'h in completely mod- ernized building located right on. Main St. Ample storage and parking. Suitabie variety store, gif t shop, shoe store also suit doctor, -dentist, lawyer etc. Rent $25000 per month per unit. -For details cal Elsie Jost, phone 263-2032 of Seho- field Aker Ltd. Realtor, Bow- manville, 623-4403. 24-31 FOR RENT Available for rent, in Aug- ust, one and a haîf story, 2 bedroom bouse, electric heat and completely renovated, with ail conveincices. Don Roughley 983-9426 or-983-5174. FOR SALE Roll-away cot, excellent condition. Cail 983-5906.1 NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION ARZEA MAINTENANCE FOREMAN-WOMAN Applications will be receiv- ed for the position of Building and, property Maintenance Foreman for the West Area until noon Tuesday, August 6, 1974. Must have previolis super- visory experience. -A strong background in building, 'eleet- riènal and mechanical systems is essential. Apply in wriing stating experienice and qualifications to M.A. Macbeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastleý Board of Educat- ion, 834 D'Arcy Street, North, Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario. WANTED Fresh Dead or Crippled Farm Stock Margwili Fur Farm 263-2721, LOST OneJelinek BasebalI Glove. In the vicinity of Main and Park Roads. Wednesday Evening. Easily identifici- able. Phone 983-5670. (Reward a-p Trentway Tours Lt ESCORTED MOTORCOACH TOURS .to Agawa Canyon & Mackinac Island six days Departing - Aug. 18 Sept 22 ? 29 WESTERN CANADA & EXPO 74 Twenty-two days Departing Sept. 7 MARITIMES fourteen Days departing Aug. 31 & Sept. 14 ,WASHING TON & WILLIAMSBURG VI RG INIAX Seven Da vs Depa rtin g Sep)t. 16; AGA'WACANYVON Thvee 0ays three dy Departing Oct.129 N EWEN GLAND) & se en DPays Delparting. Sept. 28 & Oct.5 tenty-thiree days Depalting Oct. 19 For details contact: TRENTWAY TOURS LTD. P.O. Box 772 PETERBOROUG.H Phione Toli Free 1-800-461-7615 UPAND DOWN THE 800K STACKS THURS. AUG. lst, 1974 ADULT Unity of Ail Life by Ericý Butterworth, An Outline of World Architec- ture by Michael Raeburn There's a, Rhinio in the Rosebed, Mother, by Betty & Jock Leslie-Melville (A very funny book) Pat Loud: A woman's story by Pat Loud & Nora Johnson (True story of a womnan's divorce and how she starts her life again) Desperate Games by Pierre Boulle (Novel> The Devil's Daughter by Eleazar Lipsky Callyour llcensed Plumbing& Mechanical Conrractoe who seils, instaili *nd guarantees CARMAN Plumbing and Henting Phone 983-5207 1Orono JUNIO Crisis in South 'Africa by Robin M\,cKown Do You Know What Time it is? by Roz Abisch Power Blocs in Eurasia by Angus M. Gunn Game for Demons by Ben Shecter EASY READING & PICTURE BOOKS Babar and the Professor by laurent de Brunhoff Heiman the Helper by Robert Kraus. MVADELEINE HADLEY Local News ý Mr. Joe Walkcer is a patient ini the Oshawa General Hos- pital. tax rate to drop,, 'lxaesin the City of Osaw ilî receive with gladness that fact, that their tax rate may be down somewhat over ýthat which was' expected. Tax rates would be reduced by $18.70 in the City and $21.95 in the former section, known as EAst Whitby. This unexpected windfall came about, the treasurer's department said, because Oshawa had set its tax levy before the regional budget was brought down, and Dur- ham Rfegion, turned out flot to need $906,000 from Oshawa. "It's something we expect- ed," said Aid. John Hlowden, former reeve of EastWhitby. "We expected that the money would be somewhere in that neighbourhood". The c ity couîd deal with the unforseen extra money by refunding part of the 1974 tax bill or by giving t axpàyers a credit for 1975. HARBOUR THEATRE iRIESENTS 2 ORIGINAL PLAYS Run Swiftly, Stand Free i DRA. lA ABOUT THE CHEVENNE INDI ANS JuIy 31,Aug. 2 A Sailor's Tale A COMEDY SET IN AN ENGLISH SEAPORT Aug. 1, 3 Atthe NEWCASTLE HARBOUR TICKETS AND INFORMATION CALL 987-4735 or 987-.5288 between 9 a .m. -à p.m. and after5 - 7p.mi. Monday to Friday ORONO AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOC IAT ION ARENA MANAGER for ORONO AR ENA Duties and salary to be negotiated with the Arena Committee. Duties to commence October 15,,1974 (Approx(. Apply to: Orono Amateur Atbietic Assoc. B ox 165, ORONO, Ontario Peaches Cherries John DeWITH Real Estate Limited iteàltor Bowmanvillie 623-3950 andi 623-3111 For prompt, efficient service when buying or selling Contact- Gary Hancock Joe Barnos-ki 786-2202 Ross Da vidson 277-23121 ALSO AVAILABLE Lettuce and Spinach F R E DS FRUIT MARKET IGèHWAY 115 SOUJTHOWFlORflNn 'i 'J