[UIL- - _u:nw 1/2-LB à 48-FL.8_ Cok$7 A - MS PEARSHAPED o OZ. TINS.0I Drinks- <ASSORTEDI FLAVORS) CLOVERLEAF JeIo3IGA Soft IGA Solid 3-Z.G Tie ue.* 19-FL TIN 7 0NSA JeIIy rowaeors Pl.vimj argain Choice Peas -Lf White Tuna TN r 7SWEET, HOT OR HAM8ULRGER Coronat ion Rel ishes "ALL PURPOSE GRIND" - 1-LB. BAG' Maxwell House, Coffee $1.05 FLAVORED CRYSTALS PL A OF 5 x3114 OZ. Swing Orange PG. 89, PKGS o. 3 IGA Ketchup BT'L 2 K ELLOG G'S Rice 1Krispies 1PKG.J790 AFTERNOON TEA ASSO RIMENT *McCormick's Biscuits 120Z 59 BLUE OR CHIEDDAR CHEESE OR GOLDEN CORN CRACK ERS Weston's Snacks 8-z 550 MASON Zince Jar Rings OF2 550 Parawax g 49. - 100 lER SIZE Pampers Diapers OPF12 *1.19 100% PU RE FROM FLORIDA (CONCENTRATED) MINUTE NMIOFROZEN Orange Juice 2 OZ, -TNS531 LOCAL GROWN LGreeflq >Beans ~ L LUSCIDUS CALIFORNIA PROU UCE 0F U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 GRADE Late Sente Rosa Plums 1- 87,ç SWEET AND JUICY PRODUCE OF REPUBLIC 0F SOUTH AFRICA Outspan Oranges s Z u SU 'Un LOCAL GROWN Bunched Radishes 2,-- 250 LOCAL GROWN Green Onions 2-oR25* "Rust"* Spots on Lettucemu fusset spotting on 1ttuce leavçs has moarry People wondering. Rusfl spots are lkely to appear on overmat ure lettuce The mofe.un cause of rust is related to the meatherin the lettuce go.ing ae. as pell of met vveather followed by a heat 59ellusua1ly affects the lettuce crops in 1h is v, Rust spots are not harmful in any way. however, since they have no eye appeai you may prefer I0 discard the spotted lpaves. Ar home, store lettuce away from apples, pears and tomatoes which produce ethylene gauy- a ntural gas whrch srrmulates rpening and maturlng. Mms. Green is available to talk 'shopping- to groups. Cail 259-6633 or vvrite -- 300 The East Malt, Toronto, Orntaro M9B 6E18. xx LEO D'OR FROZEN Onion Rings F B 1 (FR0 M CONCENTRATE) UNSWEETENEO Orange Juice O.BTL 370 Checke witlyour local Mr. IGA for Holiday store ho burs PRICES EFFECTIVE WEO. THRU SAT. JULY 31, AuG. 1.,2,3 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES PANTRY SHELF (PIECES &tSTEMS). 3 DZ. TINS CHECKA-UNIT7 PRICINO 4255 . tkcbe, b ybAcC .74n(ree ynna -Pec i T4n pud qChekc,r t Ptt ,i.s SSikoCCh-, y-e,,,,,1.1; bO- IA - e.Illc ee. ARMSTRONG'S