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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Aug 1974, p. 6

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6-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, AUGUST 28th, 197-1 Club completes August program The Orono Water Safety SClub would like to thank the folowing: .Mrs. Shirley Reynolds, Head Instructor, Jane Reyn- olds, Tracie Stutt, and Kathy Gustar (Instructors), and Jane Staples and Carol Chat- terton (Helpers). Also tbanks goes out to the Orono Swýimming, Club Exe- cutiv e - MIrs. RiÎth Grady, Barry Hazelden, Sandra Hud- son, Beryle Clarke, Lorna Athins, Carole Bolton, Carol- me Erhart, Gail Stapleton andi Mlarj. Kemp. Special thanks to our local Bowmanville and District Red Cross that bave for years paid for our awards and water safety pamphlets. Also to our bard worJýing M\,aintenance Crew - Barry Hooper, Don Stephens, and ,Mr. Jakie Jakeman our thanks for keeping the pool and park in such great shape this summer. JULY SESSION PASSED SENIOR A.R. Heather LeBlanc, Aline Maitland, Joe Daîrym-ple, Leslie Daîrymple, Evelyn 1\,cLareni, Ed Clarke and Jane Staples. BRONZE Leslie Daîrymple, Heather LeBlanci, Jane Staples, Ed Clarke and Evelyn McLaren. PASSED INTERMIEDIATE ROYAL IFE Mlike MVaitland, Joe Dalry- mnple and Dianne Stevens AUIGUST SESSION S UR HIMVA L ~Barb Gustar, Carol Chatt- erton, Irene Konzelman, Mîarg West and Lucille 'West. 14RE-BEGINNER TO) BEGINNER Cindy Den Hollander, Jeff Gray, Murray Greenwood, Bob) Hickey, Janet Lrwin, Cindy Keast, Billy1 Storsber gen, Micheal Vooys, Tim Wayricb, Ansar Ai, Lisa Stephens, Micheal Housley, RonySutcliffe, Janne Tamblyn, Nancy Tamblyn, Leslie Ann Barrabali, bisa Hoy, Stephanie Isert, Randy Reid, Mlarsha Keast, Rodney Storsbergen, Laura Ann Hickey, Lori Beckmian, Cor- rinne Boekee, Lorraine Dyk- stra, Lynda Merrick, Todd Bowers, Scott lrwin, Greg Pbilip, inda Stephens, Gor- don Hardy, John Cowan, Cathy Gorm-can, Clarke Glas- pel, Christine Hooper, Pattie Irwin, Colleen NlcLeod, Bren- de Rodd, Donald Stevens, Shelley Gray, Robbie Baker, Billy Greenwood, Steven Merrick, and Gregory Barra- bail. BEGINNER TlO JUNIOR Kathîy Bambrick, Nancy' Cowan, Elaine Falls, Bonnie Hardy, Kim I rwin, Donna Lowery, AMark Simmions, Sandra Simmons, Charlene Rodd, Willie Reid, Janet Stephenson, Stephen Crozier, Annette Ilancock, Bonnie Ir- win, Sharon Simpson, Tammny West, Irene Knetschi, Corrinee Long, Joey Sewveco, and Karen Irwini. JUNIOR TO INTERMNEDIATEF' Darlene Gordon, Mary bowery, Sherry West, Terry Moffatt, Gary Bridger, Rob- ert Harness, Ron Rambrick Duane Màajor, Paul Reed, Annette Stephenson, Diane Jacob. Tracy Reynolds, Susan Hiousley, NMegan Hurst, Marg West and Irene J(onzelmann INTERMEDIATE TO SENIOR, Barb) Gustar, Deanna Barn- es, Jim Lycett, bauriè West, Brent Clemens Bowmanville, August 20 - "Residential mortgage inter- est rates should be subsidized by the Federal Government to encourage new building this Faîl and.Winter and preveait anotber inflationary spiral in bouse prices next Spring,-' Walter Frank of W. Frank Real Estate Limnited suggest- ed. He noted that mnany home builders had cancelled plans for new developments in the second hallf of this year because of the record high costs of mnortgage financing - currently 12 percent. He predicted that the num- ber of newly completed but uinoccupied housing units would increase substantiaily la the second haîf of this year. "Those vacant uevi bouses will represent good value becau-,e their replacement costs are rising dramatically tbrough rampant inflation in building costs," MVr. Frank suggested. Mvr. Frank, wvho operates il offices east of MNetropolitan Toronto, noted that hiousing starts in Ontario declined 44 percent in July this year compared to last year - 6,531 against 11,666. New housing production in Ontario is down 10 percent for the first seven monthis of this year compared to hast year - 46,:338 starts of ahl types compared to 51,705. There wvere 110,536 units started in thec Province in 1973 and 102,933 in 1972. "Mlortgage loan approvals, whicb are a leading indicator of future construction activity Allow individual input, Durham regional councïl- lors will now be able to have "personal input" into councîl meetings, thanks f0 a motion, by Coun. Keith Ross (Oshawa approved by council Wednes- day. In the past meetings have started witb reports fromn the four standing ecmmnittees of c%ûncil. With very few excep- tions ahl recoTamendations in these reports originate witb regional bureaucrats rather than with elected council members. So much time is usually taken up debating these recommendations that couin- cil neyer gets around to motions from individual mnembers. "We as individual members should have the right te êontribute ideas for the bene- of council and the people of the region," Count. Ross told council. FRENCH TEACHER HAS BEEN HIRED Mrs. Michelle Sly will be the teacher for the Kindergarten French immersion programn which will bc beld in the C. R. Gummow Public School in Cobourg Mrs. Sly, who is 32 years of age, has over elev years experience in teaching kmn- dergarten in French to Eng- lish speakinf students. She has taught in North Bay, Carleton and Sudbury. Mrs. Sly has ber B.A. frorn Laurentian University and the certificate to teach French to, English speaking students. h ave slumped drastically. This mneans there will be a period in the last quarter of this year when bouse building (star-ts) will be at a virtual standstill while the number of new units on the mi-arket (,omnpletions) im-ay dcouble," MIr. Frank calculates. "House prîces in the Toron- to, area, which have declined between 5 to 10 percent fromn the peak reached at the end of the first quarter of this year, sbould remnain stable over the balance of 19ý74," Mr. Frank said. ÀÀBowever supply and dle- mnand dictates price and the supply of newv homies comning onto the market in early 1975 wvll be cut in haîf." "In order f0 avoid fthe situation which prevailed in the last 3 years, w'hen bouse prices generahly doubled be- cause of the critical sbortage and backlog of demnand, governiments \i11 be pressur- ed into stimiulating residential construction. Because oùr interest rate structure cannot be îsolated from international influences, this would bave to be done artificially through subsidyv - rather thani natural- -In any event there is consensus in the financial conmunity that interest rates have reacbed a peak and there is more evidence that. the economy requires the stimulus of easier money f0o avoid- recession in some sectors," MNr. Frank conclud- ed. THËIURS,. AUG. 29, 1974 ADLI Stories fromi Ontario by Germaine Warkentin Creative Watercolor Techn- iques by Zoltan Sxabio The Baveux Tapestry by Charles Hl. Gibbonis-Sithil (a 203) foot long tapestry depict- ing a Norman conquest) The One Hlander's Book by Ver-onica W"asham (a basic guide to activities of daily living') The House of a Thousand Lanterns by V'ictoria Hloît For, Fear of Little Men by John Blackburn (novel) JUNIOR Canadian Prime Ministers by J.R.H. Wilbur Pioneers by John Glbert Ail Color Book of Insects by Michael Tw,,eedie They MNystery of the Shrink- ing House by William Arden EAYREADING& PICTURE BOOKS Cowvboyý Sam- and Big Bill by Edna Chandler We Neyer Get to Do Anything by Martha Alexander sPR.XY\ED CEILINGS APP1LYING DRY WA1 LL, PL-ASTER REPAIRS Phone 983-5518 WaIIy Lucyk Hamniltons- Insurance Service Your Friendly Ageniy FOR Ail Personal & Commercial I nsurance SADIE HAMILTON SUE SAWYER JIM RARE For dependabie Service 983-5115 Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRA17 BOATS Allouette Snow Mobiles Meculloch Chxain2 Saiws Repairs to ail makes of Lawn M1owers and 2 and 4, cycle Engines ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES USTEfN FReN,ýîOS ZIFNDANFARUF ,EXCITrINO &ECTR/C Ht'A T/N GNEWS FOR e O rvllie Chatterton, Eleetical Contracting 983-5546 or 983-5940 4lroîio, Ontario Locally Growni Apples & Other Seasonal fruits and vegetables Home Baked Goods, £Pc.1,ý Anyone wishing to participate and seli their goods The Lions Club of Newcastle wilI hold an AUCT ION SALE Subsidîzed mortgage suggestedl by realtor

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