Another successful Summer Show bas gone into the records of the Orono Horticul- tural Society. On Thursday, August. 23rd, there were alrnost 300 entries brought in by the 26 exhibitors. 'All classes were represented ex- cept cosmos. There were more dahlias than some years and an excellent showing of vegetables. As usual we were pleased to have sorne of our new exhibitors show ing and carrying off prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink, of Hampton, were the capable judges and returned in the evening to give the reasons for their decisions and also give some helpful hînts. Recorded music entertain- ed throughout the evening, provide d by Ray, Dickson and Doreen Lowery. T he lunch comnmittee with Dorothy Bailey in charge served ight refreshments buffet style: WINNERS 0F SPECIALS Best Flower Arrangement in Show, donated by Mrs. Gam- ey e Mrs. Dorothy Holmes Best Peace Rose - donated by M r. and Mrs. Hesper Dean - Eileen Billings' Best Rose in Show, donated by George and Madeleine Buck- ley - Velma Watson _ýest Dahlia in show, donated k_"y George and Madeleine Buckley - Mary Tamblyn Best Gladiolus in show, don- ated by Mrs. Gamey - Myrtie Wood \. Best Basket of Glads - 15 spikes, donated by Mr. and Mrs. H. Jose - Carl Billings Best Vase of Glads, donated by Mr. and Mrs. H. Jose - Kay- Chapmnan Most points In vegetable section, donated by Carl Billings - Minnie Zegers Most points in flower section, donated by Mr. and Mrs. E. Milîson, - Velma Watson Highest number, of points in the entîre show for Novice Exhibitor, donated by Everett Brown - Mary Tamblyn 1 Special award for the rnost the show, donated by Eaton's of Canada - Myrtle Wood Window. Box and Planter Competition - Prizes donated by Mrs. Westney. Judged by Madeleine Buckley. Window Box-i1. Olive Milîson, 2. Alice Cobbledick, 3. Everett Brown Plants - 1. Gladys Moffat, 2. Dorothy Bailey and 3. Bernie- ce Moffat. Con1ms ideorinm The Regional Council of Durham has recommended that the region inform the province that they are consid- ering the provision of further day-care nurseries so that the province would be aware of this move. The region, how- ever, has not as yet decided just where these nurseries wouldbe and the matter is in the hands of the social services committee to make proposal to the regional council. The Region has until Sept- ýffnber sth to make a decision on construction of further day care centres. The committee and council feel that services are required in the Beaverton area as m'ell as the Bowman- ville-Newcastle area where such services are not now available. SThe Committee is to send another brief to council thisi time being more specific than1 in their recent report. IN DEMAND Mary Brown,, co-ordinator 300 ýexhibits at Orono filower show C, of day nursery services for the region, presented comm- mittee members with a report on the day care situation in the region which suggested demand for such facilities is strong in other areas beside Beaverton and Newcastle. SThe Whitby da~y care centre has a waiting list of 30 children and is receiving upto, 10 calîs per week requesting day care locations. In north Oshawa, "There has been a proven need for some considerable time," because of the density- of apartments, the report states. Mrs. Brown suggested plans for more facilities should include provisions for handicapped children where possible. She said a day care centre is expecially needed in the Newcastl e area in view of an almfost 75 percent increase in population within five years. A large percentage of the case load in the area consists of unmarried, separated or deserted wives who are moth- ers of pre-school children who have expressed a desire Ito go back to work if adequate child care was available. A survey of industries in the Newcastle area which employ 'omen shjowed three comp- anies - Honeywell, R.M. Flollingshe6ad of Canada Ltd. and J. Anderson Smith Co - "felt strongly that if day care Now-ls the Time Hurry before sehool starts .... we'll give you a new look for tail with one S of the very latest hair ~. styles. Corne in and gel a wash, eut and set. Time's a wastin'! Appointments are flot 'always needed as two operators will be available. SBEAUTY SALON TIMES, WNGUST 28th, 1974 -7 E. TRANSPORTATION by CHARTER WAYIS DaiIoy:* AUG. l5th to SEPT. Znid Schedule: ORONO TOWN HALL NEWCASTLE TOWN HALL- Orono an~d Newcastle: 1Aduits-$4.25 -r945 ~. - 9:3Ga.m. Children Under 12 Yrs. $.151 BUS TO STAY AT C.N.E. GROUNDS AND WILL LIA VE 30 MINU TES AIFTER THE EVENING GRANDSTAND SHOW. For Information- Cal!:» 623-3811 PANT SU VUS - DRESSES. Pant Suits for Faîl and new Style Dresses are rnaking their way to our racks. .........New Fali Slacks Sweater Tops and regular Tops have started to corne in. Running Shoes %.5 Ini ail sizes for Young4 people have arrived. TO CLEAR We are stili selling Men's Short Sleeve Dress Shirts at 25 percent discount Only sîzes 14-141/2-15-15%1.6-1.6% A RMS>'TRON G'S ORONO WEEKLY 1 N ewvc ast le po p ulatfionf ception over the participation of the Town in the Ontario Housing Action Program for specific areas in the municip- I r ju p 20 ,00 ality. He pointed out that this was only a study for housing Mayor Rickard in a recent other Town in the district, He of certain areas within the interview stated that if deve- attributed at this timne the fact rnunicipality and that at this lopers were allowed to devel- that' the local area 15 Urne no one could be sure of op their proposais the popul- unspoiled and there is consid- the resuits. He did stgte that ation of the Town of Newcast- erable land lef t virgin and the study would corne'east to le could well be 200,000 in a open for development. the Bennett side-road in the few years cornpared with the area of 401 Hwy. present, population of 30,000. Last Wednesday evening in Council is faced wîth requests Orono Mayor Rickard stated The Mayor also stated that at every meeting for tirne to that there was sone rniscon- i w ae adprhsr rnake proposal by developers were backing out of sorne of which, in the words of the the large purchases made in Mayor could srnoother the services were provided, more the area. municipality. wornenwould pursue erploy- He also felt that the district mentwit thm ad tey ereplan would be ready by 1975 Mayor Rickard also staed srn n hi eie htdy and this should give sorne that for the size of the Town care was a great need in theirdieto to hepang the number of requests for area. " dcomten totcoulncinLti sub-divisions is more than any The province will pay 100 alomtu ndto o tha . t is i percent of renovations and 80 loudrtodta hsi percent of new facilities. being scaled down to meet the target date. day-care for Newcastle area Oxford BRIC1{LAYERS Fireplaces - Chiminey-Repairs Almltypes of House Remodeling Ceamic Tules - Flagstones Pfatio "Slabs - Concrete Jobs PHIONE 983-5606 Monuments and, Faily Memorials Our quality and service teaves .nothing- te b. deired Ask the person who bought from us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative. The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone colleet V. W. RUTTER Office -885-5216 Home -885-5222