CLAUDIO PACLINI - ONE 0F YOUR MR. IGA'S IN TORONTO Freshly Mf ined, Beef ESSEX, SWEET PICKLEIJ Cottage Rolis MEATY, PO RK Side Spare Ribs Ls. 980 SUGAR PLUM, RINDLESS SLICEIJ Side Bacon 'P-KG.113 TABLERIE Wieners LE. HALF CRYO VAC ,13 98 MAPLE LEAF ASSDRTED 1L Cooked Meats - P 99G' SWIFT'S PREMIIJM BN' Polish Sausage PIEE LB. SWIFT'S PREMIUM -OVEN RAT 79l' I CtOrneu 13eeî LB. 11.5 LIBBY'S DEEP BRDWNED (IN TOMATO SAUCE> Beans withPorko 19-FL.j Dz- TIN1 N ASSORTEIJ VARIETIES PeekFrean 'Biscuits 7/2 TO 8-DZ. PKGS EA 39 PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. CAN. NO). GRADE CRISP, LOCAL GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE LOCAL GROWNUli, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, Celery Stalks 2,FOR49 Cabbage 21FR 3a SWEET It JUICY, SIZE 11i2's PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. CANADA PR ODUCE 0 FBRE P. 0 F SOUJTH AFR CA FANCY GRAD0E Û'utspnOagsDZ9 aetPas LB 39ï i O,,.,,,,,,,,.,., OC.,, O.p. Student'9s Breakfasts. Whe1, students return to schooi euch S e ptmber, Our attention tomns to their clotliing nreds and curriculum. But hom about their dietary habits and nutritionai needs? For instance. poing te school without breakfast is likecanoeing without a pudle. Students miro dont breakfast (remember: the mordI meuns breakîng the fast) suffer tihe mid-mo0mie9 siumps, thus slomîrrg dome cbnsiderabiy by 10 a.m., and affecting preformaance and weii being. Studeîî rieir "perilous teens- should be specially encouraged te breakfast. Toc, mai'y teenagers, almays in a hurry, skîp this mout important muai of the day, then. ciroose snacks ieaded with fats and sugar for a quick pick-up. Parents can heip iry settîng good eatîng enamàples, avoîdîng menotocous and i rartractîce breakfast foods. Keep on irand fruit and juices, hot or coid cereuls boran fiaked, rouned oars, shredded mireat, etc.), mîlk shakus, enrîcired bread and relis, cineese, coid curs, etc.,ise attractise dîsires and place mats te enhance thre at- mosphere, if possible. Mos. Green is available ta talk "shopping" to groups. Cali 259-6633 or write - 300 The East Mail (isi. Toronto, Ontaro MgB 6à8. SWAN FRENCH'S (ASSTD. VARIETIES) Lquid BANDED PACK fl ambuirger, OF 2x24-FL. O .LI Detergent OZ PToSTIFixmný 7 O 812 O (REGULAR . SUPER OR UNSCENTED) MISS BRECK Haîrspray AIEE WEI.CWS FROZEN (CONCEN rRATED) Grape Juice LED D'OR FROZEN union Rings SHDPSY (4 VARIETIES) FROZEN Meat Entrées 51 HUMPTY DUMPTY (REG. OR RIPPLE) 8 OZ Potato Chips RDWNTREE SMARTIES, AIRO BARS, CDFFEE CRISP OR KIT KAT 4Z 90?s Candy Bars GLAD POLY 3 ~ i Sandwich Bags MIRACRAFI PKGS39C Lunch Bags B oz 9 FR ENCH 'S Prepared M ustard IGA REGULAR OR DIET <ASSO RTED FLAVORS) Soft Drinks ROM PER 16F 2o n jAn 2 0 BCa t Food CASE OF 24a. 10 FL. OZI TINS E9-RH ~ ASSORTED FLAVORS (SLEEVE OF 4 x 5-FL. OZ. CUPS) 4ý-B GR 47el Laura Secord Puddings 69* WHDLE DILLS (NO GARLIC) OR BOX ' xPOLSKI OGORKI 3-L F0F75 Ri OZ, JARPikle 3 F - Dick5 OZckesJA ) PKG. 1 o PILLSBURY QUICK 0F 20 8 OZJL. 6 o i>resceni nuiis PKG*j AR MSTRONG'S TIN PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. THRU SAT., SEPT. 4 TO 7th WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT UANTITIES KRAFT CANADJAN "SINGLES" Sizices 16-z. 7c PKG r POWDEREDlIM -Sunlight Detergent -Aff ami,