Youth KiIIled In Car Accident Th'le communlity wasgreatl Io\\ing the sudden death of i Stev en John itchell.] , 500 otf'~' Mýr. and MrS. Albert M(ihll< an autmlobile acciÀdent oni the Lakeshore r'o'iad'tWe, y ville a-rounid 9.00pm.ria evening. A passenger in the car David Ard, son of Mýr. anid Mrs. ames Ard of1R. Nr Orono, escaped anyv serious O injury and was able to seek helpfollowing the accident. Steven Mitchell was ther diver of the car wh en i t went1 out of control raming through *a fence, and coming to rest against the stone foundation of a nearby% bal-in. Steven is thoughtý l to havn, died iitstantiy. The body rested at Barlow Funeral Home with the funer- ai service being held fromn the Lang Memorial Chapel on Monday afternoon. Rev. B'. Long officiated at the funeral with interment ini the Orono Cemetery. The deceased leaves to mourn his death, his parents in Orono and two sisters, Margaret (Mrs. Herbert Bra- dley, Orono and Barbara, (Mrs. Bert Sine) of Newton- ville., Brown'S School Sold The 'school board has ac- cepted an offer by the Town of Newcastle council to purcha- se Brown's Schooi on behaîf of the Brown's Community Cen- tre Association. The price will be $19,000 with credit allowed for rent p ayments totalling $1,650. The association has operat- ed the community centre ai the old Brown's school since November, 1972. T~~I~L IMES, SEPTEMBER 4thi,194 Big program for children at the, fair -The Durham Central Agri- Scultural Fair in Orono which -is open to the public for two f~ full days has Fridayý, Septem- -ber 6th set aside as children's day. To gain the interest of the 1 children the board and coin- mittee have arranged a'num- -ber of events and competi- It tions which should attract the eapproval of especially public school children. The day opens with a parade to leave the Orono Public School grounds at 1:30 p.m. Prizes will be given for decorated bicycles, for baton twirling 'and for decorated floats. Eve 'ryone entering in any of the above eveutts will receive a prize with additional 'ýý ' ' ' 1prize money being granted to Those interested in ente kh ri3ipenv pa the top three placings in each any of the events may o] ~ U~?JJ îIIII I, event. more information from1 JUDO DEMONSTRATION AT ORONO FAIR-Mr. John The events of the day also school this week. Peeters of Oronio and his club members are holding a Judo demionstrationi at the Orono Fair, The evênt will be coniductedO ron4oau d ae Friday afternoon and Saturdayý afternoon infront of the 9 uld e s ern grandstand. A new event for the fair. BODY FOUND AT GARDEN -HILL-The body of a young man, Camieron Bruce, 20, of, Toronto, was found by picnickers at. the Garden Hill Conservation Park last Thursday aft1ernoon. The body was found in a car. No foui play is sujspýcted but the cause of death has not bc charred body found in car-The charred body of a Trentonl womian, Mrs. Isobel D)efosse was found partially behind the steering whe-el of the burnt car a few miles south-east of Brigbton. The post m-ortem revealed the cause of dleath to be carbon mionoxide poisoning. Police have almost ruled out fouIl play . The Defosse fami-ily owned a cottage in the area of the inucident. A BUSY WVEEK-END W'Aith the production of fhe Orono Fair in Orono and the Oktoberfest celebration in Newcastle it shiould prove to be a busy week-end in this area. wekectcamping On Friday afternoon, Aug- ust 23rd, eleven girls and two leaders of the lst Orono Guide Companiy pitched their tenfs for- the weekend at Creekside Camip ini Orono. Shortly after all the bedrools and suitcases were under cover ramn caught uip with us, but with a large, dywoodpile, we cooked supper and had many laughs. Aftier al our work we enjoyed gamies and a campfire in the Strday saw everyone in.- volved in camp activiîties .ering )btain their including, besides, the cook- ing, dirty dishes, refilling woodpiles andwae pails, a mapand compass exercise, a nature hunt, gadget making and a craft. Lunch was a hilarious utensil meal- have you ever eaten weiners and beans w'ith tongs or butter ed your bnwiha carrot peeler? During the wee hours of the niighit the leaders in H-ead-ý quarters tent lost'their auth- o rity whien their s.-ign was exchanged for the one belong- AerobaticSihow Preludes Fai r îed on page 3) Last Wednlesdlay evening the Orono Park was a beehive of actiity ith the lprooton of the annual Beef Barbecue, snsedjointly by 'the Orono Chamiber of Commercee and the Recreaitional Depart- mnent of the Town of Newvcast- le. The Beef Barbecue first aippeared on the scene in 1967 wvhen the Orono Park Board sponsored the event as an attraction for, the -centennial year celebrations. It a great success in 1967 as it was this year wAith almnost an equial numiber in ateda fe I s estimnated thatl close to 600ý were n attendance on Weud- nusday to devýoUr the '-no pounds of barbecued beef. In addition this year the event was billed as "Newcas- tle Day in Orono", and with support from the Tw' Recreational Departmnent iii providng entertainment the interest mouinted over thatý of the past few years. Politiians fromi alI levels of gobvernment were conspicuous thLlroughout the crowd. MyrRickard who hald promoted the idea of "A NwateDay in Orono". wýas pleased w..ith the resits andï look-s to niext year withi aI(dded]ttralction]s suh S sporting eventwsand gam-tes. The en-itertainment was î('oi 1nued on page 3) Dle urhlam Central Agricul- tural Fair being held in Oronio this week-end nirer a 'tw& pand a haîf day perimd startfs off withl a flair on hurda evenling wtha ew ,,featuIre. Sharp at 7.00 pm.on Thursday evening thie Carling Aeroba tic Team i ll present a 30 minuite air show above the grouinds of the- Orono 1Pair. The teamn of, well qualified pilots wijl present their for- lmatin flying and aerobatics in their popular red and white aircraft. This program will be follow- ed by a variety show in front of the grandstand. The pro- gram will be presented by a ladies comedy group, the Flora-Doras. The group has1 been, well received in other areas andi this is expected to hold trute for the local audience. Also on Thursday exening theure will be the repceat perfor-mance of 'the teami drawing.- contest for both heavy and light horses, The program for Thursdaiy evening is certainly designied to interst everyonie. The fair proper opens Friday afternoon with ail the exhibits in the variu o*sclasses being on display both in the drlill shed and out on the grounds. Friday evening harness rac- ing takes ovèr to complete the Friday program. Saturday, is possibly the main day of the fair, again with its mnany events thirough- out the grounds and bef ore t he grandstanid. The fair concludes with a grandstand show on Satur- day evening along with a dance to be held in t.he fair building in Orono. Aeobrc4haebenperformed for as aigrovo of aîrcraft perorming seemingly Air Shows and other events ýsuch as THE DISPLAY log s lr arolaehas beer n n vis îmosiblevolutions in close formation- country and fafl fairp. agriculture[ com. tence fie C7arlrrg Aerobatic Team is a group petitrons, carnimals etc. may request the The Caring Team is the iffl, o im ea losplîr ntorw- pairs fort As ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u sota a oudfyh redeey o or prfessio na! p lots highly trained team to add exciting demonstrations of cKiian aerobýatic team tn Notth Aeria pecson hammerhaud turcTwn f h co enalemeh o mnouve n ithe rt 0f close frmaioo aerobatics. formation aerobatîc flying to their event, Part of the te 1,ms d 'i- !,,ncuds ns-emoe (d fficuIt manoeuvres ro perýform in whîl- oadeoenbotrhairratad The aircrft'tr nw factý'rny proacedThere is no charge for the appearance of Carling Aerobat[c Teanm and otîef Jgore 8Poosn oxfo xformatio"are te SlowPolia îimoheextreme 1 ,iraI a nr Pits S 2As pec'Ificaliy designed for the Carling Aerobatc txam. ltis supplied Caln 'efBrwrsTiH- R('Mi Br-.. rcgris st aenveroften reulre ,aerbat1,-dîsple, - r. simply to assist in makîng local hommu- CrigOefeBeeisti thee,ïap,,,dwereirraf teBrrl PlI r tt improve r- t reit made t ma The CurIng Aerobatic Team is avalableintv enýts as successful as possible. For 79 St CliirAvenue auChae.heSaprionBusweev chin un tehgiuesro ny rgaiza onfor lmosr any com fuirtherýinformationonboolringtheCarling Toroýnto. nfrr 0 4,iM6atrcaftpasseacho thertroposrirec To ~ ~ ~ ~ ï, ths h ao rm tgrund m1nîry utor ent. where iris practi eobtcTeam, pIease write or cal Phcne (416> 921 -4111 troswîl ongasaprî th1rearf,,thîgs n t tl- thar cf o ut or ar air dîsplay. 600 attend Orono beef barbecue SLOW EOLL kf 5È -Ar (ContinU incl ude a pet show open to Grade 8 students as of June 1974. In the show a student has a choice of il classes in which to compete and exhibit their pets. The classes range from the largest cat to the smallest kittens, dogs, trained dogs and to the most unusual pet. There are also five contest events which include nail driving, slow bike race, three legged race, sack race and a tug-o-war. The latter has à single prize of $10.00 for the winning team. To conclude the, children's program there will be a talent show with suitable prize money for the top three acts in the show.