(Continujed from vag e 1), 61M ATTEND ORONO BEEF BARBECt9E provided by Fay Adams and bis western group along with solo efforts b y Tommy Gustar and is guitar. The evening even produced some square dancing. on the turf. OVER $1,400.00 Mr, C. Gun t er treasurer of thie Orono Chamber of Com- merce reported that tickets sales had reached a total of $1,430.00 which is consider- able above that of last year whien the event was hindered by a drizzle of ramn. Winner of local draw, CLIFF BRUTON WINS )0-50 DRAW Mr. Cliff Bruton of Orono was the winner of the 50-50 Draw held in conjunction with the Annual Beef Barbecue. The winning ticket was drawn by Allan Lawrence, M.P. for Durham. It is reported that Mr. Bruton's share amounted to $153 .00. DON'T FORGET THE HARNESS RACES AT THE FAIR FRIDAY EVENING Friday nigbt barness racing with full pari-mutual wager- inig-returns to the Orono Fair this Friday evening. Plan to be on band. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral j Charge 411 Minister Rev. B. E. Long B.Th. ORGýANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR S Douglas Deweil SUNDAY, SEPT. 8,1974 ORONO UNITED CHURCUi Church School - 10: 00 a.m. Rally Sunday for alclasses Mornîng WVorsbip - 1: 15 a.m. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Mornfing Worship - 9:45 a.m. Chuitrch Sehool -11:00 a.m. DiaI-A-Thought 983-91,51 (Continiled from page 1) O)RONO GUIDE NEWN'S ing to the Junior Leaders in Hindquarters tent. So the Junior Leaders were served the first haif of their breakfast in bed on Sunday, butwere so slow crawling out, they bad to cook their own French toast fat er! They conducted "Guid- es Own" for us at chapel at 10 a.m. Guestý.at lunch were Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Heard, owners of reekside Camp. We all feel we are a very lucky company of Guides to have their site miade available to us for camping. "Thank you", to the Junior Leaders- Laura, Wendy and Chris for aIl their help. It was their Camp Leader Badges that made it possible for us to get permission to hold this camp. Two other girls, Janice Heard, and Rose Marie Tax also earned this very difficult badge in dune. DURHAM AGRI NEWS DURHAM 4-H CLUB ACHIEVEMENT DAYS HELD AT BLACKSTOCK -On, Saturday, August 24tb, five of the County 4-H Clubs held their annual Achievement Days in conjunction with the Blackstock Fair. The Achie- vement Days are held each year to provide the opportun-' ity for members to show their pro jects and 'exhibits that' they have been working on during the 4-H Club year. With ideal weather conditions pre- vailing during the fair, a large number of people did watcb the Showmranship Classes in the Livestock Clubs and took a look at the Club Exhibits that were on display in the arena. A total of 22 4-H'ers took part in the 4-H Beef Club ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion- First and Third Sundays. Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays HcIy Baptism by appointment wýith Rector 987-14-!5 Rev. H. Robert Ilayne,, B.A., .Th. oltoN( WEEKLY TIMES, SEPTEMBR 4th. 1474 -3 Councils to express Drvrf ed1 planning opinion, Durham.'s eigbt area mun- icipal counci s hàve been given until S'ept. 20 to reply and comment on a 12-page report.by regional administr- ator William Manning. The report outlines the administrator's view of the role to be played by both area and regional councils in planning matters. In the report, Mr. Manning comments that the purpose of regional government in the first- place was , to move planning away from area control, and allow a broader "overview." $16 TO $12,000 TO REPAIR BALL'S MILL DAM Engineers have esti'ma.ed it will cost $10 to $12,000 to repair Balî's MiII dam washed out in July by a flash flood. The work of the repairs is expected to be complete this faîl. Sbowmanship and type class- es in the Junior Beef Show- manship which is'open to, 4-H members 15.years.of.age and under. DennisYellowlees of Enniskillen was the winner, followed by Wendy Cornish of R.R.5, Bowmanville. In the senior, Showmanship Section for the Beef Club, Jim Smith of R.R.1, Enniskillen was the winner, with Mary Cornish of R.R.5 Bowmanville as the Reserve Champion Senior Sbowman. The top four Beef Sbowmen- were then called back into the ring and in the competition for Champion and Reserve Champion Beef S'howman overaîl, Jim Smith was picked as the winner; with Mary Cornish in second place. The 4-H Poultry Club bad their exhibits on display in the arena. These consisted of tbree selected birds from the flocks of the members were raising during the year. In first place in the Poultry Club was Pauline Taylor of R.R.1, Enniskillen, followed in second by Melany Moore of RWR.2, Orono. For the first time this year, a new club in the County, the 4-H Conservation Club had their member displays at the fair. The individual member displays for the Conservation Club were made Up of leaf samples of trees found in Durbam County. These prov- ed to be well done and were viewed by a good number of people who, passed through the arena. The -top Showman in the Sheep, Swine and Beef Clubs will be going on'to take part in further Showmanship Competitions to, be held at the Durham CentràarFir, Orono, on Friday, September 6' Judge for the day was Mr. Bill Sutherland from Bowmanf- ville, who did an excellent job of placing the classes and pointing out to members, areas in which they could improve in the overaîl area- of livestock showmanship. 'Ai I xnentioned, the Achievement Day is the highhight of the year for 4-H club memnbers and once again this year, proved to bie hîghly success- fui. "The strongest reason be- hind the restructuring of local government is to establisb a capacity for local governmenit to take a'broad view of its resources and priorities," Mr. Manning says. "Co-operation and under- standing between the region and areas will permit plan- ning to move forward at eacb level in a reasonably inte- grated manner," he adds. The report reviews changes in planning rules wbicb came into being when regional government was born in this area at the first of the year. The acquisition of about 1,300 acres of land at Brooklin by the Ministry of Housing bas been of no help at ahl as far as stabilizing land prices in Durham planning and development committee de- cided last Tuesday. The land was bougbt by the province as a land bank, wîtbout consultation -with the region. The committee adopt-1 ed a motion by Coun. AIlex, Roberts (Pickering) calling on-regional council.to "object' to the action. Wben the land purchases were announced some weeks ago by Minister of Housing Donald Irvine, be said, "part of our strategy was to cool out- the speculative land activity.' Coun. Mike Breaugb (Osh- awa) commented Tuesday that the strategy bas not worked. Neither the assembly of a land bank nor the new speculative tax measures have resulted in any improve- ments in Durham be said. Coun. Breaugh was partiý cularly critical of the govern- A Petawawa man wbo was' involved in a two-car accident dune 9th in which two Leskard sisters were kiîled, netted,$375 in fines when he pleaded guilty to two separate charges in Bowmanville provincial. court last week. Gerald L. Armstrong 44, of 13 Victoria St., was charged with driving with more than the legal amount of alcohol in the blood -and driving an unsafe car following police investigation of the accident on Hwy 115 and 35. Heather Gail Gerrow, 12 and her sister LoisEllen, 18 ment's statement that the land purchases "should not be interpreted as a prelude to development at these locat- ions. The sites were acquired for land banking and we have no immediate plans for their development." Committee members wond- ered how, taking land, off the TENDER YOUNG - PLUMP Quartered Chickens IMPORTED SHOULDER CUT (FROZEN) TENER Pork Liver 11EAY Pork IHocks BY THE 1'IECE - RIND ON Bacon Kraft Cheese Slices 16 oz. SINGLES pkg. 99c unlight Liquid Detergent 65e (PREPRICED 79ü) 32 oz. - onlly CORN ISH'S ORONO 983-5201- both died as ,a, resuit of injuries suffered in the accid- ent. The accident occurred about 11/2 miles south of the junction of Hwys. 115 and 35. Court was told, the brake pedal on the Armstrong vehicle was unsafe and the brake shoes needed adjust- ment. He was fined $350 and costs and was prohibitied fromn driving for one year on the drinking driving charge and $25 and costs on the charge of driving an unsafe vehicle. market and reducing, the supply of developable landin Durham will reduce land prices. "We go to a great deal of staff and committee time trying to be fair over a six-acre land'division, then they throw this at -us," complained Coun. Allan McPhail (Brock). "If they are, going to do the planning around here why bother having a region," he added. lb. 68c lb. 98c Mb. 49c, lb. 39e lb. $1.18 . e local fatal accident Land acquistion not lower price The Up-to-Date Junction of Highways 115 &35 DIRECTIONS: Turn rlght on the ( Oirst side road, then follow road straight tili it forks then turn left. 8aà.m. -, 12.00Onoon 4 p.m. - 10.00p.m. MON DAY TO F RI1DAY SATU RDAY 8-5 Telephone 983-9437 Attention Farnuers!! WHY PAY MORE? YOU SAVE TWICE WITH TRIM AND PRICE (BOSTON STYLE) PorkButtRumoasts lb.'79c TENDERY MEATY - THICK CUT Pork Butt.Chops lb. 89C LEAN WELL TRIMMED - 7 RI B CUT - COUNTRY Si -LE Pork Ribslb. $1.18