.Y~~~~1 TIE.SPEBr tV,97 vri 4-H Achievemen't Stacks THR.SEPT. 5111, 1974 've Lived Through fiAil by Emanuel Shinwell (sevenIty years in the political arena of England) Dream Book by Evad Aras (how f0 interprit your dreamns Politîcal Parties and Ideolog- ies in Canada by William Christian nd Colin Campbell Thinking Goes f0 Sehool by H ans G. F1orth11& Harry Wachls (Piaget's theory in practice) Nun's Castie by Jennie Mel- ville(yteyrmn) .TneTailor, Soldier, Spy by Jon Le Carre JtUNIOR Pioneer Settlementsnin Upper Canada by Edwin C. Guillet Satellites in Outer Space by' Isaaè Asimov Monster Museumi by Alfred Hitchcock Orange Wendy by Maureen Stewart EAISY READING & PICTURE BOOKS Quiet! There's a Canary in the Library by Don Freemnan. On Beyond Zebra by Dr. Seu'ss MAýDELEINE IHAD1)LEY I Orville Chatterton Electrical Cotracting 983-5546 or 983-5940 Ojrono, Ontario Hanîlitons Insurance Service Your Friendly Agency FOR Ail Personal & Commercial Insurance SADIE HAMILTON SUE SAWYER JIM RARE For dependable Service WATSOIN'S Marine and (Cycle PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Allouette Snow Mobiles Mcculioch Chabn Saws Repiairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues ALLOIJE¶TE SNOWMOBILES Day at Orono Fair 4-H ACHIEVEIMENT DAYS UP-COMING IN TH1E COUNTY - Five of the 4-H Clubs helal their Achievemient Days at thg Blackçsfock Fair on the 24th. The 4-H Dairy andl Field Crops Clubs will be having their Achievemient Days at the Durham Central Fair in Orono on Friday, September 6th and 7tb- At the same ime, the 4-H Rabbit Club will also be holding their Achievement Day in conjun- etion with the large rabbit show that is going to be held at the rono Fair. 4-H Clubs will also have their club exhibts on display in the 4-H and Junior Farmer lent exhibit area in thie infield of the fairgrounds, analvwe would encourage as many people as possible to take a look at these exhibits and see the work that~ bas gone into themn. The themie for this years exhibit is, -Durham County Agriculture - Past anal Pre- sent", and this shoulal lead to a numnber of good exhibitls from ail clubs. Once again this year, the Cou-nty Champ- ionship Showmanship Comn- petition will be helal at Orono; this involves club mlembers fronm the Reef, Sheep, Swine and Dairy Clubs, who com- pete for the honour of being selected as Top Livestock Showmian in thle Countly. The Hope Caif Club will be holding their Ac:hievement Day in conjunction wt the Port Hope Fair on Saturday, Sept- ember l4tb, and wý,e want f0 encouIrage ail parents and frienals f0 corne out and. support the young people as tbey fake part in their Achlievemient Days. Thfe 1fin- aie for 4-H Club mnembers in the County wOIll be the Inter-County Chanipionship Show to be helal in Lindsay on Th-ursday, Septemrberlth This brings together top 4-H memnbers and calves from ,a five-couinty area to compete in, various lîvlestock and Show- mnanship Classes. This is the highlight of the year, for 4-H miembers who do get the opportunity f0 take part and we woufld éieouirage ail par-' ents f0 go up f0 Lindsay and observe one of the top 4-H shows in the province. "eI A lot of people went L camping on1 their holidays tbbs Ssummner. It was a great waý' to get awýay fromn the hectic pace of the'ity, and get back to the good things of nature. or The Boy Scouts of Canada I0 bas always been keen on camping. Scouts experience camping skjlls at an earlv age, and providing opportun- ities for using natural resour- ces to the fullest is one of -Scouting's fun-,damnenta]ls. With a great numiber of people taking up camping these dayýs, th)ere, is a need for the Boy Scouts to share thei knowledge. A pilot project, "Scouting in the Parkis," was conducted during the sumier by the Boy Scouts, undier a *grant from thie "Youth in Action" program of the Ont- ario Governmnent. Visitors ta Earl Rowe PrvnilPark near Aliston, Ont. were able, for the first time, to utilize thic camping know-how oftw Ro0veý'r Scouts. Donald MacDonald, 18, and Daniel Bry'ant, 19- both students - provided servi -ce and assist- ance to park visitors frotn their Camper Service Centre. The two Rovers spent ahl summi-er helping people to set uIp tents, build campfires, and operate portable camipstoves. Hlundreds of people, tryving *camping for, the first time, were aýssiste-d, andl the Rovers hielpeal t o make their camping experiences more enjoyable. Working on Scouting i the Parks rmeant not uni y vsorting out camipers' problemns, but dealing with various organiz- ations and government agen- G.W. DRY WALL. SPBYEDCEILI NGS ,PPLINGDRYAI. PL1ASTER REP1AIRS Phone 983-55 18 WaIIy Lucyk It cies. Donald comnplained of s. being swamrped wîtbi paper- Y work - reports in triplicate, c officiai forms, andl su on. He k was heard m-uttering, There are more people wxriting reports on this tbings... (th-at iincludes, I assumne, pe-ople e wýriiting stoies for niewspap- 7ers) f Daniel said bis job was frustrating somnetimes. Oc- r casionally, they would be awakenied at 2 a.mn. witb -orders to eject the town dr-unk r fromn the park. Daniel was responsible for handicraf t sessions, besides assisting *Donald in many of the demonstrations. Wfhat is the future of Scouting in the Parks.? The success of the pilot project bas yertof0be determined, ail of' tbe ag5encies involveal are in *the process of analyzinig their ininumerable reports. An ear- ly evaluation, though, shows that ilfv-was an unqualifical success. Those closely involv- e'd wifh Scouting in flie Parks want te see il expanldealin future years f0 include more Provincial Parks - and in other provinces, too. If looks as if a Boy Scout Camper Service Centre will become a familiar sigbt to campers, as more and more people take up the activity every year. TlO AGAIN CONSIDER BOUNARYCHANGES Thle four MunIicipaiies of HoeTownshý1ip, Hamiilton Tonsipte Towýn of Port Hlope anal Cobourg are heing callleal f0 a rùleeting on] Septmber911h f0consider new boudaries frlte 1four munLIIicipaýlities. Tire meeting is being scalleal by the counicil ofHamiflton Township. Reti rement set ai 60 Nec:tefimllane comlmit- tee has vot~ed 1to make retirement forreuafi- men and the Newýcastle fire( chief comp Vlory at ge 6ý0. Chief Jamles IHayman will be a1ppr.oached if() (d-c idý1e ( what retirenmentprcdue should hbe followe d for the' 'The town Ihad rviul en)acteýd a blw mkn retiremient a fol eane pensin - andaory t ;age 6 and for t !that65Bt thqe Policy will be chaniged to fo]low \the Ontarjio Munlicipafl Emiiployees Reiement y- stem if towýn couincil agrees. Town ýouncil will also)be asked to accept an aend(j ment alowing'Ç the precsent chiefJme. ayaf0 stay, on after age 60, thecmite decidedi. Newc(astle bastwýo h fuîttIe tireni Trent extension courses Trent Univerýsity this ea for the firnst time is extendinig somle extension coursesite Town of Port FHope. The courses includje Science Farers Cobourg f0 ochete ad bas witen f llboth thecouncuil of Cobourg and dcheser. r. Edmnl Melneris hopeful of res-toring thilis oneé finie suiccessfl teprsein thje iswtrit The ship broker ba's a ship sitable for. the(,service which a s reefyprhsdin- S(olan)d. If would hold a t otl of 43casanlcar 200 paseges.The ship ba),s a speed of 15 knots. M.Mleger safstht filsvie wold re lee travel time between these tao area,ýs.He epet o me SiAbmembers do heCobourg ,ounicil in thie veryý neair futu1 re. IXWCAITLE and DISTRICT CIIAMB ER 0 F COMMERCE Market at2:O00P. M. Locally Grown Apples & Qîfler Seaýsonal fruits, and veqetabIs Home Baked Goods .rc Anyone wishing to participate and sell their goods Telephone 987-4202 - 5229 - 4789 Special Note: The Lions Club of Newcastle wili hold an AUCTION SALE in the affernoor, as drn additionaî event. Scouting assist in provincial parks OxfordBRCLY S Fireplaces - Chimney Repairs Ail types of House Remlodeling Ceramic TOces - Flagstones Patio Slabs - Conc-rete Jobs Q NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HýALL Saiturdaiy, September 7 -. 3Ird ANNUAL. NDEIdNEWCSTL DISTRICT m.m EADL CRAMSýE 1<1DISTRICT~ COMMEPCE UC-4AM 0 COMMERCIE GERMAIN FOODAVAILABLE FROM4.OOp.m. Dance 8 p.M. to 1 a.m. Gierman Band Door Prize costumes Optional Ticket Reservalions: $4.00 per person Telephonle 987-4202 - 5229 - 5187 - 4266 Table Reservations Held Until 9.00 p.m. OnIy Tickets are Limited COME AND HAVE FUNH! 777,7777777-7 7ýr 101, social Tepy200. The, fir-st cour-se rqires)noprecv- iouls îuniversity e'ducaltion lf is an nroutoycourse. 'Thec secý-onal oure oes IrequireC somle priorknweg in thle subjecf . BOWMMANV11,11ECOURSE hn Bowmanvmi!ltlite Uivr-- s iy 1is offering a study! in C anadian Liferaýt ure wi th English 36;(0. Applcaton orms an ýd cal- endar-s ard avilale by, wriinlg AMrs. E Piphier at Trent Uniersify or phloing- 7481 1428.